Resolution 05677R.:01.1TIliTlTi NO. '31:177 DESIGNATING ORTzTAIN STREET'S. WITEM IBE CITY OF 1111=11.A. AS MAJOR CITY SITEE1'S (TIL= WICZ: TTy,T T4A i,ogp 1,.1,y) 3E IT REZCIATED ay THE COUMni..., OF THE CITY OE ALAAIED.A. that *rsulant to the prOYiSIOYIS of L 195 of' tne Streets and ighiga?„,s Code of tne State of Call- fornia, tte strnets wLtnip the Olty of Alameda are ..]reby dsignate6. as Major City Streets: I- , new strnet: TILDEN 'WAY, running from Lincoln Avenaa at Par*: ..,,A.reet to VersplAnes Avenue near the southerly end of the Fruitvale Aveigue Bridge. A new street, PATTff ',TAY, beginning rt the IntersectIon of Lincoln AAgnaue and 'Eighth, Street ..nd. runlair....; thence northerly along, the foIner rall.rcad -nf -way td a point approximately 530 feet -gorth of Eagle Aggenue; thence, or. a nuagve to the left, intersection. Wel,star Street at a polnt anproximately 411) feet nortE. of tEe north .orcperty line of Atiantglc Avenue. A new streTA,„„ 1111111BALL WAY, runr.ing from Lincoln Avenne at PiftL Street to Pacific Av..r.ue at Pourth S'6reet; as sald stgoets. are sTowr. and. rlesIgg,..n..6(.1 in rod on the map annexed. iI9reto and made a part 1Te'reof (Drawing 555, Case 1, Olty Df Alameda.). BE IT FIT'ZTHET,.i HIr>SaL7ED thnt Any prevlogs Pesolution or other order cr motic.n. of the Council of the City of Alemoda in conflict wit. tbA resolution. set cult herein is hereby rescinded. and an:nulled. to the extort of such. conflict„. * * * * * * * * I. tile unglesiglged, !..lerelly certify th_at tnn foregoing ResolutIon. was egfly and reguirly introduced and adapted ty the Council of th.e City of Alameda -gogular meeting asellibled on tlae 6th day of 1957, by tha fsilawing vote, to wit: ATHS: Councilmen Haagg I.Petersen, Sclaact Pr.q1dent YeCall, (4). gOES: A.BST1NT: Councilman Freeman, (1). UTITU2S YHEREOP, I h_am.To hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of sp.id. Cit7 tgais 7th. day of August, 1957. tne I h.craby certify that thg) foregoing is a full, true alad correct of 'Resclutiolo No. 5677, DS.T.M1NigriNG CFBA1A1,111 STITTT2TS ‘,TITHIN TH.". CPT{ Pf1ff.Y.DA TlAje,B CITY STREETS (T1TT"71 frAY, 'AT7GN WAY. AIM HARSH:ATI WAY)," intgoduced an4 ndoEted. by the City Cou.ril or the 6th day of August, 1957.