Resolution 03118RESOLUTION NO. 3118 "ADOPTING SEECIFILTIOLS FOE FURNIERING, ONE NEW STILE-TON PICK UP TRUCK TO THE CITY OF ALAMSDA, CALLIIM- FOR BIDS ND DIRECTING, THE CIEY CLERK TO ADyERTESE THE SAME." , RESOLFED BY TEE COUNCIL OF THE SUMEP 0I' ALAMEDA that the Specifications and Pmovisions for fur:IL:Indus one (1.) liewk half (8) ton Pick Up Truck to the City of ALmreda, No. MS 5-45-2, filed. in thp offibe uf the City Clerk on liay 1, 1945, be, and. tne same are hereby, approved. and. eCocted. RESOLVHD, FURTHER, that. the Council of the City of.' Alameda wild.. re- ceive sealed. bids up to the hour of 8:08 o'clock, P. Tuesday t4 s,15th day of May, 184E, for the fumnikhing to the City of one (1.) new, half (5)) on Pick Up Truck in accordance with. said. Specifications and Pmovisions. Bids must be presenteC. to thb City Clemk, in the City Tall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on thk outside, "Proposal for Pick Pp Tmuon," or simliar designation. Cohdract, if awarded, will be awarded, subject to the provisions of the Charter of said Cityk to the responsible bidder who submits ask lowbst and best bid- The right is resemved to reject any or all bEdd. Thp City. Clerk is hbreby directed. to advertise, in the Alampda Times- Star, a. notice calling for sealed bids in. accordance with. the 4147 of this resolutnfn and of said Specifications and Rmovisions. * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, Peroby certify that tne foregoing Pasolution was duly an. regularly. introduced end. adopted. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting amsembied on. thm ist day of May, 1945, by the foilbwing vote, to wit: ( AYES: Councilmen Tones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, NOES: None. nnnt: ouncilm.an. .1 nEAINESS WRIEREPEk huve hereunto set my hand auk. affixed. the offi- cial seal of said City this 2nd day of May, 19515. P. CLARK__ (SESL) City Clerk of the City of AlarTR;da I hereby certify that the foregoing if a full, trap and correct copy. af "Rpsolution No, )118, ADOPTING 1). 1- ?OR ETENISHINO ONE NEW SALE-TOS PEAS UP IZU,13R TO THE CITY OF ALMMEDA, CALICAPN FOR HIES AYR DIRECTING. THE CITE CLERK TO ROVEIRTISE ISE SAME," introdumed and adopted. by the Council on hhe ist day of May, 1945. City Clerk of' the City o edo