Resolution 05687183 T.NO hb0qdr 2Xerb PACIFT( MFAVUE, AnANADA, CALIFORAIAA TO hhfeeheS, obj)dloar ,nshhcbor of she a]en or Alameda found the mrds • SRRRRtRr9 loobrey ax Odar6 Xauflo -Free, la err OMAn cr elaboor, A.):,rorr]e, tc • R SalibtrA anfia Lonar sabienenrs or oednnernA, ins nuerossosi be nooe neXnisos 5h rane strirrer ny ChAbter r, 7-'nFle X, a° ths ReehleLPO-e Cora, Tyne ir are moosur prosinya RR ",RR 'RtRRR RRt RhR ef Carneor ,,b LLe eadmbil sf ere rib's of Alameda on biradas, Foy Or., itcrie A, n. rre ntur yd XnXi oondeyeso as R rdhlie nolharbe any anbted radocan in RPi' r,arebtra rihr'sionn end 9ebne bdors:gb Are.; bna l'AbnirrS, ib anbeara, And as R,R hnly foarb bo 'Yr trao, 'niar bre bbig E.R-6iCeS "WR-RO. JRVR" PRRURR.R.RR RRIRRfl RV noaeletn rest! memilrg, tam tiro, tR")rRa. RRRR sanhor yosOug o, . hemniarmb hce !VRRR'..1-RR RRRGRR: th:IS oii , b Fels tens, the AnTesena beine • ,,b te,ta,xxs bx,,ora „elogo be aba uay]dre a bhs -do', a rur rarer ciaderhut :sirens thn „ - n rerneeenebe hrrlsra of soy, ee'e,tele, end ar Aar deb onrsid rarlsh tRR 1 ol' •R't.'"RRROF, arh oehyr ne'devoe nyardertou ex...Ater, City of Alameda finds thrt rbs buildlma or oracture .1,7ROVR. add deeldynateta RS 2X5(e Paelbic everhe, te e ni.ty de Aloge0e- Califorble, is e buFillug ohfit for. human. nabieorIca. ober:bandy, in. tbab bald. struotare i2 dangerous to numan life mad detri rarntrorn 0-, ran,. ao o a ,onnin mrt tab br (yarn.' trna hi tr, ex amor boo AFtband rd elito eajd mbesyno rm. lin it', _rya bre yho 'Pee ieeeT'-lehe hAd.SOLsAD boat SR,..aiR R,RIORRCR he not sc. obateC. rho. du1.6 ob strrnedre bMO.1.1. 'So none& or removed by trs deie restilYirbg rhbasectshe, end the earemesn nearenr Her. thR "CR: or nanyei of rand ubon whion. said. rollOirg losete,l, as brovidAd by CHAbpter r, rtie rre, of tbe alnixodo Frnidaddi Coda and the brays Fouslny Act of tne btate or herittbhritth; aro je, ir aald nuisance oe not RD aoates as ordoe rdrtnerizen rano. direateo to raze or remove eah ororesais buritroin,s or strsrthTe. rho. Ace of eitIn 8usre of Calirornia. direeted to host ann mail hories of this reoolhtion an yraviddd. ry salr" Code. I, the undersigned, hereby certify thot the foremoirm bbsolatibn curry A.YAri falba AllarleT: horny ilman Freemom, (1). osal of Said Rit7 'anis Xlat doy of RRR:R8t, 19rX. SHIT LEY ild_ild.TOTIFTER d. of tne City. of a:Lambda. RraR-Rbrrb rr Q cert t f: oafoect co o.f '1-Le Toiuti 03T 1P To 'BD.: " 1.1-1troiiucer: itty court:1,1;i]. cyn. t t of