Resolution 03262CITY OF ALAEDA RESOI:UTION Ne. 6232
a. Except as othergr!gse pravida in the Salary and Positi Nesolution, pc,rsnns in positions
be..tring fiat ratxs of rompensation shall he pa.i.d the flat rate. as indicAted.
b. Full-time EtagJoyment. The saigary rates as specified in the Salary argd PositAon Reso-
IgItion shall he gcrsidercd gros5 cgmre,nsation for. full-time employment:.
c. 'g."hen. it nxcessary to compensate a monthly salarleX employee for service on a daily
basis, or to covpute partial earnings, the daily rate of pay shall be,. determined by dividing the
monhly rate by the total. number of daxx in the monxh involved.
d. Employglent. Those eployees appeAted accordace with Sectgion 7, Rule. V,
of the Civil Service Roles, shall be. paid for actual hours workegi at an hourly rate established. for
the classificatic,n cr based on. the appnapriate step in the salary range for classificatAons whose
rates 0.1-2 campute,..3 on a monthly basis. In the latter case, the hourly rate shall be computed on the
basis of a 2,080-houx Or a 1,976-hcgar year, whiahever is appli.cable.
e. gn the matter of the compensation of Eigergncy Suxg.eon (Partgllme) ealgJoyed in. the
City's First Aid Station, in the event any of the four position ln. such classifcatgions shall becctm
vaent, the remaining Exaerg,ncg Surgeons shli serve more than one week in eac,g, four-week period
shall receiva caxpensxticx for such serviges at thc rate nf. per GE seven
days. it hecg.gas necessary Lo call. in dxct.or regularly employed by the City as part-time
-F,'erg.ency Surgeons to serve for the tAme left rTer, by any such. vacancy or va.cancgjes, such ecetors
ghall be compensated for their servicex at. thx rare of 2..30.0.0 per week of seven. devs.
SaXary advancerrnt for classes in the st.ep plan shall be made
subjext to the follo.gln2 prxvisions:
AppointTnt to a posltlan norm,aily be. at the first step in the salary
range.. An mploge may be appointed to other than the normal enterina
salary step upon the reommendation of the Appoin,ting Authority Wher, it is
decidx that such action Is ia the best Lnterest of the City.
Advanee,rt to the secon.d step will normally be made. upon. the satisfactory
completio1 . og. a probatAonry This is six months in the case of all
classifications exceptirG UolAce Officers aM Firer.rn. Such increases will.
heolae. effctive cn. the first day of the pay period filoglng six months
of sgrrylcg,
(3) The.reafter, emgalyee whc maintains a satisfa.ccry of work shall
nxrmally be advance. at. annual inxervals to succeding steps oZ the assig.ed
salary range. Such increnses °All become effective rm. thx naniversary datc
of the 'increase to the 3econd step.
(4) New uxployeex entering the. Police and Fire ServAce shall be employed at the
minimum step of the salary range for their positios. Annual increases to
each suceeding step will become affectivc the first clay of pay period
gollowing completion of each year of servace.
(5) Any person who appointed to a position at. a step above Nne first step of:
the. nssIgned saJary range xill nonxally be advanced Le the next step after
one year of service. Such. in.creae beceme effextive on the frst day
of the pay period fcliogas cnc ye2r of service-
(5) In any case where, hy reason of uneul. cIrcumstancs, rLgjd aderence to
the Eoregoing, principle relating to salary a.dglicement cr adjustmet wculd
sst he in the best Snterests of the City of Alameda, the City gig:ager may
make such order deviating gherefrom as is an Igis judgment prgper an,2 in the
bast nc. the city t Ajameda.
xny ,ase .whele, by reasnn of an eig?1,1nyee tempnrarily performing the. duties
DE a gositian hogglAg a higher ran Orld classification, an inequity would
eX ist inxofar as such, the City raw; make such order gletgaas-
ing the salary al such eurdlgyee to on amount nct to exceed ten per cent (1.T.)
