Resolution 03351RESOLUTION NO. 3351 CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0ANGSLIalEil CITY TAELZ ON PRDREPTY OF TRE UNITSD sTATEs WilENEA.3, certain real property situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described as follows5 All of those certain. lots and dedicated. streets being a portion. of a subdivision. shows and. delineated On theat certain map entitled. 2.(ew Map of Woodstock said map beino filed in. Df,p Neok 6 at Page 18 in the office of the County Recorder, Alameda County, California; false, that certnin portion of the Alameda :Celt Nine RRilroad right-ofway lyAtag westerly of the West line of Fein Street; also, that adjacent public street known as Atlantic' Avenue, lying West 1) Main Street; and, also, all those certain tide land lots in Sections 9 and 10, T. 2 SS, between the State Patent Line and th• e southwesterly boundary of the sforessi 1 subdivision, said subddYlsiod boundary being defined as the Salt dEmRah. and, dade. lend Survey LLne separating the high and dry' lands from tile • Ainmeda salt nRralles, as shewm. on. that certain Map #2 of Salt Marsh and TMde Eands situategin the County of Alameda, in the State of Callfornia, dated. 1871, Cv la Allardt, Eggineer, pre- pared by- order of the EearR of Tide Land. Commissioners; mere Particularly descrilvad as follows: BEGINNING at Station 1 of the "segregation line" as estab- lished and. partitioned wrong owners in Suit 852S, Pacific Im- proverent Company vs. Eames A. Waymire et al, Alameda County, a. • thereof being. filed July 30, 1900, the office of the county 'Recorder, Alarneds County, California, in Map liesk 25 at Dawes 74 to 56; said. Station. 1 bring also corner Egmbee 10, as shuen on that certain Map entitled EU.S. NaVal Air Station, Alamodef, an.d. filed Sept. 20, 1.93,8, by the ES S. Ooyernment in Drawer 29 in tte Recorder/6: Office Alameda County, CalifornRa; thence ES 7* 507 30" W., lu7.25 feet to Station 137 of the Peralta Grant Line: thence LS 28E 1 W., 87.42 feet to a point on. the north. boundary line of Atlantic Avenue; thence along the nerth. line of Atlaptic Avenue N. 79.'9 471 30s E., 800.5i0 feet; thence continuing along the north line of Atlantic Avenret E. 33* 297 50s E., 351.10 feet to the inteTsection of the West llne of Main Street; thence southepay along the West line of Enig. Straet the followdng courses and distances: • 0* 341 E 228.24 feet thsee S 12* 1/ 2" , 51.60 feet; trance S. 4* 32! 1.8" E. 201.32 feet8 thence S. I* 887 15" WS /80.00 feet thence 800.00 feet to the intersection of the South lane of INN:iris Ayenre; thenge leaving said. West line of Nets Street 3. 87* 597 E. 38,00 feet to a point 85.00 feet distant fron. the East lane of Nein Street as srown. on trot certain m7,2 entitled. "EaS TTaots :Nomads, Califorslnf and. filed in. fee Dook' 7 at Page 93 ln. the Recor1er/6: Office Alameda Courtv, California; thence running' parallel. to, and 65R00 feet dietant frog. the said East line el Nein Street da. 2* 01! /W. 452.652 feet to the point of cuam(asture of Vein Street: thence 393.62 feet urea: the are of a 01201e to the left and of ralue 711-34, feet (long snore. bears S- 14* 027 1/11 E. 523.42 feet) te the intersection of the said Salt 721a6r. and Tide Lands Survey Line, from said point of inter- section. Steadtp. 