Resolution 01679RESOLUTION C. 1879
RESOLVER, that the salaries of the officers and members of the audAtor arR ASS6F,SeT
Department of tbo City of klfuneda be, and they are hereby fixedd as foltews;
The Luumnp hatilMok shp-11, recerre Two hundred end Twertyufive and no/100 Dollars (4220,0R) her
month; the Nevaty hese:seas shell receive One hundred and Sekenty-fire end 3 o/100 Philtre N.,10,75„00)
per month', tta Stenegraphar and Clerk. shall receive One hnndred and no/100 Dollar° P4100.00) pen'
monthf the Field Deputies shp/1 receive One Lund:1rd and Thirty-five arta na/100 Hallers(N135.00)
pet month, the 01Drk ehrli reacive One Hundred and no/100 Dollars (4100.00) Der frahnh.
FEFOTITD, that the salary of the Huilnibg inspcntor cf. the City 3f Adhmoda shall
receive: Ono Hundred end ',Seventy-fine and no/100 Dollars (N175.00) per mouth,
GESTINED, that the Sal8TiGS of the officer and meaner of the City Atli-spiry 'Department
of tha City of Alameda be, and they are hereby fixed as fol.:Lams;
OThe Fifty Attorney. shall receive Pah handfed and Thentymfive end no/NOR Doinpre (4kfla.00M
per nphtbE the Secretary shell receive One RundRed aud Thirty-five and no/100 Hollers (Nlahn00)
HEDOLVED, that t?le salaries of the officers arR Hhmbers of the fire Department of tbe
City of Alamede be, end, they ere beroby fixed es follows;
One Chief of tte Fire Department 'knell receive Inn Hundred end 3,
3, ann no/100
Dollars 0275,00) per month; are Assistant Chiefs shall receive 1hp Hundred und Fen: dud holi00
Dohtars (4210.00) per monthr tne Captaith onn. Rechant° °hail receire One Unwired and Ninety and,
no/100 Dollars (4190.00) par month; the, Lieutenants arDli hereive Cho Hundred and Seventy-five
and no/100 Dollare ing75,00) per month,
3. 3, ehell receive the following emoutttn
For the firob year, One linndrea Thirty and to/A,00 Dollars (azo,co) per month;
fur the second year, ano Baddred InirtynTive and nc/100 ledihrs (ND135.00) per North;
For tiR third year, One Hundred Ddripnrive und no/100 Dollars (4140,00) pet month;
Far the fourth year, One Ern/bred Silty' and nol3, :00 folders (ItiOU.OR) per muntbf
Tor the fifth ED.,2, subsemrent years, One Eumdrod Seventy and acjiC0 Dollars Fftlf0,001
per month,
RECOLVID, that the snit-Tries of the following offihers and employees of the Health
Department ef the Oltv of Alemuda he, °lad they are aeruny flpred as follows:
The Health Offiner shell knee-Ise IVo Hundred and no/100 Dollars (4200,00) per munthl
the Assistant tlealft Officer shell mRRGve 0310 Handfed nnd nnenty Rive anti no/100 Dollars
(01R5,00) mchttm the Scon, Inspector shall receive One Onndked and Adhrty anti rio/n00 Paidare
HR180,00) per muntim the OUnitary Inap>pRor shall, receive One Hundred had ueventy-five and
no/lOP Ihirara (N135.013 )tur ranta; Mao Feateriolociet shall redenve Inc Mundsed and HnxHy add'
no/100 Tellers
3, 140,001 per month; Rue Plaiting Nurse shall recelva Ore amdred and ThirttyvfiVe
and ro/I00 Dol1Hre (a'6t.oc) pek ,rutim the Clark shall receive Dna Dlindred and na/100 Dolleks
(P100.00; nur month,