or the. equivalent of ttm steps above. the highest step of such egigployee's
permanent range.
gg Sala..y 'gchedule, folloging ere heTby desjgnatel as the. salary. ranses atclas,
referred to in the Salary and Position
Step Step
160 170'
IY0 200
Range. Step rep 6tep 91:52,2, c
28 255 2856 2S1 295 310
29 261 274 78S 1302 31,7
30 268 281 295 310 32 5
31 274 226 102 317 133
32 296 310 325 341
33 2 6;6, 332 317 333 266
64 295 310 32 5 661 368
35 36,2 317 333 349 367
,',,E, 316, 333 366 37(1
37 616 333 343 367 385
3e 325 341 `36S 676 395
39 3-13 349 367 365 4,65
361 359 376 395 415
349 :3-67 385 436 425
356 :376 395 15 3E,
367 385 425
395 415 -43(1
34 365 2,25
4,2,5 425 462 493
/!,i-, 415 436 338 (.839., 5c3
::9c) 425 1,47 4559 293 517
50 - 436 656 509 530
51 4.Z6? 469 493 517 543
52 456 4811 505 53C 556
53 49)9 49 3 517 656-3 370
34 461 505 330 556 384
35 517 5/31 570 596
56 565 53'6, 556 584 613
57 517 .5453 570 598 62 8
58 330 556 584 613 2:44
33 543 5 70 596, 828 660
5C 556 534 613 344 67€
51 57C 593 628 560 (V13
83 53(2 63.3 644 3,76 710
153 5933 .,5:2c 66 '..), 693 727
64 612 67.6 710 745
F23 5.2c, 652, 693 727 753
56 (544 ,57(1 710 732
67 368; 693 727 7(53 621
6,2 676 7111 745 762 621
69 683 737 663 201
710 746 536.2 821 36?
? 1 753 601
72 745 732 521 662
73 763 80:' 643 9583
74 4 21 8.62 94(5
75 601 84) 54,63 927
7(3. 621 662 205 950 99,.,
77 341, 62,3 927 97 A 1023
76 262 905 95(5 996 1046
79 6662 927 974 1 32 3 1.063.;
50 g35 950 ',.3.4' 106.6 1100
923 97,1 1102'3 1074 1127
n2 95(1 999 1048 1600 11.V5
3 1023 104 1127 1134.
992 1049 1100 11 r,3., 1213
1323 1074 1127 1164 1243
66 1048 1130 1152 1213 1274
37 1074
1 11 12z33 1306
.23 1151C 1155 1213 1274 13313
89 3127 11832 1243 130,5 1371
no i155 1213 127:4. 1333 13,0:5
14.0 5
Range Step Step Step Step Step
96 133.P. 1405 1475 Ide9 1626
97 1371 l4A.0 1512 15S7 1666
98 1,W..5 1475 154.9 1,52.6 1707
99 1440 1512 1537 1749
190 1475 1549 1626 1707 1792.
Notheng thjs schedule of salary ranges and salary steps is intended to restrict the City Councll
from setting retes of poy which are not included amon6 thse„ spemifically set forth above, where nueh
deviations dee in the best interest of the City.
a. jqolldey_worlim, SJ1 City. employees covered by this Resolution, excluding requiem. meTtm
hors of the Fire and Police Departments, part-tAme employees, and ,leinion or department heads, who
are required to work on any established holiday, shall:
(I) be paid Eor the number of hours worked at the rate of one and one-half
taime the. st..raight time. rate. based on their monthly salaries; or
(2) he nlloaed ech. time off drom etedloYmend with P6P de is eeredi to the.
number of hours worked ob the holday.
dpaiday pay shall be. in. addition to the. resuler salary an. employee received foe ell. holidays which
fell on a regularly scheduled work day for the employee. In. the evehb an. employee is meetred to work
on. a hmjiday, and. thts holiday is beyond his regular 1OCT:, W,eek, there skall be bo pyrandding of h61.1-
dmy pay in addition. to oxertime.
b. f.1011....11 ,I±...21 and Fire Demarements. All employees of the Police nee Fire.
