Resolution 05668WHERE:A:I, the City Engineer has breparcd rhecificatincen, bpeciale Trevlariona mud Plans for' Mitch liniuE bdtb cirabloien mortar or concrete at the at,,wotiolf Couree, nnflobei Pe 7 -57 al'E and. fllod in the offibe ef thb City Clerk on. Jpim lb, 1957; bert, THEELFOnli, 'fie nEUCI,Vbil Thilr EOPECII, OP Thl CITY CY A.,,LEDA ',Chat mhb aforesaid emeCifiCaLlorS, apecjad Pbovisionh bnd klane, numbered. anc ,As hforLaaah, Le, rand Lha ',LeLfae Lre heretT ehhea,a.haad and Etiopted- ninEOLTab, PlesTdeb, rbdh haeforahance kika comelbtimn of the wprk spec: bled. tr. abid ,Moenif 'cations and Proiritrions be end the saibe aiitiyDrii2.; IlLe01,Teaan tbrat the Courcii„ of the City. of Alambea will rerei.M.ve carled nino up to the honr of 7:35 o'clock or. Tuemamy, Au3iimt 6, 1957, for funk: minirm to the Citr of all 1...aieor, maneriblab mbchinory teolia bne euullement necessary for thm work herbiz.mbernma relleirred to, in accordmnce said. '...kmeriflmtib- tihra and Prmr.lberne. Bide must bb presontPC to the City Clerk, ir the alitne nail, Alambdac rb.der 0 CN33,2 unM pleinay marked on the cutaid,..b, 5Proobsel for Ditich. with ilbmtcr or Concral,c, at the Conrom5, or similar absignatior. hanahhcL, aworbod, will re k,ebrninel haft:LI:a to the rrevesione ai thc brbrtn el tre bity of iebnuirt., tb tre roarbnambir briaaam suhrits tro Ice'est 3330 & rt mat 1: rbetbliebtlers .1 b70 i011e met- be urn nny rahhaaafeelhiva hidder Thk ib harbby directed to aaeaeltelhaa, in the elameda a ncitice Jane saniad bids, im accordance rehbh. tha provinimnt of tre Crier. alad Of bald. brecemtions nnd Enonislons. 'ark sk, 3 'a ker I, the unbraigned, hbred...y cerinif y them, the .rorbgbing basolutlhui mem • intribnced maid E.dhgted hy. the Cobbelf. cf the City of in be mular nmacu',insia <7 1 tine it...bbr C my. (bC 1 ' f bkreli,g krte, tr rM..t: eYES: Crunrilimbn Froeman, ifabg, Partoreen, Schartnt end Promidont Le) . debe: bor5. Elirdienr, WHELECTi, I Ilene. hereunto sot my imted bun Afbiximi thp onnje turri. of maid Gety thin 17th dny of daely, TENTernii cire titers. tne klestv di rumbaed 32 && tam rent eters bl ()fl 0 a &1 && k fa 11 'f* a && & :Yr tria rieurroil the dby of filly.,