Resolution 05656RESOLUTION' 70. 5656 A ERSOLITTICY DEZIONATTTd. TRH NITHER OF' AND PROVIDING. FOR TEE COMPENSATION OF' (YaTAIN °FT.:WI-SEEP AND OTHE.F. EN'PLOYEES OF THE CITY OF Selnele.E7PA AND PROTIDING THJITY2 AND PECUTATICt2 ETC:FA:P.M THERETO, . . . dad_ BE IT REHOLVED BY HEE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY' OY ALARE.DA AS This Resolutipn shall be known RS tap "Salary Resolution for the Fiscal Year 1n67-1.956.'' Sectipn 2 1. The follawing aragraphp explain. all of thp rates of compensation. epplimaie to positions In the pervie of thp City the. settind of whpse salaries and. rates of compensation are specifically allocated. to the City Council by the City COarter !eep_rarapli 1. The followinm salary sohedolo incipeiris certain irdididnal adjustments to mahp rates of compensotion more nearly compenmatio to those being palb by public :HrolsOictions and Terivate industry in the Spy. Are* for comramablp tmoes of park-, 2. Expeat ns harein othermise provided, pobsons in positions bearing fiat rates of comrensation sholl be paid the desionateP flat rate OnTire hbd flsoP.1 yeal, 1957 -198. 3. Full -Time Emoloympnt. Phe salary. rates as sppciTied in the Com- pensation Plan snail be con.sidered ross compensation for full-time employment and are explosive of vacation, holiday, sick, or othpb ipave pita pay. 4. When. it is necessary to compensate a mantally salaried employee for service on a daily basis, or to compote partial earninep. the daily rate of bay shall bp determined by dividing the mantnety. rate by the total numbpr of days in the mbnth Lavolved. Part -T.'!:_ple Emploympnt. Those employees appotheen In accordance with. Section. 7, Rule V, of the Civil Service EO1163, shall rp paid for actual hpurs worhad at an hoprly rate established. for tine cla.ssification. Or based on the hours workpo at Pr hapriT ratp establisbpd for thp classYdientlmn or based. on thp apprppriate step in. ahp salary- rannp for claasificatitms whase rates are compated on a monthly' basis. In thp latter case, the Pearly rate shall bp computed on the basis of a 2,080-houT or a 1,97.6 -hour year, whichever is appairaele. a. In tha matter of tea compensation of.dmarganey SurFpens (Fart - Ti'mp) pmploypd in. the Citybs First Aid. Station, in the event any' of the Jeca basitioos In suet. clapsificatimo shrill. became vacant, the rdmaining demprpeney SUTO:60flO dha shall serve more than mno week in each. fonraeek period shall. receive additional combbnsation for suoh services at the eu.te of !C2.00.PO per week of pevem dayp. if it becomes hacessart7 to call dmotobs not regularly employed by thp City as patatimp Emprgenpy ,'.a.pmudons to serve for the time left open by any such. vacancy. or mocancjps, soar amotors shall be compensated for their sermibes at thp rate of 'hl200.00 Tpr dpck of semen days. 6. Salary Advancement. Salary adrancement for classes in the stop plan shall be madp subject to tele following provisions: a- Appcb]ntment tr a -position will. normally ba at the first step in. thp salary ranme. An smpdpype may be apTpintan to othmr than the normaa enterino saldrT step apon the recommendation of bhe Appointing llornorlty, wten it is decided. that soca aetipn is in the bpst interests of the City b, Advanmemant to the second. step hill bp mode upon the satisfactory completion of a