Resolution 03634ADOPTTN.G. SPECIFICA7IONS FOR -1.TaRi...,TIF,Ai7p.icl, Oi..TE; (I) NElii 1047 0,R 1948 FOUE-DO.CR SEIDA.E. To '1.7-FEOTTY (gaE THE BEGEEATICIN DEPAYKEFT), CALLJN& 1.,(JR AND DIRECTITO 7HE CITY_CLETE TO ADVEPTISEITHE RESOLVED BYTHE CT THE CITY &P ALAMT...,.11L that the Specifications and Provisions for furni.shirls one 0..) new., 17..N.:7. Or 1948 four-door sedan. automobile to the City of Alameda (for the Recreation Departn..ent'6 N.o. MS 10-47-2Z, filed in offIce of the Clerk on. October 22, be, an.d. the same are hereby., a?prove ana adoped- Fur:171.7si that the Council. of the, City. of Al.an.eda will reelve saaied bids up to the hour of 8.:,05 o'clock P, F. on Tuesday, 4th. day of Yovert- ber, 1041, for the furnishinc; to the City of one (1.) new, 1947 or 1948 model, four - door sedan IAL.tomblde, in ac..cordanc with said Sf..),o.,',.fiw.:;tioris ar.d. Provisions, Rids be .'...yroarted to the Cl..ty ir tile City Hail, Alameda, Cal,iforrl'a, under cover and plainly marked on. the outsid, "Proposal. for Automobile," or 8im1.12r designat-Ton - Contract, if awarded, bo awarded, subject to the: provls.10 of the Charter of said City, to the rasponslble bidder who suf.r,lts the lowest and b6st bLd- The right is reserved. to roject any or a.1.1. The Olty Cle.rk is hereby dl.rected to Edvortise, In. th..e Alameda T.-1,,As -Star a ..aotice calling for sealed. bids, accordance with. the I.,rnvIFInrq of res0171- tion and of caid. Spec!..fications and Previslons, I, the undersisned, hereby 3ertify that the foreoinE Resolution was MA:1:y and. introduced. and. adoptBd. the C01.17i1 of the 0.1.1...y of Alameda in adjourned neetinE assemblad. on the 22nd day of Octobe7, 1.947,,by the following vote, to AYES: Covrcilmer Swe,rney and. President Hranscheid, (4). NOES: None. ABEENT: Councilman Andersor, (1), IN WITN.SS T have hereunto set ray hand. and. affixed the offi- c..."„al seal. of said. 01..ty this 23rd da..7 of October, 1C)47, Olt;' Cle,rk of the ZT-77.uoda I hereby that tb...e foregoIng ic a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution rc. 3634, ADOPTUG SPECIPICATqW4S ?OR PU'ISHINC, ONE (I) N-OX 47 OR 194.8 FOUR-DOOR acDA.N TG THE CITY AIAMEDA. CFCR THE BECHITATICIT PC'R. PIDS AND THE", CITY Ci.= TO AmERTIsE THE SA.T..,EY a.nd adopted by. the. Col=i1 on the 22nd day. of October, 194:7. ,./Nt..,,,VC1.er'P-. of the u• oF-P,Thm,TT97--