Resolution 040141/6 (111110LUTION YO. _4014_ ADOPTINI FTEPTIFICATTONS AND PROVISIONS FOR FUREISNINN cau=91, MikhE TO TITO CITY UN ALANEWn FON THE FISCAL TRAP, 19k9A1950„ CAMPING TON NTD3 ANT( prazaTII2, CITY CLFNM TO :99--,?.....Ehaas.EL CALE RESOLVED OF THE °ITT' CP ALAMEDA tknt the Specificab tions and Provisions for furnishing URTOCHER INT8 RASE to tte City of Alamedu. for the fiscal year bebAnninm Juky 1, 1949, and ending Junes 90, 1950, No. MS 5-40-6, be, ambhthw :Jayne are-hereby, approveh. and. adopted. RESOLVED UkTINER., that thw Councia of the City of Almaedu. dill re- helve sealhd bihs up to the houT of 8:05 o'clockh PALA, on Tuesday, the 7th dhy of junk, 1949, for the furnishing to the City of CRUSHER RbN NAPE, in accordance with said Sbecificutihns and Provisions. Bibs mcbt be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hhil, niameda, Cali:fon-alum mbhmr heolud covor anh. plainly marked on the cuthiCe, "Propose) for Srchker nun Phde", oh eimilar dbalmnationd bent:pact, awmrdhd, will be ema.glek subjcct to thb proyIsiams of tha °hurter cf skid baty, to nne rewponsible bidder who Au:unite the lembet enh best tie. The r:fght is reneryed to.reject any or all bhdh. The City Olerk. ie hereby hirehte6. to advertise, in. the Alarecha Timbs Star, a nwtibe calling Fon dewied. bida in abcchdance wIth the provihiwns of ttle resolution. and of haid Spebificationh anh. Frbvisionh. * e(*.PPPPP I, the undersighe, haveap certify that the foregoing Resolution dna dhly ahM ragulAcly intnodusea khh adopted by tbw Council. of thh 9ity of Alameda in reghler (nesting eehembibh or tte 19th day of ThbayA 1949, by the folihwins vote, to pit( ERNS.. Rmahschei (5). None. MITREEN9 AMEN102, I have hereunto set my hand. and affined the chlicl,a1 seal of zelb City thlo 18th any of hhy, 119"F". J. P. CLERK City TJ lark oh the ..(7T-7:07.737.ETRTE T hank,: tale," M hacibb o mum" en" hovereet etch:, of "Naholutios Nu. kkim, ncoCTIm, a.(1E:9Jilabmeb As, phh,lcioh: o hIlll'Ob ebehbnc TAIde bh Oaf, 5171 CT' flashti INT 'elk 1_ YHA:: 1949-8199C, Ihm LIDO k,, -1ART111, Alambhffe EhRY," fhwthob)hol c,2,y ch ley, i9t9.