Resolution 04998dESOLUTION NO. 49.9B ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS POP FhddiSTE:BD AdB.] NEB, LAITEST YOSEI ,I,ATOB PIS HAUT TSIBC K TEE C I TY OB' AL AEITDA FOR THE (JOIE DB IDA E T BERT C A LI END FOE BIDE ANTI Di HE E= I] III( 0 SEEK Sid A fiTEIE ISHS' SAME Provisioa for furni rhihnd dna Ei adv, 1 teet rode] I.!..—Tob biek-ass tbabh, to tha City. en Alarms sin, foe thy] (]-0 ler Dona rdrent „ -..15„, r 1,1 sai 1„1„, Cci.c 'cr ;cc Octcher HETI: „ and the a ame are hAr y nbiprotyPi and db e d. RESOLVED, FITE. THEP , the,. t dtib C andel] of the III thy s lens, da 11 roc el ye EDISE bids DIP PA fAI, (Ad" SeBanS ot clock P „ 'fhb s t ob IBBT, er the :corn 10„„ E to tab y of Uzsu. .h .gym., tri , accor (lane e drith said Spe e if edsti ens rind Jiro vi di Era Iiih beds t. C r ob.:a:tea Lo Ihe thy. I] le the try II all, A larde da, D a iTor 1.1.1Id e nand e over an aly mar keel on the 0 rays de Pr osso s f in ton Di slats Trahl„, II or irel dor des ianatio 0 oats. ac h, if awardb 1],„ u., awar ..:e J. sub]; bet to the pro s ions of tad, haote„:„1. of said City, t z tne reSPO 113 fir, C1 .,e who sia..:nai an, . hest bid „ Tas -rig at h dada SI. tr.] rash:. t any Or 2.11 b dS The Ci ty C rh is r sby dir ted ad„re tide, in the Al „The d „Pim:, tea., and. of said Sloe. ciflef I: chr$ and Pro e s „ * th a under h irHie d „ hereby- cep tify t t bre h or et..b:d hog Rash lett on ty sad regnisBly introduced an adeatd. by to e Council of she Tity Aidarda. resnatar m.ebting assesehTed on the btra. nay of Onto ear the followirds -vote, to wit: AYES °brie 'Baba d s on, McC Bloreol h Bre Ento opt. so„,, „me:A, Ls') NOES h ASSENT PI a unc i Loan d b s CID „ WITTEELIS EH FRED]] aave He rennin] s t sip h„:„.nd riff 1,1 f X.6 d the 0 f 1. s on,1 of dale. C it y t his h th day of Cie,sh] be 1DISAIE * * * * * * * * I herety certify sha foregoinE is s. full, true and COITeCG Cepy " L*3.11). 1,ic, if) OP T 3 P EC T.P C.A.Tir. OHS ISOIS SINS CASE NIP], difIEST NOT/EL PICK-UP IIIRT.STE TO THE CITY 0.Is AirA MEDEA „ FOR THE HO TIP DEBIT ThIENT, C BIDS AND BIREBTINE CITY CLEITT. ED ADVERTISE aLKE", introduced and adohted Lae the Bta day of October, TEIIIit„