Resolution 05654RESOLUTION. LIG. 5654 F.YeSOLUTTCY 07 TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 07 ALAITEDA. AISAPerteils BILL NO. 186E RELATING TO. CL.YESTOT Pliii.NEINE LAW ALtD RE9WESTING PEAD WRG1.11.7.• THAT THE G07:2ror. OF' TITS STALL'. OF cALIFOLIA SILT, mOR Efl FL EWACTED LTER, LAW. tROTESEAS, there has been presented to the Soverner of the State of California for eis sisoature Assembly No. 366E, relatine to tne creation and. operation •of a ',district Plannins. Law; and WEARS:EATS, tho Counxii of the Cit7, of Alameda. is aware of tee contents of esid. AIR 1,86.0 and. hereby deciai-es that tne enactment of such law will not ba Lc the benefit of tEe City of Alameda; NOW iTELISIWATEE, BE re FESOLVED THE COUNCIL el7 TEE CITY OW' ALAYSDA that the Governor of thw t5tate of California is herebt,.'. regnEsted and urged to take still. actinns necessary to the end that AIR 1d60 nor become a lets of the State of California; and. the Citds Clerk. of the City of Alameda. is fterety dinected to transnLt to the GEMernor of tfte State of California a certified. copy of thAs resolution, * * * * * * * * * * I, the sEdersisned, hereby certify thst tne foredtoiwg S.esoltition was dials. and revularly introduced. End adopted Ets tee Counnil of the City of Alameeds In ra7o1,Er meetirds assembled on tee 2nd day of Lolly, 1957, tts the followTott vote, to •wit: AYES: Councilmen Freeman, Haag, Petersen, Schttdrit and. President M.Eciall, (5). NOES: None. AS,LUPTITE: None. tiltleEtt,t1 9ASARECYCL T have hereunto set rty hand and afwelndni ter; offei- cial seal. of said City this 3rit dav of Jaint, 15510 SF:IRIS:EY P.E. C Clerk sir t 7.7:1Th73.7, a 1 Eercby Est tne Rorsdoin, is a fill, trot tn, Adirece coiy of ilsooloilcL EL. u6sE, al,,,(,,PYJol.; 0, .=RtCh,..0 RiSAFAt0EiLE ASA,EEltA 'CI'S' Ed. 9LLC sEL,TLER DISEPTef 7dinl.:T.1" Lew itAw -E AsIttdASTER, 1E9 "0 0P, 01 'ee ShTCT e“-.1.1:0eTLe 2e, %Am.) SETEL nE,' TE sr SSIC'AD IfrO tiw, LEeodrdeC are nderted, en e"d fl,ty hi: 0' tid 2od de- cid doL:„, 0 *-• til:13 titie of nlameda I 4 1