preedtianary poOriOO. Thla is six. mpntrs in the ease pr ail plessiflostiorp excepting Fplise Officers and. FiTeoen. Such. Increases. will. eeemte afferAP;E,e on trm hirsb day. oe tne pay Tariod folluaino six mmnths of service. c. Theresfter, an employee who mpintelps a satistrutary of work shall be advanced at annual Letermaja tp sPaceedinm steps of the assip'pled salary range. Ouch increases will. es.pymm effective on eho anniversary' date of tna increase to the arcedad step. I 4 4. d. Any. pooscA. who is appointed. to a positIon at a step above the first step of thh essionee saihr.p rany,e pill be advannoe to the next step after one 7Aar of service. 'Ilion. Inotease will beodPA effective On. thy, firhS Os.y. of the pay. perIod orn of sefyIce. e. New employees enterint7 the Police r.3.:qd 313.e So...vice sh.fall be employed ae the minimum. step of the solafy reardhe for shells posiA 'Gipps. Annual increases to each. secceedIA stcp will tchnie effective on tPe first day of the pay period followIn oommAetion of each year of service. f. Etpolc..es allocated to new salar7 ranTho fop tne fiscel. year 19C/81958 shall he ploped at tt.e., onme relative step fp the new saldry range as thpy oncepied in their foryror salary ran7h; towwvor, enbject to the fn.:LLD-A.1rd, spedifin eAceptIons waytslisg to the contrary. hprein notwithstandITinc, tope DopA.rtLet2Land Class BuAl:ding InsoectIpn 820 3011.01pA inspector 64.0 Pldmbinp Inspector CiIddLCierk: 173 730 734 Fire thief ':denrea`jot Director of recreaCion and PtynIcal Eddcation (It:if-And) Scoerv!dop pf :.YeopervIE,or of AssietIcs 30117.1_SOP cf Spectni vetlytties City LishoIneer Office Administnativp Assistont R a, Lti83,32: 0 For the postions of tdAllidindo inspector and. PlamtAnp Inspectors, adpance- mpnt to the next step in the salary ran7a shall occur on. July 16, 1957,, For nil other positions specified. abipTe, advarophAnt to the neft step shall occur on July I, 1958. 28 70 374 33 7. Salary Sch.edule. 04ep Step Step .3 A thh 17C id° 555 288 801 768, 287 29C 2724 2;A,..: 302 317 4-qte 295 :, 8 325 78F3 33)2 5.L , 333 295 3-80 32 75!1 3C2 017 :A 9 310 448 _48 347 3544 337 333 349 243, ) , i '9'5,7' 3'Ji-1 35C 376 4-4 333 449 367 385 341 358 376 3975 367 3e° 277( 3g3 367 345 4CC 395 41C 348 435 426 3.745 605 h8 415 )2.25 '70 57 -7i 81; 87 9 60 447 469 11,81 493 505 517 539 563 556 570 5.84 599 (74 613 6'7 n2s 1 644 67 C.,60 ipie7 6e76 710 72 73 7.S 76 77 727 745 763 787 801 ug 1760 49t 51.7 ii7, 3 ;181 808 537 777.i0 L97', 517 543 570 747 5555 556 56L 517 5h3 570 9C.', 530 996 57!Th 013 01,3 0'77 598 (-4,77 556 587e. e,7 9,7 0477 5('44 613 64!1. :77 6 59 ;-!, 62 71,6C 6,93 613 654 P76 710 626 (300 093 8877o 6 7E, 710 tok7 (07.77 693 727' 763 676 7417) 7).4'7 762 093 7P7 7f*-7') P01 710 7.5 782 871 727 763 601 841 87 82.1 446? 763 .-T:87..1, 81:1 683 782 821 862 84.0-3 801 881 97 821 662 80P 950 Ul fti77i 927 97p FA7 L)05 980 008 =K'53 907 975 1023 O''P 990 996 14'4.7 55:7 97a :1023 1074 950 44)!.1:: 104 i'l 1:0.50 '78 -- liar rate rep roar A/8 -- Flat -onto okr day 8credklo of Polirions ovn Pky Pr7s-o8. Code 1. 37,77.E7— Title No. of Positions _ 4j77; 6n0 770 12170 Pante Stetp Step Stop Step Step A LUDITOR AND ASSESSOR 17.8. Auditor and Assessor 1 1.63 Deputy Assessor 1. 7,. 