Resolution 02450RESOLUTION NCS, 2450 DES IGNAT LNG TH/22 GERTAIN NIGNE AY 00123ONT Y ERWIN A3 INES 3T3 TT HIGHWAY AS " AT L ENT IC AVENUE " WHEREAS, Alameda Belt Line, a corporation, heretofore granted. to the City af Pluamedu an easement for public highway' purposes in, over and along certaiu real. property situated. in the City of Alameda, County of Alaseda, State of Califon- nix, ;curb particularly described as fallow's: PARCEL NO. 1 41 11 at a poaht on. the eastern line of Tract numbered. 41 as said tract is delineated arE so designated upon that certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Lard as partitioned among the owners thereof ih. the suit NO. 8923 and entitled. 'Pacific. Improvement Cbmpany, Plaintiff, es. Jambs A, Waymire et al., Defendants", Superior Court of Alameda County, State of California", filed. in the office of the County RecorEph of Alameda County 4) the 44.1 h day of Daly, 1900, said point being distant 192.77 feet northerly measured. slang said. eastern line of said tract numbered 41 from. its intersection with the line segregating the high and dry laud from the Mere:a Land as said. segregutian line is shosm. on the aforesaid. hap; thence South 0* 341 atst 51.03 feet along said eastern. line of tract numbered 41; thence South 85* 34, :5,4184 925,62 feet; thence North 88* 551 5.5* Nest 888.89,feet; thbnce dhuth. 86* 34* lest 4986.05 feet; thence South 84* 197 Ehst 60.49 feet to a. point on the western line of 'sheet numbered 34 dixtaht therean 69.17 feet northerly. from its intersection with said segregation • linb, thence tbrth 1* 39? East 51,13 feet; thence North 84* 197 West 57.89 feet; thence hXhth. 86* 54, West 1989.14 feet; thence South. 88* 554 55* Nest 889.98 feet; thence North 88* 34? West 926.76 feet 1 the paint of beginning, being a porA tion of tract numbered 5.9 as shoym on the aforesaid map. Containiug an. area of 4.522 auras, more OT less. ARCEL NoLq Beginhing at a point on thu Yesterh linb of tract runhered 41 as said tract is delineetoe and so designated upon that certain man ertitied "Mhp of' Alameda Marsh barb! as partitioned. among the owners thereof in the suit No. 8923 and entitled 'Pacific Improwbment Ocashany, Plaintiff vs. James A. Wdeuire, et al„ Defendants', Superior Court of 10ameda bounty, State of California," filed in thb office of the Scanty Beearder of Alieda County en tne 30th. day of July, 1900, said. point being distant 143,93 feet northerly measureE along said westehn line of said tract numbered 41 from its inA tersection with, thb line segregating the high and dry land from the Marsh nerd. as said segregation line is shown on the aforesaid map; thenbe North 0* 34/ West 51.28 feet ainng said western. line of tract nurbered 41 thence South 85* 59T 9o5 wo8t 4o6.96 febt; thence South 75* 47, 5o*• West 791.57 feat to a noint on the Persita Cront Line; 91 (1 South. 27* 457 linst 52„46. fest along said Pbralts GrOflt Line; thenuo North 75* 47T 5o* Eaut 775.86 feet; thence North 83* 297 50" East 397.85 feet ta the point of beginning, hulng portions af tracts Numbered. 43 and. 45 as shown en the aforesaid Ebb. Containing an. area of 1.388 acres, more or less. PARCEL NO, 377 Beginning at a point on the Westernboundsry line ef Tract Numbered 34, distant thereon North. 1* 39! Bast Sixty-nine ape 19/100 febt fXom the point of intersection thereof with the Sbuthern bonnPary line of said. Tract Num bured said. Tract is Xhown on the Map hereinafter referred. to; running thenue North 19 391 East along the said. Tbstern boundary. line of Tract Dructered. 34 Fifty-one and 13/100 feet, thence Snnth 84* 19? East parallel with the Southern. boundary line of said Tract Numbered 34, Two Hundred.. Twenty and. 55/10B feet to a point on the Weatern line cf Webster Street, as said struet how exists since the widening thursofx thence South. 1* 397 West along said. line of Webster Street Fifty-one and 13/100 feet; themes North 84* 197 West parallel with the saib. Southern 1(94.14413 line of Tract Numbered. 34, Two Hundred Tweuty and 351100 feet to the point of beginning. Being a 'portion of Tract Numbered 34, as said Tract is delineated and so dasignated upon that certain Map entitled, "Mbp of Alameda. Marsh Land as partitioneE am21 ng the owners thereof in the Suit Numberhd. 8923 an44 entitled, Facific Improvement Cbmbany, Plaintiff, vi James A. Waymire; et al, Defendants, Superior Count of Alameda County-, State of California" - filed july 10, 1900 in the Office of the Cbnlity Recorder of Alameda County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COIN= OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA that thb aforesaid p((troels of Iand be, and the same are hereby, designated and shhil hereafter be known as "Atlantic Avenue", * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. wa:3 duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regnlar meeting aszembled ch the 1.1../ day of February, 1940, by. the following vote, t, wit( AYES: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, Morris and President eichbaht, (5). NOESI None. ABSEElb None. IN 'WITNESS =HOF, I have hereunto set my hand c((1 affixed the offi- cial seal. of said Oity this 7th day of Febnuexy, 1940. LoRma R. BEATIE (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of ALikela, * * * * * * * * * * hereby certify' that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolutibn No. 2490, "DESEGHATING THAT CERTAIN HIGHWAY COMMONLY' KNOWN AS INDUSTRIAL HIGHMAY AS vATLANTIC ANIEIIS," introduced anE adopted. by the Council on the Lth day of February, 1040, oh ) (.1 nonamH CitykOlerk et Ee City of Alameda.