Resolution 05686THAYS'dEFIhrerd n50,000.00 ''St150,000.ded ns, and. St6 same is hreestrn, transferred:. from thb Cbsn Faord. to the Gennanl. !rands the ousitor as tho rreasarer areJ nereby aataneS.sece 8f1O eineetoo to i, ens nereby certify. tnst the foregoidg rbsosbiWlon naa only end regularly lnsrodubed and adonted by tho Coorr11. Of the City. of: d1as7bed.a Ls, meetSrs asaerIbina on tho 20tn. any of Alf.OjO.C.:, 1957, 'by tbe following dote, be: wit: leYr1S: Coeneilmen dabes, Pesarenn, beaarnt and Presinent Lean. • nenSe tenhaf,b, , habb heo,eonto seL ay nen°. ,nd efoleee the off1rSe1. aeal of fOiS f!fEf ' of I hereby baatify 'snot tree sonn,suing is a full, brae and corrent copy of der7del, FUND,' antrodoreO end adeobted by tha tity towdril on tae 20te. nay of