4.93 9117 883 570 598 165 Denuty Aue/itor re53. -4 93 7:717 570 598 62 Deputy Field A.ssessor 1 43 "q77 3i5.45 405 447 1.82 DePuty P.5e171. Asse5sop (Part-Time) 2 'io 325 342 356 376 395 127 Senior Account Cirk 1 41 329 '367 3b5 405 425 43 Acco1 ntir8 Mktorine Operator 1 --•,7i' 317 -3)3 349 'j67 9i15 106 Typist-Clerk 1 792 288 281 295 310 pUipf12.22 P.-.8.D.'87CTIOT3!, (381ef of Insraction Division (Sr. Civil. Dnoineer) 1 877 628 660 093 727 763 820 nulidinF Insnece5or 7 52- .161.i 4e31. 505 530 .33.6 e3,0 1 52 458 461 5475 5'',5 556 15 Deosty Ouildin inspector 1 47 405 425 2467 469 4.93 B35 Deputy Plumbint Inspector 1 477 808 42-79 4)17 4.69 493 605 'Building Permits Ansistant ..i. 38 325 '*73-. 35d 376 -4)7 1 46 Cod No. of 11,3an.s');e Sten Step Step Stet-) No. Class Title Positions .y1To. )4 d C _ D CITY AT10111EY City Attorney- 1. 60 9o5 95o 998 1E48 11E0 225 LEy7a1 Serretary 1 he 342 22- 3'75 395 415 CITY CLERK 273 city (33)(2.(at 2 59 150. DeHuty City Cl.erk 1 40 r)))1.1'.1.13,- 598 626 66o 376 hEA citify HALL . cidrage Attendant 2 36 3,,tt ::: 341 336 376 565 Janitress )), 29 261 278. 26d 3o2 327 2746 TeiccOlone Orerator T dd R .4 288 302 317 333 349 209 intermediate Cirk-Typist 1 2401. 264 m32 327 333 CITY MAHAGEE 250 City- Manes))er I Ft/m 170 1 /250 -,i, As3istant City Marlarzelt 120 Administrative Secretary to 358 376 393: 415 436 the Ctty manager ).. 2 27h 288 222 517 208 Intern).1ttate Clcrk-Typist 1 ti 17...127Y 7).1'.:)2Hir 898 PlItarinlnrt Director I 43' 6C3 727 763 ft.)01 895 Assistant FT,annen y ET, 458 44a 525 53c 556 2.13 Senior Stenograpber -Clerk 1 yr)', ..43 327 333 34,9 367 905 AssistHnt Director of CiY11. Defense and Disaster 1 )c/m. 600 106 Typist-Cierl. 1. 26 ',-."'-)5 268 27)1. 7725 (3)(20 c2i(iah sEliNicE 172 HH/..,.ctliti,P secretary, Ciyil. Service Eoard 1 69 693 727 763 802. 641 11E Personflol Clerk I 14., L.L..., 341 345 376 395 415 106 Typist-Clerk H );):,,e )33„, 26C 230 295 310 103 Examination Proctor F/e. c - - 2.00 DISTRICT. ATTORNEY 113 Sector Steno7yather-C1Hrk. 35 502 327 333 349 3E7 H11.71tiq 6.65 Fire Ch1ef 1 71(C -173) 801 84a 863 66E Asstsuant Fire Chief 3 62(E) 72E 655 Fly)Ti C2Htt.in 8)15 R.I.Te Lieutenant 10 52(E) - - 5,9) (7,58 Assistant Ptre M.lars).1a1 - 52(E) c c c 556 H40 HiremaH ,)41 1117(C-E) Oil/ 4.HY 493 562 AutomDttve Mechanic. 1 4.6 ;415 )13,6 )45H 481 : 113 Senlor Htencyt,raH1ler -Clerk 1 35 327 333 367 FIRST) A7E22 565 City Physician (Part-Time) 1 36(E) - - 376 352 )1.1HIRr.)Hcy Sut4tHon (Part-TAT:Tie) 1C(E) - 208 360 He.tlatered. Nar8o 3 38 325 342 -11)11d 37h.. 395 '35t1, Relief Staard (Hatt -Time) 11./d. - 12..0 2OLL' 765 Golf 6OUTS0 TY6all1 ger 7E7 Head. Starter and Assistant (toll' Course Hana7er I 5:2 , 458 505 53(3 556 760 )1.011) ProCesslonal 1 291E1 - - - .5,1 Golf Course Surporintnndent I. (79 472.5 44.7 469 517 562 AatomHtive Mectlato J. )1,6 395 h15 436 455 V10 Golf Starter 3q 333 39.9 367 345 40'5 Code No. of Fan Fe Steb S6op Step Step Step Ne, Class, J2.16:::1 Positions No. A. 5 (3_ _ D E V66.1. Groundsmtant-Gardenor '38 32,5 681 358 376 799 554 Equipment Operator 8 39 333 3,49 367 385 495 586 JN:21.6or 33 288 .302 317 333 349 579 156borer 7 30 310 321 3511. 