300 • said fads lands Supaley rine resrs N. 752* 007 W. 153.84 feet; thence S. 52* 001 E. 27.)0 feet to the easterly line of Lot 12 of Section 10, T. 2 S., P. thence alonE the easterly line of lots 12 crud 21 of said Section 12, South 1.684,82 feet, more or leses to the septa- east corner of said Let 21; thence ES 64* 51f W. 39'09.99 feet along the. south line of Lots 21, 22 28, 1.0 end 9 of said. Section 10 and alonE the south line of Let 16, Section 9, to the West corrner of sand Lot itiM. said West corner being corner Yal as shown on the said. map of the US S. Laved. Air Station; thence Y. 45* 00! E 2896.00 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the said Salt Naren ann. Tide Lands Survey Line; thenwe NS 45f 00! E. 38.40 feet to the point of beginnings •OCTTALITC, 154.60 acres, has boas. assessed heretofore by the City of Alsgeda for the fiscal yoars4/14)437-44-4 anP 1944-45 snd the general.. lanaggNprl end special assessment Makes• levied: thereon 286 are uncollected. and. unpaid; and NE:ThEAS, prier to 12 otolobk Noon, U thw first Mb:ad:ay in March, 1.943, the aay and hour mher,subh. tares. dod posessmehtb hocavas oilier against seid real property, possession. of saib. property had vested in. the United States of America by reason. of an order for possession twdo on o abebt Manuary 24 1944,. in the condemnation. probeeditg in the DIstrict Court of the Uniteb. States, in and for tte Northern District of California, southern Division, Do. 23109 90, entitled, At:cited States of America, Plaintiff, vs. 154.5 Acres of land, maro or lwsz, in the City of A:lambda, county of Alanbda, State of California, Louis Mb DfabIbrnot, et al, Earentissitsz; that on. December 12, 1944, a Recdaration of Takdmg end. a. judgmeht thereon. was fit.ed in sold proceeding, vesting title to said property in. the united. Statea of America; tnnt evew since said. date sold real proberty, and eabh and every part thereof, has boen, end now, is, owred by the United Statws of :America, and beraose of ouch public omnershin is not subject to sale for dblipbrwnt taxes; NOW 7:SERERCIL, ED IT REP:IDLE:ED AND ORDERED IP. ISE COWIE OF THE an OE ALAMEDA,. with the written approval of the City Attorney' of said City, that all. uncollected Ciry' of Alambda taros or assessments, and penalties Dna costs thereon, inniuding erwolal assessmbnts levied ubber thb providers of the tilizition anb. Improvombnt Act of 1925", for the Ms.soel years 1943-44 and 1944-45, now a limn upon the above described real bropwrty, be, and the same. are hereby, cancelled, and the ArDitor awallmIx Collector of the City of Alameda are hereby ordered and directed to cancel said taxes, osserambrts, pbnalties and. costs on. their respective books. . ER IT FORTIER RSSOIMED, anything in. this resolution to the contrary notwithstandingm that this resolution anb. order stall not 11 construed as 0/ or authong the cancellation. of, any taros or assessmemdr. or penal- ties or costs therbon charged. or levied on any bossebsory interest j** Or to said. real property, or any other see:Jima assessment lbvied on said real roperty. CONSENT OS TLE CETI ATTORNEY CT TME CII7 OR ALAREDA, SLATE OF CALIFORNIA. Tie Citce .ettorney of the City of cloned's Stahl: of Callfornja, kerety oodocats to thw oatcollation ol all proolleshod City of Alamsda earth: or assess- ments and penalties or sesta tnerocn aborted and levied end now a iien upon that dertPln real proPerty herein:Above describad. Dated: iduly 10, 1946. STANDEE D. WERIN City' Attorney for the City of Alameda, State of California I, the undersigned, herbby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly. introdweed and adosted by the Connbil of the City of Ala:Zeds. in regular meeting assembiDhbn the 1.5th day. of Iuly, 19...5, by the following vote, to wit: S.278: Councilmen Howe, Jones, Osborn era PresinAnt Bratscheid, (4). NOSS: ATERSET: Councilmata Sweeney, MI). WITACAESS WEERIDIA, I have hwroubto sot my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said. City this 19tr. day of Tu.9-, 1945, CLARK City' Clerk of the City AaaMeaa I hereby certify tnat the foregoing is a full true and correct ery of "Ecoolvtion No: 3351, clklar=c, CITE T12:Tm OD PROIETLIT 05' TRE USITED AMERICA" introdowed mad sdosted by thw Council on the 1.3th day of July, 1946. 2 Atm. y e*:;f7 7:17e Crt7y,