Department, cxcept.ixte the Police Chief, Fbre Chief, clerks, stenographers, cr other civilian ceoloy-
eo, shall be paid additionml colapetaseelen. for holidmys at the straight time dnily race of 1/P0 of
tbeit rseulat monthly. snItirie. This bmovisior deplies te tete foliondne, holidays:
New Year's Day
Lencoin's Birthdy
demoriel day
Independemce Day
Christmas Day
Labor Day
Admission Dby
Columbus Day
Veterans' Day
Thankeseing Dey
In. the event any of the. aforementioned holidays shall fall mithPe. the vacation period of said employ-
es, Deteilwtt Head shell detnrmine mheeher the employees sffected shall be paid additionel comm
pensation for sobt hcliay or holidays, at the rate in. this paragraph preyided, or be allowed addi-
tional VgC,'ltiOn tiMP. to compensate. fut. the loss sf holidny or holidays,
c, Oytmera]?e work is defined 35, 61.1. time dThich a City excepting part-time employ-
ees, divisior. or department heads, is required to perform is. exces of bte nu.mber of heues xer medal,
regmAarly seheduJed for his position; except that in sny dutene Ithddh s !ddlidee, or !ddlidedbe
occur, the holiday or hlidays dell be included in computing the basic work week.
At the. Tiscretion of the Department Heml, overtime. mill. be codpensaeed by ei.ther:
(1) such tdme ofb from epTloyment with pay ds is equal. to the amount ef. time worked
in excess of the work hours pex week for such. classification; or
(2) pay for such worh. OR au. hously basis at a rate of one and onexhaelf times the rate
paid for services performed during reetnal eort hours.
d. Preployees who are required by virtue of a subpoena, duly and lamfelly issued by
a cout of lam. or other forum lawfully possessing the omer of subpoena, to appear at such court. OT
forum, shall be alloped time off sdthour loss of pay for spell an appeardnen occurting during such
employees' normal working hours; such time off shall be Ilmited to the mnount of time said employee
is actually rewired by tbe court or forum to be in attendance, plus trovel time to and from sel.d
osemt or totem.
e. Itrorry61.dt,p. 6 promotion, for kalary yutpotes, may be defined as appoietment co a
ton class mdtP 9 h4t,her umximum salary than the one previously held. An employee beiTe.:,„ promoted
Erom onn class to attethor .011 be ylaced In the begjmnine step dor rhe nem, saltry tangt Phich is et
least one full step Y.760. hieher than the one he is currently occupying, whichever is higher. 1E, dur-
ixeg the ensminx pear drom the dote of promettloo he -.meld have moved to m step with a saary e, to
or highep than hc has received mpon predmtion, he she'd be advanced to the next aLep in new tilary
ranxe on the seme date he would blve advanced had he remoimed in dho lam'em claddiXication, and 1,his
elite sMall Xm his auniversary date for -Euture step increases while ie the elassilieacien to which he
nas been premoted. pll other cases, devancement. to the next stet shmil be nt tPe completd.on of ohe
year 'In Lite nem, bless, unless nteointment is di the daast s,:ep at hid salary range, in ,daide ease
edvencetnt shall oe ot tPe completion oP six months in the nem, class.
f. sainyPes ape uompensatoons, es fixee by tbe Salnry and ,enaiteon Pebolution,
he payaele, in nrrears, on the 5th nne en the .1,,ehda dad exeM ee'!xixeer month; droadided, 1._,,de wee:di any
such day foJis on a ley:a.'„ lediday, pamdent shell be made on the next pm:needing busivess doy.
B2 IT FIMPOrttEd. TedSt.ddidt, thdt the ePfectivp datp of this resolution shot' be July I, 1961.