Resolution 05704RESOLUTION. NO. 67666 APPROVING AND ADOPTING A 'BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1957-1956; APPROPRIATING CERTAIN MONEYS FOR THE EXPENDITURES PROVIDED 1" SAID BEDGET FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR AND RATIFYING CERTAIN EXPENDITURES HERETOFORE MADE. WEEEEAS, there has been submitted to, and filed. with this Council, at this mheting, a budget representing 0 financial plan. for cond.ucting the affairs of thb City of Alamhda for tbe fiscal year bogineihxx July 1, 1BNj and ending Juno 30, 1958, which budget iz marked, "Filed with thE C:ty Clerk in open meeting of thb City OodnodL, September 17, 19576; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED EY THE COUNIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA that saiL . budget as submitted to thls Council at thiz meeting, and.. each. and every part thereof, be, En1 . the same is hereby., approved snd. adopted as the budget for tho City of Alameda for the fiscal ycar 1967-1966, and thht the expenditures of the ye-Ripon sums of money therein provided to be spent for salaries and wages, mninten- anre and operation and. capItal outlay by each dabartment as therein listed '1 detail. are hereby aaproved and authorized in total, by Mhe above object classification, as • the appropriations for thz fiscal year erninx june 30, 1958. BE IT SEE6BEE0 RESOLETE thnt there be, and. are hereby, abyTopriated for the fiscal year 1957-1953, the specified sumz for the ruTpose of meeting the cost 1 salaries End wnges paid officers and empinyees thE cost of mnintenanbe, operation, and for ennlpment and othwr capital outlay of the respective departments, divisiexds, offices ann. boardn of the C and for ell other purposes designEted in saidbuRget for the respective purposes of tha said departments, divisions, offices and boards of the City, and. for such. special funds and other purposes designated in said budget; and. BE IE FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the appropriations beNoin. lornvidd for are made out of the Cenoral Fund. for the fiscal year 1957-1958, except those made to of for purposes for Rh:lob srecial funds are established, and az to sucn last mentionbd purposes said appropriations are made out of the special fonds respec- • tively established therefor. RE IT FURTHER REBOLIED that such expenditures as mzy have boon made by the several departments, divisions, offices and boarde of the City after the bbgGn- fling 0 the fisoal year. 1957-1956 and. prior to the .000" (3 of this resolution, and have been or may be duly approved. by tha City Auditor, are hereby. ratified, confirmed and. approved, and shall be resaectively chargbd egainst the appropriations herein and. in said budget provided for. * * * * * * * * * I, tde undersigned, hereby certify' that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced and adopted. by the Council. of the City of Alamnda in regu- lar mzeting assembled on the 17th day. of September, 1957, by.tne following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen CollIschonn, Hchannt and. President MaCanl, (3). NOES: Councilmen Freeman exte Petersen, (2). ABSENT: None. IN WETNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said. City this lOth. day. of September, 19E1. SHIRLEY RR TENN:PER (SEAL) T.Th7,y Blerk of the OltF P—ATHine-HNO—B-- I hereby certify .) the foregoing is a full, txzo and correct copy of "Rnsclutioh NB. BE0h, APPROVING AND PGYFEPING A SUDDET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1967- .6966, APERCFREATING CERTAIN MONEYS FER THE EXPENDITURES PROVIDED IN SAID BUDGET FOR SAID FISCAL NENE AND RATIFYING. CERTAIN. SIERENIBEMLN RERFECFORE intro- duced. and adopted by thb Council ch. the 17th day of Boater-Hof, IBEE.. 6466 6 6-1666,7666 9'667 f Alamhda