Resolution 05661RESOLUTION Nfh„ 5601
DECLARING Chh.72A1(1 7007,51.,1MftPS IN' "'HE Girt- Og ALAMEDA,
A Am
. WHEREAS, thm Buildinfs inapector of th City of Alamnda nas given notice
in. the mnnner mrovided by Section 1C-527 of the Alutssada MmAticipal Codu,
the omner or owners of tnat curtain dw0iling Morein described to appmar befome tine
Councl of thA City of Alamedm on Tuesday, May. 21 1957, at the 't7In..r of
mnd •shom cAuse mhj said building should not be candumnmd as a public. nisancfa mud.
removed. or razed as provided ir the Ediameda Municim,m2. Code; and
WHEISTAS, it appears that saMd notice mas duly a3 d. regoiarly himen in the
form Fine. mantle:, provided. by 3aid. Codu, and. the mattsr Ceal*h-ig an regaltfuly fof Lear-
ing.before this Council at this and witnesses being sworn and testimony being
gven by the Buildinm Inspotor, the Health Inspector, and. other cortpetent pmpsons,
respecting the condition of said. dwelling, and the syner of 3111 i6 buiLling belLev
''1 31 opportunity to be Imeard, and said umner. halr€ present in person, the
Council proceeded to a considerafaon of said matter, and after due consideration of
thw tuntimony of all witmwsses and other 31' '1 tmhmfmnted in said matter,
City of Almmmda find.s that thu dwelling and building heftMihn descosibod. in. the City.
of Alameda is in violation of Section 10-526 of the, Aimmeda. Municipal Gods and. is
Lereby Soclarod to be a pubille nuisance; mud
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tnat the horoln described dwelling be, and. the
heme,':ay oondemned as a public nuisance and the owner or ownerm thereof are
hereby prohibited fmom. its further U.S9 or occupatior for th* postose of a dwalaing,
said. oraer to become effective thirty (30) days from tem date hereof.
BE IT FTIMPHE(.0 RES01,36,72.1,t, that
1 Bung Inspector is hereby autnorihed
and Uirected to post in a. oonsplemous plsou on said. strumture A notice in
tMe form and. in the maisner seguMred by Sectiun 10-529 of the Aihmeds Mumicitmi Coda„
HZ IT FITIDSTAT Eff((6,M63020, that if said. nuisanue nmt co abuted. as required.
by tEE Alameda Duilividsel Code thirty 00) days after .6se pussagm of th:is resolu-
tion, the City 111.angtar is hereby authmrized. and. dreotod. to soihm anM/Mm rase said
stfoctume in tne mannf, provided by Sections 10-621M and 30-62M1.2.. of the Alemedm
Yunioipal Code,
The dmellimg horwin referred to is commonly kr,frn and descr-lbed. folLows:
Thst ourtaiff an 8fit shuwn as H. Williams Ark, 2.407.k
Harrison Avenue, on City of Alameda Engineerinm Demamtment itTawing
L677, Casa 5i, Sheet 1 of 1, dmted May 1957', and. entitled, "Arks in
:Aarrison Avenue",
* * * * * * * * *
I, the undessffuned, hereby certify that tho fcregoLug HesolatIon was duly
and romMiarly introducd and adopted by the Conncli of the City of Altureda in regu-
lar m.oefing assembled on the 2nd. day of July, 1%7, by fLe following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Freeman, Haag, Petersen, Schacht and
President mccrila, (5).
NOES Nmne.
ABSEtrf: None.
IN WIT'KESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hond. mnd affixed. the official
seal of said. City this 3rd day of July, 1957.
I hereby certif:t tnat tMe forogoinm is a f(dfis, true and. correct copy. mf'
2.2msolutio31- No, 5661, DP(31 L,31 0.173C- 02(f(TAIN THE CITY OF ALAfsiEDA, CAtI7OPYTA,
Tf; BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE (21i0E))) NIAEBBSON EVENT:ED - -ARE)," introduced and adopted by the
• ,
Coun31 il. on the. 2nd.. 1 ay of July, 1957.