Resolution 05667L el C)
at 'di sit
baldlini Cad:LC:N. OF IleIdTdi k TIql TT F. NIT4
CriLF bOtOISE .00Iftlelb, CAT FOP. Est
b sidbfeefl.
WihEREAS, the City Eh...dneer bas prepared Specifications, Special. Provisions
srd Plans i'or condtructieft of psving thn. vicInfty of' the 'aes: Jernicipal ocIt' ocl,:yse
CI,JO ..v red 2.,V 0-5?-13 and fildei in shn office of' the: City Clerk on JudT 16,
larfa edtray,t,:disz,d, he bid"! OF spa:h.:T..
fne sfesnaT'fej satclficsifors, Coapiti fPoydrforr end Idons, ruboree add flied ad
t!":0 oerk steel-
disi ir ohld tdocfficrtf.ers snd ThcTioffe L Te, aid fhb that it berity
deatee olds to so the konr of 7::55 'D t, bock -bb71... on (), Cop
forrY13'1'r,:: to the d 'fry of' of Tor. : 1-ocjt,.i-1,-;_rr,r,,,
uses:doer, :or the tord rertinadovc refers:et to,in ascot:hence paid befd iTerffted
:lone efoorTv'fore. Ffes preserte6 to trd City :Tora, in 'Tea dfty . eft,
Osl:fofftts, ondof seedod eavar and pldiffIT .berked ot tbt obLeids, "Pro-
bes:el for Conctruettos ee dovenT: tr: tbe e:' the 'SLY.- iTlitefro3 GoIT souTan
CorTnacti ad:freed, dila be edd.o.ded shaject to tlfe ply:yd.:din:Ts of the
ChfarteT:. of.' tne City roC Alfa:sada, the renrohnledb bidder whT, slfedits tke
and. bedt Tbb: ibb:i.y?Tlat is raedrysd te reject any. or: all bids.
i:aid Specifications ded Prystbdinns , ht. bad. by any prospect-1Ln
on sehd.isation bo tips dihdy Eng,inesod at his cdaine Tee City frien.eds,
The C.itT Cjir:';!1-1, fa: neraddy di-rd.:stud. to addreortet Ts, der. the Stinfed.a Tiftes-Stisr
a notice caldhao. edeffitel bids, in apect,S1 WfA tins of IdhLd reselra-
t fon :frt.: off s,Tf d etlesilfdsEjt1 s o no
j, esnerdifnutd, hereby certify t'hTs trn l•b2bge3 bc..b0IYYY-'0b wbS
bbiby• reships:fr.! insdoeesed. bbbbi aciob•GHo by Council. of City oC
re3hitr Testing asashind on the ihth day of dff.:..y.„. 1957, by ti-r folfridyg
ybte, to tdt:
Councilmen. 'freemen, Haag, Peters:fad, JcI.ace end Pdesident
Filfba'..C: Hors.
Wfishl:ddb WSIOLOSOF, T have herehnto. apt. ee ffsup arid aft:axed -tftds orfii
dial saa2. cif sold City difs ITtb dby of drip, dri57.
• Clerk cd' she City. en
I herdify certify thab the fordisedn fa a fulf, trke alfe correct coos of
sdesoltitior No. flftrVISIONS rd'dd itiffIsS t:ldd
f[(flUdE, CrLICIEC. dff'd. DIPS AND pfaEorp-JIG. CLEdK TO P'..VEFIbld.'ffi dATE,d introduced
and talopted by the City Council on the 1.6th da...y of duly, 1957.