Resolution 05676DRSOLUTIOR ..r0. ;5676 RESOLUTION' OF THE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA SUPPO=NG DECOMMETDATIONS OF THE AIAMEDA COUNTY HIGHWAY ADVISORY CONRITTEE AS SET IRDrn RINDTmS OF THE 'MEETING. 07 SAID COMEITTEE 'XirED R=1,A.Y, TUX 5 "iqc.7. WHRIEAE, a mEeting of the AIRmerp Count7 Higtrtay Advisory Commfttee ,i4DS h€1d on Friday, ,July 1957; ana WHEREAS, Raid Highway Advisory DommIttee at such meeting made certain recommendations; and WHEREAS, thR Council. of' the, CitN- of' Alameda is aware and informed of the contant2 of said. recommendations; and WHEREAS, sale reconmendetions oTo deemed. to be in tbg, -ret -Interests of the City of AiRmed.a; NOW THETEFORE, RE IT REDROLVYD 97, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 07 ALAMEDA thm,.t the Council of the City of Alameda. bereby fully anE completely supports the rroom- mendations of th.e. Alameda County RigrLrey Advisory Committee as contained in tRe min,utqs of meeting of s aig. hignmay Advisory Committee on JuDy FURit,TER F.ESOLATED iR.Rtt the (tittr Clerk of, th.e o f Alamo R.a. imme- diately transmit to tile AiRmedR. County highway Advisory Committar certified erDiRs of rtni..s resoiu,tion„ I, the undersigned, rereby crirtify thItt the foregoing DesoluMion was duly and regularly introduced snd Rdopted. by the Counril. of tiRe City of Rlam.crin. in. Regular Maeting assembled. on. the EtL1 6rty of Ati.gust, 1957, by the following vote, to wit:: AY'ES: Councilmen Haag, Petersen, SchReht mng Prgsident NOES: ilone, ADSENT: CoRReilmati irreemar, (1)„ IN WATNEZS WHEREOF, I Ret.ento set fif.F Rand an.d affixed the RrfiRial seql of Raid City this Dtim day of Augu.st, 1957. $RERLEY TENUIER tatty ClorA of tEe City t'AR.ameciR I nRrtIRy ggrLifL, ',.gmt the fRlimmmimR is r fiDj, ,,rue aRt1 corrrot Rory oi "Resolutimn oT TER: C-RUNCIL TFE CITY EY PIRMDA SUPDORT:Mt0 FICOMK-iRDkTIO7S OR THE ALARET, DURARY KICEDJAY ADVISORY COMRTTTID...: AS SET OUT EN THE YlDItTD3 OF THE; MRDTIRG OF SAID COYMITTDE DATED -,RIDAY, JULY 5, 19L:7," intro Rumod ntRd aio-.)ted by tEe City mr MR0 (r„,t, da.y of Du,,-,Rsi, 1,67.