Resolution 05710RESOLUT= NO. 5710 AUTHORIZING, THE EXECUTION OF AN AG.ftEEKEHT HY ATOD BETWEFIF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. A7) THE ALP:META UNI.FIED SCHOOL DISTISN,CT -.RELATING TO THE PROVISION 0' A PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC RECREATION IN THE CITY OF ALATEE...JRA.„ WEEPEAS, a certain. agreement by and. between th.e City of Alameda and tjae Alamsda UnIfled School District has been proposed ne12Sing Lo tLo prsvislon. of a prsgram. of c.)ublinl.s recnetlsn for Oh.o City of Alameda in accordance with. tha provi- sions of CTs-.11.3ter Division 12, of the Education. Ccde of the State of OvHict.Nvrncia; anal HEREAS, She Council of the City of Alameda is iaformcd and aware of f..0.8 cononts of said. agreement; and. 03' 0, the executIon ct said aFrosment is i1 tire bsst interests of th.e City of Alamssna; NOW THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF .03 tbs.:, Mayor of the Oty AlfsmeNa is hareby aatbonized to excote, ,'or anA3 on. behalf of the City cf.Alneda, that certain agreement relaing to the provision 0- a pro- pnm of public recreation. .for the City of Alsrvn0. by. and bctween said City and this Alnmeda Unified School District, and the GAty Clerk ia hea-,by dircrted to attest to SOMe„, * * * I, the undersincsa hersh7 s'it' y that the foregslng Hssolatico was duly and re.F..-:.alray introdu.sod and. adopted by tne Council of the City of Alameda. in rep.0 Ian w..setln assambasd. sr, tb.e 15th. day of October, 19S7, by t...,he followITT: vote, to AYES: Councilmen. CsllisciAonn, Freeman, Petersen Schacht an6 President HcCall, (5). HOES: ABS?, :,' 00 3. TN WITNESS WRFRECH, I have hereunto set my }Eand. an(3. affixed. tho Effie:LI:a seal of sale', City thcl.E.1 16th. day of' Octobor, 1957. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TEYNIER 711 iN clePz. of the City of — asTaJby certify thEt the foregoinFs is a. full, true scud correct copy. of esolution No. 77n, TRUTHOEIZING THE EXECUTIGN OF AN AGREEMENT 3Y AND BIETWEEN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. AND 'HTER 1. '1.') U17TED SCHOOL DISTRICT RELATING 70 T..crE PROVISION O' PROGRAY TOR, PNHLIO FENGOSATION IN THE. CITY OF ALAMEDA,' Introdured 2n.d. th., couwell na, 2 e 15tO. day cf October, 1957.