PCOCIFFID, that tbs sliaries of thh follovnng offiner snd cartaltkyees of the Admindthlrhtivo
Inhhitmont of tho City of Hien:oda be, and. they are Fereny fixed as hollow:N. Tle City RaineenT
obanl receive 'Nibs Thousand and no/100 Dollars L65,000.00) Dor yearn the neurstary to the City
bRnesne nentl ',punnet, nen p.10 Thirtv-fi-r,,,, srA n.o/140 Dollars td135.00) mar moutht Uwe
Secretary to the CMty Clark sholl receive One Hundred and. Thirty-five ahM ne/S00 Sellars
(S225.0.0) per mooth; the janitor of the City-Hail stall. reee)pa 011 Hundred and Fifty and
no/100 Dollars 4250.00) per mehtS-
D1SOLICL, that the officers and meonnme of the. Police Lepariment of the Gity of
Alameda be, end. they are hereby fixod as followsi
The 0:nisi) of Pollne shall ;receive Two Huh:Hand and Seventy-five nod be/180 Dollars
(5245.00) per montnd the Captain of Online shell receive Two Hundred end inn and ne/lbe
lars (4210.001 pir months) the Lieutenant shall receive One HUAdied and. Ninety-five
and no/100 Dollars (41,25oo) 2.1x menth; Latestivat shall. receive One Hundred
ninety sad hen2200 Dnillare (4100.001par month; Sergeants shall receive Cne Otadred and 22)12y.
end. ne/1CC Dollars (4180.00) pem month; Policewoman shall .renolve One 11122hed and. Sixtynfive
and. no2100 Dollars 185.00; per month,
Patrolmen and 2ntercyclo Officers snail. receive tho followino amounts;
FCT the first year, One Enndhed and. Thirty' and. no/100 Dollars td)100.00) per month;
Tor the second year, One. MUndred and Thdrty-five Ard ro/102 Dollars .,4a,35,0(1)) per
Mer the third year, One Surat& --
2e'r' °T'e Aundred Lnd ilvesti7a)el' "IA"°°)
no/100 Lellars
for cif fifth and ffhtfvfft feithf . ,s bud 12/100 Dollars :,...41ePco) war man, 2'
One to. a -
($230.00) per month1
111)201221), that ind salaries of the officer and members of the Atereation Department;
of the City of niameda be, and they ere hereby fixed. as follows:
The Superintendent shall racenve Two Handmed. arn no/100 Dollars 0200.00) per month;
the Fonsoner. shall roceivs One nuodated. and Forty and no/100 Sellars 0140.00) per month; the
httid Dernener shall receive One Hundred arid Thirty and no/102 Dollars ($)130.00) 2er month;
the Cardoners sod. Tree Trimuerb shall reccipe One Hundred. and Twenty and no/150 Dollars ;,4a2o.ocl
per menthn trio Simy OuTervisor snail receive ninety rod ne/100 0oliers...(20G00) par month;
tte Play Oirectors shell inceive StvoyA2Gfiun and no/100 Sollars (S25.00) por month; the Dihomere
stall. rutalve Four and 80/1.00 Dollars 584.82) per'dmy,
RODOLYED, that the salaries of the officero and members of tho Golf Coarse Department
of fhe City of Alameda. be, and they are hereby fixed as folls2H2
Tts Onperltatendent shall receive 031e land:red. and. .2222 and $21120 Doliars (iao.o.00l
per month; the Gaddy. I/taster shall receiro One Hundred and Fifty and no/1201211ars (.4a5oc.o) Uor
martini hha tHnwthan shell receive 02$ Hundred. end. Fifty and no/102 latinedn (41$2.0C1 par month;
the Laberems shall receive Eton' and. biOnle2 failure, 044.50) per day.
