Resolution 057087 RESOLUTION NO. 5706 RESOLUTICff OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMFDA DESIOTATING AN7) APPOIMNG H. D. 7.7.71,IEE, CITY YANAGE.R, AS A MUMER a7 TH'E BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF THE AJAKEIDA BELT LINE, A CALIFORNIA CORPORA=OU, WHEREAS, by AFTeement doted DeceTber 15, 192, by and between The Wostern P8cific ComTpan7 and. The Atchison, Topeka 9nd. Santa Fe Railway Collpany„ as rarticcl of the fipst TI,Irt, and the City. of mede, as party of th.c, second part, th.e Council of thie City. of Alameda. gilven the poer to desigmate ore riA117:0027 of the Board. of Directors cf Lhe Alameda Belt Line, "who shr-0:1. be the City Maroger of tho City or other -person desA,70.18.ted. by the Council of' the Cit7'; 2nd. WEEP2AS0 the DreV.I.C.U.S City Managmr, C2r1 FroHrer, who had been appointed member of' Bord of Directors of the Alameda Belt Line, has now ,etirnd from. his ,psitiorl as City- 'Manager of the Clty of Adayned.s,' and WHEREAS; H. D. Feller is now the. do,ly apT.ointod City Manager of the City of Alameda; NOW TF7P77.0PE, gE I.T RES011:11.0 EY THE CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. tki:at • H. D. Weiler, City ManaEer of the City of Aiamede, Ler.0.1.. appointed. a member of the Board of Directors of the Alameda 5(.11. Line, a California corporal...1..on, pursuent to the terms of that certain A7,reeTcent referred to above. I, the undersigned, Hereby certify tht the fo.regoing Resolution was du:ly n ..fegularly introduced. and adopted by the Council. of the City. of Al.RITeda. in regu. - ler meeting asser.bled on the 15th da7. of October, 1957, by the followirz vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Collischonr Freeman Petersen, Schacht and President McCall,l, (5). NOES!. Nom . ABSE'N'T None. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hicrOUM,150 set 11 !aand snd affixed the cpffIcia2. seal of said. Cit.v- th.L.1 16th C.ay of October', 1957. (SEAL) SITEHLIN' lift Jlerk or 1 , f Alameda — I hf.reby 1ertif.7 thi.lt the forelwinp. is a. full, true and correct copy of "Resoll7tA.on No. 5708, RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ALAMETA DESIG7ATINO• AND APPOTNTTNG H. ID. NELJ1j",P., CITY MANAGER, AS A MEMBER OF THE BOAF.D ap 1) (1, OF THE ALAMEDA FELT LINE A CALIFORNIA CORM'O,T17" introduced. ar:d edopted by th.e. Council on the 15th. day of October, 1957.