Resolution 05663RESOLUTIRN NO. 5663 AUTHOR= NG TRANSFERS IN. CERTAIN' TRE:PAIRMENT BUDGETS 7.o RA,LANCT VPREIOUS ACCOUNTS T o MTOPMG 777 7.7797,97f7.ffer_1977 RESOLVED TTY.. TEE COUTREIL OF THE CITY OF ALArITTA that the sum. of 'J;537.77 be, and. the sam.e, is hereby. transferred from RontlIwent Fund. Accoont 199.200 to CCREMIL acc,00nts; R110.00 thereof to 101.100,7. V429.61 to 101.200, and 16 to 101.300. RTSOLVED, TITEPEEE, that the sum of 0,634.09 be, and. the soRcTis hereby trails- forrod. from. Rontinont Fund. Account, 199.20C to CETI CLERK accoRni,Ro; 279.1a to 100 and. ''t335).L.9-1. to 102-3n0. PASOLVED, tqe sum. of ;'.4536.P...i hes 911.6. fiereny trano ferRed from. ContiniEorlt Fund EcTount 199.200 to CITY MAMGER accoantRI; VT0.60 to 103. 1007 "E243.70. to 103.200 f:..nd ,IR,)152.27 to 103.3RO. 'RESOLVED, FURTHER, that The sum of $6,00 be, and tRo same is hereby trans- ferred. from. PERSONRER DEPARTMETTP account 104.200 to 104.400. RESOLVED, FRPTHER, that tho sum. of be, and thr samo Ts horeby trans- ferred from CITY PEAWRING EEPARTERZTIT account 105.200. to 105.3000 fUETHER, that the sum of 00.00 'of:, anR tfoo 2atoe is hereby trons- fRrrod from RRREEECIP ART) ASSESSOR aRcoont 109,R00 to -109.3RR. RESOLVED, TERTITTHITR, that the sum of r,'.°0 be, and the c5arao br..reby trans- ferred. from TERASUEER ANT; TAX OCLLECTCR account 111,200 to 111.401. .. RESOLVED, FURTHEa, that The sum of r,'?"7..00 ana thf S97919 IS horoby tran6- ferred fram Di:STRICT ATTORNEY accoanT 115.200 to 115.100. RESOLVED, FT:MINER, that tRe SUM Of V71.877„00 be, p...nd the same is hereby trRns- ferroo] from CITY 77M717 acc.Gunt 118.200; to 118,1°0 :'..125.00, to 116.3CO. REROEVED, FURTHER that the sum of ,IR.365.00 he, and. TOE same, is hereby trans- ferred from POLICE DETAFTMEAT account 121,200 to 121,400. 217RoCLR7,D, r;to-.. -TT, tRRT oun pE to, nel6co, tre..nsVerl-qc'i (_ontlr-ent Fan.' Efoor,t 19',200 to 1-Jla 2,)2.1C, COM G" f211.fh be, End tho orcEe TorooR 'frooci foo RR EroR C -VET E.EFETCRE aTcouR T'E tJ RESOLARTD, FURTHER, tRat the sum of be, and the same is hereby transferred. from. Conting.ent Fund. Account 199..200 to POUND DET'A_RTnEIP account 124.100. RESOLVE1, FURTER3„ that the sum of $,;25.00 be, and thE same is hereffj trans - ferrod from BREEDING AND INSPECTIONS DMERTERETffT 2RooEnt 115.200 to 125.100. RESOLVED., FRIRRERR, that the sum of ba, and. the COMO 19 hereby ransferred. from STRITT aRREEPEENR! arcoant 1R-1.100 to 131.300. RE:SOLVED, 1.7n=1,1, thaT the sum of it;2.00.00 be, and. the CaMS 177 hretfy tron- f6rred from HEALTH DERAIRDaDTT acoomot ilo,D.3no to TRR.200. RES,ELVED, FRERTEER, that filo sum of 'i.;1,62000 be, arr. the saT,., is Roreby transferr...,ed from ContiEoEont Fund Account l'99.2CO to FIRST AID DERATRTMENT account 143.700. FETSOLETEIR, FURTHER, that the son. of 13,720.00 bo, tho same is t6reby transferred.. from Contin,7ent Ace:ount 1.99.200 to GAF4.BAI1E DISPOSAL accoctnt :1)44.300. REfROIREM, FURTHER, thA.i7.. trH..7,.e sum Of Ca,025.f° be, ano. the Same is oereny transferred freM RECREATION. DEPARTNENT aT000nt 151.100 to 151.300. RESOITTF:R), FURTHE, thnt t!'1,9 sum of $50.00 be, and the same is hereby trans- forrEE. from. PAFKS AND PLAYGRCRENDS DEPARMENT account 1,R2.2.00 to 152.300. RESOLVED, TERRTHER, that tlae scar of $1,10.0C be, and the some is Eeraby traTRE. forrod. from SWIM CENTETO ACCOUTRE 154.200 to 15,T.„3eR, RE50INED, yuRTwa7 thnt the sum of .%,T25.00 be, and. the sane is hsreby trnsferrod from Contingent Fund. Aoccont 199.200 to IUSURANTE ACCORIRCER Tho Auditor is horeby authorized and Cirected to make oaRC transfors on hls Tooko anE reocvds, This resolutTon. ratifie3 Lransfers made m. the City's RooRs prior to Chloe 3C, 19RR. I, the undurdimeed„ hereby certify th.Pt the foregoing: ResolutIon was duly end regularly introugeed and adopted uy the Council. of the City of Algmeha In regu- lar meeting assembled. on the igth day of lUly, 1957, by feu folluwing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Freeman, hvag, Pet•ersen, Schacht and Presidont MrNall, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS IDAREEDE, have horerato stt hued. Aml affixed the official seal.. of sai.d. City this 17th, day hf- Sufey, 1957. MMIER • o t f I eereby. certify teat the •forhgoimg is a tuff,tMue and corecet cor,M of "Desolutdon )1o. 5661, AUTUOREzlle)G. TRANSFERS IN CERTAIN DEPARTMIliq BUDGETS TO BALANCE VARITGS ACCONNfS AT END OP FISCAL ItEAE", intemodeced anE adopted by teu Ceunoil on the 1,6tf. day of July, 1.957,