Resolution 01802REOOLUTION NO. 1802. DienTOC THE CAinDICS 32 Can 022101h6 AND .,..,ELaual.3 OF THE EOLLODIEG DEfARTHENTS: AUDITOR and ASCEO8OR, BUILDING IDSTECTOR, CITY CLERK, CITY TTOHDEY ADHINISTOCTIVE DEPAnTNENT, BIRD, Ityiac, HEALTH, GOLD, SOCIAL SERVICE, CTREETC and DiCHOATIOF, CITY Co TREAOURE2 and TAX OCILEOTOD, OF' TIE CITY lnICEDA. PBOOLVED, that the salaries of the officers and members of the Auditor and Ansessor Depart:next of the City of Alameda be, and they are hereby fixed as follows: The Deputy Auditor shall receive Two Hundred and Twenty-five and. no/100 acllars (8225.00) per month; the Deputy. assessor shell receive One 01101 OE and ighty-five and no/100 Dollars. {8185.00):per month; the Stenographer and Clerk shall receive One Hundred and no1.100 Dollars ($10Cr00) per month; the Field Deputies shall receive One Hundred and Thi12 y-five. and no/100 Dollars {$135.0)) per month; tbe Clerk shall receive One Hundred and 118/100 Dollars ())100.00) per month. RECOLVED, that the salary. of the 12 1:12 Inspector of the City. of Alameda be, and the. same is hereby. fixed at One Hendren and Seveury-fivo and no/100 Fellers (8175,(0) pnr monthi RECOLVE) , that the salaries of ten City Clerk and members of ten it Clerk Departunnt of the City oT Alameda be, and they are hereby fixed as follows: The City Clerk shall receive Two Nundren and Fifty and no/100 Dollars (3250.00) per month; the Deputy City Clerk and Financial Ocala:Mx:ray shall 1,TC:O. OhQ Hundred and Thirty-Dive and nn/ 100 Dollars (8150.00) per month. ENCOLVED, • th t the palettes of the officer and merber of the City Attorney Department of the City of Alameda be, and they. are hereby fixed as follows: The City- artorney shall receive Two Hundred. and Twenty-five and no/100 Dollars (8225.0) per nonth; the Secretary shall receive One Hundred and Thirty-five and n0/I00 noljars {8135.00) pnr nenth. RESOLVED, that the salaries of the officers and members of the Fire Department of the City of Alame1 a. be, and they are hereby fix12 . as follows. The chief of the Fire Department shall receive TWO Hundred and Seventy-five and. no/100 Dollars (3275.( ) per month; the Assistant Cbiefe shall receive Two Hundred and Ten and 1e/100 Dollars (6.2i.o.o.o) par :tenth; the Captains and blechahle shall receive One Hundred and finery and no. 100 Dollars W100.00) per month; The. Identenahre elnall receive One hundred and: Seventy-five and he/100 Dollars M75.00) per menth. Firemen shall receive the following amounts: For the first pear, One Hundred Thirty and he/100 Dollars ((ii130.00) per month; For the seconn year, One Hundred Thirty-five and no/100 Dollars ($1.35.001 month; For the third year, One Hundred Forty-five. and no/100 nellars (8145.00) perm month; For the fourth year, One Hundred Sixty and ne/100 Dollars W60.00) per month; or tne rift), ard subseudeer v03913 , 8ne Hundred Seventy and ne/100 Dollars ($170.0c per 10 73130111110, that the salaries of the following officers and employees of the Health Department of the City of Alai eda. be, and they are hereby fixed as followen The Fualth Officer shall receive Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars N.200.00) per month; the Assistant Health Officer shall. receive One Hundred and Twenty-five and no/100 Dollars N125.00) Per month; the Food Inspector shall receive One Hundred and Eighty and no/100 Dollars N180.00) pen month; the Sanitary Inspector shall recoive Ore Hundred and Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars N175.00) per month, the Bacteriologist shell recoive One Hundred and 3ixty and 10/ 11 Dwilars N190.00) per month; the Visiting Nurse shall. receive One Hundred and Thirty-five and no/100 Dollars (01-55.001 per =Um the Clerk shall. receive One Hundred ;tad no/100 Dollars (100.00) per month. RESOLVED, that the salaries of the following officer end (3 ,,,L.3 of the AdrUnistrative Dopartmont of the City of Alameda 29, and they are hereby! fined as follows; The City hena(ur shall receive Five Thousand and no Dollars (95,000„00) her yearn the Secretary to thh City Hahagur shall receive One Hundred and Thirty-five and no/100 Dollars 14135.00) per month; the Storekeeper shall receive Oho Hundred and Fifty and no/I00 Dwilers N150.00) per month.; the Tulehhuno Operator shall receive One Hundred and no/100 Dollars N100.00) per month; the Janitor of the OrLy hall shall receive One Flendmod and Fifty and ne/100 Dollars N150.00) par tenth. REOCLVLD, that tho salanieo of the officers and members of the Police Department of the 3ity of Alameda be, and thoy ars hereby' fixcld as followsn The Chief of Pollho shell receivo 3ven Hundred add ;tete:any-five and no/100 Dollars ($271000) per month; the Captain of Police shall rochive Two Hundred and Ten and n3 /100 Deflate N?1.0.00) per tenth; the Lieutenant shall receito One Hendred and Yinety-five and no/100 Dollars (0195.00) her monthn Dotehtives shall receive One Hundred and hinety and. no/100 Donau ( D0.00) per month; 13 t' shall 1'' 10 One Hundred and ELghty and h 100 Dollars N180.00) pen month; Fhlicowoman shall receive Oro Hundred and dixty-five and no/100 Dollars N165.00) per month. Patrolmon and .1', 1. Officers shall receive the followiug amonntom 'Tor the first year, Ohe hundred and Thirty and no/100 Dollars (4130.00) per henth; Sof the second year, One Hundred the Thirty-five and nn/100 Dollars N13.5.00) per month, nX.2 the third year, One Rehdred and Forty-five and no/100 Dollars ($149A.00 pen vouth; For the fourth year, One Hundred and Sixty End no 100 Dollars 0160.001 per montn; ?or the fifth. and subsequent years, One Hundred and Seventy' end no/100 Dollars N170.00) pen month; RISOLVED, that the saleries of the officers anUmembers oT the Ohlf The Superintendent shall receive One Hundred and Fifty and no/I00 Dollars 0150.0) per month; the Caddy Master shall receive One Hundred and Fafty and no/100 Dollars (Z150-00) par molath; the Foreman shall receive One Hundred and Fifty and no/100 Dollars (150.00) per rauth: the Laborers shal receive Four and 50/100 Dollars (iibik.50) per da.y. HEMMED, that the salaries of the officers and members of the hilwmada Bity Department of Soclni Gervdce of the Sity Alameda be, and they are hereby' fixed as follows: The Director and 3(3J'1. 2I of said department shall receive One Hundred and Fifty-five end. no/100 Dollars (G155.0(2 ) per month; the Stenographer shall receive Onw Hundred and 10/ 13 Dollars C;41000(2) per month; RESOLVED, that the 33 133 :7:: 11 1116 a ec e ol t al they- are mere y fixed as follos: The City Engineer shall receive Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars 0300.00) per month; the Assistant City Engineer shall receive Two Hundred end uo/100 Dollars (S20(2.00) per north; the Draftsman Wheal receive Six and no/100 Dollars 06,00) rer day; the Genoral Bbreman shall receive One Hundred abd Sixty and no/100 Dollars M60.00) ;per momth; the Clerk shall receive Oro Hundred and Ten and no/100 Dollars (0,10.00) per month; the Mechanic shall receive aim and no/100 Dollars 06.0O) per day; the Stweet imsnector shall receive Ono Hundred and Sixty and. no/100 Dollars 0160.00) per month; alayground directors shall receive Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars 1 75.00) mer menth; thw newer Foreman shall receive Five and 50/100 Delldre 0;550) mer day; the Sweeter Operator shall receive Five and 50/100 Dollars Kil5,50) per day; the Driver of large truck shall receive Five and 50/100 Dollars 05.50) per do.sw the Driver of small truck shall receive Five said no/100 Dollars 05.00) per day, the Gutter Foreman shall receive Fave and no/100 Dollars ( er day; 0 the Head Gardener shall reneive Four and 75/100 Dollars 04.7;5) per day; '16 03', Laborers snail receive Four and. 75/100 Dollars 04.7.5) per day; the Concrete Foreman shall receive Six and no/100 Dollars 06.00) per day; Gardeners, Tree Trimmers and Common Laborers shall receive Four and. 50/100 Dollars (1!Am5C) per day. HGOOLVED, that the salary of the officer of the Treasurer and Tax Collector Department of the City of Alameda be, and it is hereby fixed as follows: The Decbty Treasurer and Fax Collector shall receive One Hundred and (1 1,, and ne/100 Dnllars 0180.0b) per month.. RESOLVED, that the salaries aforemantioned be paid in arrears for each calendar month. RESOLVED, that all salaries and rates of comTemsation, as fixed by this resolution, shall. be effective as of and after November 1, 19.33, BE IT FERTHBB REGO:1;7ED, that any and all resolutions, OT dartn of resol- utions 1 conflict herewith be, and the name are hereby, rescinded. and set aside. * * * I, the undersihned, hereby certify' that the foregoing Resolbtdon was. duly and regulaTly introdbbed. and. adopted by the Caldwell of the City of Alambdu in regular meeting asserbied on the 7th day of Nov- ember, 1933., by. the following vole, to wit: AYES: Councilman Brazzone, :schen, Morris and President Murray, (4). • NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Leydebker, (1). IN TESTIMONY WHEREON, I have herbubto sot my hand and the official seal 1 the City this eth day of November, 1933. D. Elmer Dyer. (SEAL Of THE CITY OF KilbUdEDA) City Clerk of the City of Alaruda. a a a hereby certify' that the foregoinc Resolution is a full, true mid correct copy of "'RESOLUTION Nb, 1802, FIXING TEE &WEARIES OF TP2 OFFICERS AND MENR.EKS OF THE FOLLOWTEG DETARTNENTST AUDITOR and ASSESSOR, EbELNEWG IN3TERTOR, CITY CLERK, CITY ATE:ORE:EY, ADMINKCYRATIVE DEPARTMENT, FIRE, POLICE, LETAIIKK, COL, bObIAL SERVICE STREETS and RECREATION, CITY ENGINEER, TREASURER and TAK COLLECTOR, OF KKK CITY OF NEAKERK", - passed by the CounOil of the City of Alarda in regular weeting assembled on the 7th day of November, 1233.