Resolution 05643I 0 0
SOCIAL 002.001LE 20AED.
yistavi3ions of ArtEEle 7, of tipE Chairtdh of TEE City of Altatted5y and opou .505txas-
gppointod to tPs office of tretliber of the Socil. Service Beard. of the City. pf
Aipmeaa for Y. term 50,i:dancing on luly i957, anP sEhirIng on. ,June 30, 1960,
End to serve thsir ttotteessor :13 5ppotE:ted, ord i5 phEElfied„
t5E undersi6nEd, hereby certify that the foregoiEz jlesolittiEn wets
oudy Hto ret-iiityrgy int:ear:Jilted ttEtt adootPd by tHe Council of TEE Ojty of Aismed5
in adj5orrhd roEulEr mcating ttstemblEti pn tEE 25th dfiy of fund, 1957, by the
following vte, to wit'.
AY1,03: Couhcifiten SireemsE, sp,agy, Eeterspn, ocntschl, 5nd
SresldEnt ricCati, (5),
iN on:U.:NESS ',/hlbnithCO, EEve hrsunte set ,Ey hand 5nd affixed. the
effibeibej coo)1 of Oc.Ity this 5Tith day Eft 1957.
I. hereby. certify th5n the forehoing is P t e aEE corrPon. coTy of
22osolotion Ed. 5t043, APPOINTING MEMEEHS OF THE SOCIAL SEEA_EE 90AHT.,.5 introdEced
and. edppted bp. the Council on thE 25th dot!. of Junp, 22E57.
ThEeix. pt the uiTy o2 EiatHeoa--
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