358 376 In addition. to wormal coNmensablon, 1.6rsons Noldinc.:„ tbo po.sitIon of I.Nbcrer in the Golf' IDepartmen26, when. so engaFed, s66:261. receive an addAbional awm of 2,,i20.00 p6r rontb). for r.i.gbit waterin:N. No. of Range Stwto Ston StNp Ste66 Nbew C15)533 Tit'. Positions - _62 TARY,3, 57 AssistaN2 Labow u:::.:rvN,26)6 1 ), 8 61"7 2:'-'1 6C5 ,2:63 PNNI: WNinbenancH itorem626 I,.16 436 566 561 495 592 Y616:;N6ance PatptIttb 1 391 : -35'6 ' t i -9 ' t 3:8 '',..61 4 39 333 559 367 3E•35 '6(4- 3,53O 2cutpme.nt OnerNtor . _ 645 P6r'i, Cnr6tokar 6::: 38 325 3:,..1 -;.-..",8 375 395 333 ',69 167 165 b63 165:2 TrL105. 5TiV,ir 39 3-9 '62::2: Tree TbrInner 6i 362) 36'1 36';',., i:!..' Ii.25 591 lunber,s HNIoer 66( f::::rdener I 36 395 '',:21 3'118 :576 36,5 329 342. 365 376 393 578 aborar V, 36 310 125 318' 356 376 1,2:.: Securitw Pbter.d (?a6t-Ttmo) /h 636 Pclice Chief 1 71(N2 NE) 631. Police Capt6in ). 62(E) 630 Police Liautenant 3 36(E) 625 PolNico InEtpector 56jE) 633o Police Ser.geant 2:2(E) 635 Ibtentif6cNbion Office::: 1. 52(1-3) 643 police Officer 51 610 Policewoman 2 )17(C NEI 568 Ctief .2adlo Teo:al:Ai:Awn 1 90 509 1518 566 hotflo Tee.bnIcifan i '66 398, ;518 113 Seniow StenoFraphwr -Clerk 3 35 302 606 Crossinw uard (Pert-fir-be) 72/h - TM Et:166 :62::60Der of the Police DepaNtm6nt wbn shall NttPin ,to6 gu.::::,iNicn.:6t•56.6s of "Ex.:pert FNvolwer Shot," "Sharpsboot6:26,'' or "Plarl:Nm.N.n.' accor2:bance with th.e. provisions of Resolution. r.,10. 996;9 sbail Newf.:lye, in 9dditlow to 6:62:, competwwption proNideci abooe, and so lon7 as swoh tINN1iNicationN a66: retwined, the followin6: amounts: P:evlver SWot" pe6 month "s6E1 rmso.30te17' 3.30 per month. "M.6:26kFman" 2.00 ger mont!6 605 Poatidmaster 60)2 Deputy PovIndirlaster-LbCcoPor 1 AA. 325 341. PUNCHP:SINn 166 koott. Pwrch.36:16.6.2 Agent and Budidin:6 6u6Nr16':;6ndent 7 FiM 1.08 Senttor Plerk-TypiNt Ad :::-. 106 Typist -C16rk 1 66 or, 255 Ebttii2AUGN D irector, of Recreation. and Physical Education (Half-Pay.) !.°N.Paervisop of :::ecreatior: S uoNN6isob of Athletics Snwervisor of Special Activities r-iec,,eation (Part-Time) Playground irec:tol: Feoreabion. Loader (Pwrb -Timo) Hecreation Aide (Fart-Time) S wimmin:r., Pool Mwrawer (Part-Tim) 33, 749 336b 833 264 65 628 660 693 747 :z 50 73./: U.!.. LL36 6..1.3 46i. 505 Y.3 LIN. !2:,:b 22I 6,YPN F/W 6 - 2.12 2.23 t2 358 ::76 355 415 436 F733 - 1.):60 1.51 1 4 2cOs Ho. of HHnoe Stss 3sop Stop :"3.7.,31: „gsep Ho. Cgg,:s HStlo Posisions 77 Soniog TPLs000grd (Pal,.;-21s,o) - - 1.q7 773 hifHpHsrd. (Psvt-g,7re) ssh, 1.66 TH- Cssigior-ALtndguT riart- 'Isle) I: . LorfAs=r HsooTHSsot ',Fsrt- Ilms) 122H ijorgior Cicrk-Tsplst 35 302 317 32?,3 3,9 367 .1=',-; J,. Ac,eiTA; Clcook-?yeeist 25 'so:, HsTs ;161 295 , 2. HHHO J,svi og 33 „eeir, 3O2 311( 5113 :3122 112 gurHov Htorevvvogcr-CisrS, 1 268 281 295 216 STREZP ALD ENPIYEETTING I460 City EngTneer 1 8P 905 950 998 1.0TO 110,3 455 Assistgnt City Enyjneer 69 (393 727 763 801 8141 )411.0 Associate C Engineer ? /...9 2,4 984. 613 6)..11.1„ 676 710 430 Traffic. ke.gineer 1 57 1 ,...2e le..5 2,25 Assistant l Engineer J. 5 570 598 7 626 517 510 570 'fY!96 628 /:,:22 121.Fent -of -Way Fssgineer 1 52 458 Hbl HOH H3C1 556 L20 ,,jgsor Cgvil ggigivoer 52 456 'Y.61 50e1 530 '515,5 L1116 Senior coonstruotiao Iss),,, H1H gT4 570 59e Ineoector 1 rf. 417 Survey Party HOlef 2 52 458 ...,.16 Constguotion Ingpsotor 6 50 1636 505 530 415 Street Inspector 1. re.0 ....:1!1-.,:. .a 505 `11,0 2 26 •Oef.7 )469 413 Senior Eflginaering Aide 112 Officg Administrative Hs,,istant 1 Cs b.36 ;..1.56 11 .1..10 Er.qineerinv Aide Ss m, sTs, -ago' b02.5 hy5 582 Yaintegance Saperintengont 1 62 5oe 613 6)411. 