RE21)252, that the salaries of the officers dud members of tiun)oelal Service Depart...2mb.
of the City of Alameda be, and they ore homety fixed as follows;
The Superintendent of the Clinic shall receive ORC Hundred and Fifty Five orb re/1012
Dollars (.02.5.00) ymx oetattn tha Office Mansmer shall. recolvt One Enindred and inblwi eon no/100
Toilers tS100.001 oar month; the Assistant Clinic NUT6C shnli receive Orr, Putbredband ThirtYbilbn 2.„
(1').$5.20) bor monthy tba Vinitingidamme shall. xoceive One Hundred and Thirty Five and no.2100
Pallets (123.2.001 pat month; the Stenographer shall receive One Hundrea sir2 no/100 Doilars
1,5100.00) not; month; the Janitor shall receive One Hundred and Ten rod no/100 Dollars (5)110.00)
per month.
fa:DINED, that the nalarido of the officers sea members of the Street atgartment
of the City of' Mknmeda be, atid they are hereby fixed es follomn:
Fhb City lambibemr shall. reweive hires Hundred end ne/100 collars, 4300(0fa ser
month; the. .5ssistant Caty f5gineeT shelf receive Eno facmdred end. bon10.0 Sollexa 1E200.00)
per monthd the General gordman stall receive One admired arid Sixty. and no/100 Dollars. (P)160,00)
per month; the rEerk shall receive 05e Uurtired urr. Fen end no/MOO Dollars ;411050Na per monthd
the MesUarnid shall receive Sim end nond.0.0 Dollars Weddle) phr day; tam inspector shall receive
Six: and acY100 Dollars (6.00) per daY; tide Debtandremea ahall receive Vies and eFg1.00 btalaxs
(45,50) per day; the aweebtx Upeuntor shall receive give and 0 t)1100 Dollars (gleset0 aor day;
tam Dlaver of large truck shall receive Cita and. dliC100 Dollars (45;50) per day; the Falter of
small truck saall receive. Fits add del30 Dollard (d)5.00) par day; the nutter Eh:roma:a shall
rensive Five sad ba51E0 Dollars lg5.00) per dayi tide Sewer halcorere snail. receive four and
751100 Dollard (Wan) per icy; the Obariffer Opemator dhall rcaeive five mad no/100 Dollars
(0.00) per day; COMV=i Laborers shall receive four and OS/100 Dollars (gMsbC4 Der deco
ETE1LVED that taa solthy of the officer of tre freasurer and Tax. Collector Ifsperts
meat of the City of alameda he, and it in 5ereby. fixed az follewei
The Eaputy Treasurer sad lax Collector shall rebeiva One Hundred aighty sad noellied
foildra (41180.00) per month;
kftddlaTED, tbat the salaries aforemsnzioded be paid in arrears for each calendar matt),
NESdlladD, that this resolution snail. take effect and he operative from and. after
September ist, 1952;
day snd. dila soolutions in. conflict heret5th are hereby itieminded arid set asids.
the undmrsigned, hereby certify. that the foregoing absolution wan duly. end
regularly latradured. and (hfted by the Council. of the City of Alameda.. ta regular meeting
assembled Or, the 15th day of auGunt, indf, by the following vote, to sit:
Gouncilmen MorriS, Schaefer, Shanly add Vice dgesidebt laykeekemd (4).
NOES: Nobe
aaddliold Douncilsorenddeat laamdetf, (ig
did W55E20E', 1 bats Sereotto sat my hand anti stalked the official seal
of said city- this 17th dety of Augu.,:vt, 1732.
7-15771.0frk OPO tmt of ens City of Alameda.
so:).7:e14 cortidy the foregoing is a f511, true aud sonrcat cody 1
RESOLUTION NO. 1C79 "FlOaCd OPE dud/RIES OF TEN OffiCkhd siam diffiBleff Of fOlamidaFG
14(255fiE417: lUDITO2 am!, eacheSSCE„ fUllabliill IfCbECENh; ()ITT aTFCREEY, flidg, Eddied,
fEnLaC, dEaddefil4dN„ MOLF, SOM14L SERVICE, STREET LED EREAFONER a5d TAX COlihdfild ef
TSE afTV lf passed by ids) Cm:own of Las City of dlefaida in regular meeting
sssembled on the loth day of Nifgast, 19Ciflo
Cify Clerk
t diamededd