Resolution 05683L 79 fiESULTION NO. 56a.3 FELIAL LET' OE' 3TEBEEIVISICli KNOITII" SldiYITTED CCEE.TirisEticelp sp:cyr:mi T.d'HTEBTAS, th.ere nas h.:::,:r:etef0P,": been filed e.ith approved by thls Council. a tentasiec .mac. of the.t oeotain. proposeo suedevision as icIlt No. I, ..catr. Tract the sodividrrs of UrE'It "non I, South. Snore, Prated Ec. Coreitrootion Comeanie, et/tIore Ou., anal jteAth (lecoe Center., Inc. huve areed. to entor Prto a controt witU toe City. of Alameda, ..s.c..roelon to constract cettalco imnrovoccents saiu oPect eou. to 7306t, C.E1Cy lienk c..d the City of Ellemed P faithful. nerformanco bond in tho amount of 1,1.68,775. conerarted per - foreencoo of said contract; and. said subdimIders EaEE tn.oir Final Map of said. nnt .Jo. 1, Sputh dhro, 'enact go, 'J.(ere thils Council for nporovaln N0'4 THTAELECIIE, BE IT HYSOIVE BY TEE on.TJEF. rid THE CITY OT ABAEED t::.-19.t too Final "'inn of Unit Ned. 1, Berth. Store, Tgact No. le66, be, and tne sand is nereby, aporoved. suoject to execution. by- seotlioide.,irs of trIP contract 1:)reinbefore nentioned. comelnnly introduced ang adopted. 1:',7 the (toenail of tOn (City. of 1B. pAliourne.d. aesemtled tict 13.h. (..loy. of luol..ot, a 12',7 tl-ae vote, to wit: Courolimeto Flteemtan, (1), ift.ThraSS I leave norounto Est my nur and. affixed .JE officiu.1 of said City this lfncin d of Aumune, 1957„ , thd. fore,doice: a full, true correct ocD7i of ”..Frosolgtion. 561.'3, APTROECIAC. .sEce-ds As TNA1E, SCOIEn ECti.SC .1n6B, .e.qr.,lieEfes LAY. tifAn SOUTE. SEEIBE7 LAgT, CO„, SOA.En SHOEB If:TO.," introduced end Edeoted tne City Ccifloil on the 1.3bh. cay GT' Auc.,ugl,„ ig?g,7, •