676 'i-210 576 Geoeral Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 0 1,36 456 401 50H 530 .-2)',5 501 Carpenter-Foregsm 1 b6 if7(.. yee Concrete Foreman 505 Sewer Foreman 395 1,1 1 5 h36 HTST 461 299 1.15 S36 1_0;8 4.81 ' -27 ,,2-/q' Sub-Foreman 2 )71. 770 ,4 2 425 T.:4 Motor Sweeper Operator 1 ST 1,JE9 ' 47 133 562 Maintenance Coroenter ,-, 425 447 573 MainteJoar.ao Heohnnic 1 39 333 31!.9 367 385 h05 1160 Automotive Equipment Operator 1 L3 367 e2e 11Y47 562 Automotive HOcOnnic 1 66 395 577 .1.59 led? 554 Equloment Ooorator 1 3g ,4 550 PainOer 2 43 1725 )647 551 Traffic. Painter 1 367 365 b.05 422; 447 333 349 552. Truck Driver 7 39 HHH rotor Eglogpmegt Serviceman 1- ".38 395 465 325 5.),V) 59:3 1:3,7:5 j95 447 4)3 OH, Cegtegi, )ginisher 1 367 '', 447 57i Skillod 11,sborer 35 :73)ril ( 2 T.2t 13 1771>4 11:2;6, 570 Laborer 13 36 1:J9 Secrntary-StonosTapisor 1 40 3111 358 376 395 11112:-; 1.13 Senior Stenographer-Clerk i 35 362. 377 373 349 367' 53 Junior SSengs-ogopfteg-flierk ?6 255 268 201 2H5 illn 126 Intermediate Account Clerk 3C2 327 333 34.9 367 HREASUEER AHD TAX COLLECTOR 176 Tvgasurgr and Tsg'. Collestor :1267 Denuty Treasurer 27 . Internsgaiste Account C2grk Parking Meter Collector 572 Parking Meter Repairman 1 P/m 52 sH Tv 62. 2 2 2 754 381 505 302 317 333 335 na 31/3 358 37 395 536 2.7:5 376 THO 556 367 T95 436 In oyJO,Y...tion -c norry2.1 ao-ononanoi )P, -Cgs Hegoog ongsvog. tyoevglter ropoirs sgaii rseeTvo aositH,cs,a1 sur u, nos slonsg„ §ecton_3 P'SHISH'gf2T., I° 1,, Holiday Work.. essoloyees covered by this Hesolutian, exclud- ing regular members of the Fire and. Police Departments, po„rt-timg, erTloyoss, and dlvlsTan or Cepartssent Heads, who are reqssiged to work on any established. holidaT, (1) be oaid for the number of 'a,.,Ha,s worked. at the rate of one fond ono-half SH,mos thg straight time Hate based on their montlaly salaries; or 1-19 (2) bb aliowed suck. time off from employment with pay ss is equaa to the number of hours, vorked on ttle Aolfday pay shall be in addltiun to the hegulaT salary an amployea received for all isolidAys wgich fall on a regularly sohedu,led work day for the emploc,,, IR tikd event an employee is requirwd to work on a holiday, and this nolidwy is beyond. his regular work Vn)el.,,,. thgre shnil be no pyramiding of hcfRiaday pay in addition to overtime. 2. Pwliday Pay for Police and Fire Departments. All emfsloyees of the Polico end Fire Depantment, excepting the Police Chdnf, Fire Chief, clerks, stenc- gratthers, or otter civilian employees, shaiLl. be paid. additional compensation for noli- days st tho straight time daily rate of 1./RO. of thuir regular morthly salarws, Thgs provision applies to the following folideys: New Year's Day Labor Day Lincoln's Birthday A.,`,MiSSi0,11 fay Washington,s Birthday Columbus Day Memorial DRy VeteransT Day Ilhdependence pay Thanksgiving pay. Chgistmes Day In thG event any of the aforementioned holidays shall fall within tbe vecapion period of said. employees, the Department Rbad shall determine wtether the empilmyees affected shall be pa1 d. adgitional Colnsation for such holiday or hLlid0 3h, at the rate in this paragraph provided, or be allowd additlnnal vacation. time to comhnsate for tbe loos of such holiday or holida. 3. Overtime Payment - Emergency Work- When a City employee, exoepting part-time ompileyeeR, division or departmmnt heads, is reof1rod to ggrforn emergency work. in excess of tho work hours per day or on big days off, as provided the work schedule for his position: (1) he shgla be allowed suJna time off from his employment with. pay as is equal to the hmount of time workwd in exoess of tho work hours per day for such clgssificetiorn or (2) he shall be bgid for such work on an hourly basis at P. rate of one and. onegbalf times the rate bgid to him fRr his sorvices performed AuTing his isormal. work hours. 4.. All enlijoyees who axe required by Ridetue of a subpoena, duly. and law- fully ssued by a court of lgw or other forum lwkfulny hossessi. thw pover ef sub- oena, to appear at Gunn, court or forum, shall be a]lohwd time off for such an appear- ance occurring during such employees' normal worklnea hwurs; such ting off shall be limited to the amount of time said. en,fichyeo is actually required. by the court or forum. to be in attendance, pleAs trnYel time to and from said court or forun- 5. Promotions. A promotion, for salary purposes goy be defined. as appointment tc a class with. a higher maxlmum. salary thgn the one previously held. An euq.):Uoyee being nromted from. one class to another w11.1 be pinged in tnp beginniing step fo.r the aew class or the salary step above the one ho is currentay occup79,g, whichevgr is hi.gfter. Ttns procedn,re shall not apply in those CASOS where Lts applicp- tion voliba result in the. enwaoyee beging promoted receiving a higher salary- tRan an employee in th.s.e higher class who has greater total City service. Advancement to suc- ceeding steps will be in accordance kith thn procednro outlined in Section. 2, Pgre- grahis 2.6, above. 6. All salaries and. compensations, as fixpd by tnis Resolution, shall be hanable, in Arrears, on. the 5th and on the keth. dRy of eneho abondar month.; providod, that when auy such. dwy falls. legal holiday, pnyment shwil be made on tno next nreceding buslkgss day, 7. The ssilaries and. rates of com,pensaton as flxgd by this Lmsolutidoh shall be effective as of and after Auly 1, 1?57. FiE IT 1751THIT RaChVED that all other resolutions, or pants thereof, in conflict herewith, arw to the aktent of such conflict only, Werle rescinded and. annulAd, I, the undersignnd, hereby certify ene foregoing Resolution was duly' and regularly introdwced ann. asehted. Ry tne CourIcii. of thg City of Alameda ig regub lar meeting assemfoled on thp 2nb. day of July, 1 -Ink vote, to (5). Councilmen Freeman, Haag, Petersen, Gebacht and President McCall, NOES 3)1 e ABE(ENT: None. IN FITNESS FHEREOF, havo hereunto set pry brad and aft(' ihetl he offiriai seal of aaid. City this 3rd day of JuIty), 195Y. (3EAL) Tiatrela I hereby certify thot the foregoing is a fuil, true and correct copy of "rhbRhhETOF NO. 5656, A r())(3(-:oLurioN DEISIGNATING THE NUNBER OF AND POVIDIG FOR TIE COMPIthAEION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTEPT, FEPLOYEES OR Ti:; CITY UE ALAMEDA AND PR OVIDIN-G RULES AND REGULAT IONS RIIA VE T PIGFAIT 07 intr o d pre a and adopted by t he CoAncil or. the 2nd d.ay of July, 1957A h 0 (15A Ett2a(21—h .../2:1„(b/ r C 1 .e.V1 — y of A lam u da ...1