Resolution 05109EESOLUTION NO. 5109 A.LITHORIZING EXECTJT:ON OF GUARANTY OF PaRFORMANCE .2."f OUSING- AUTHORITY' OF THE CITY C7 ALAMEDA OF' THE TERMS AND CONDITINS 07 LEASE TO BE MADE WITH S.'",,,ED AUTHORIT.Y' THE REGFIFTS OF' THE 1.,,NTWTEIT',", OF CALIFORNIA OF PORTTCN 07,,,LANDE KNOWN AS CAL5-4721" WHEREAS, Thr, 1 ege.,r11. of the Univeroity of Callforn.ip. propose:to lease to the 11...r,r,'.1.11g Authority of th.9 (2/1.ty of Alameda. a. portion of those lands in. the City of Alnmeda upon. whl.ch. b...",s been. cor,striled that certain. housl_ng project known. as "Estuary Cal-472i"; and WHEREAS, said. requil.e, as a. condltion precedent to the making of lease with the Housin Authority, that the City of Alaneda shall execute gaaranty, a...7,roein7 that, in th,e evert of.,'...tafault by the Housing P,,Ithority in the perforn.ance of P.r..T of th...e terilas and. conditions of said. the City. of AlAmeda will cure such. defallat; and WHEREAS, the Council. of the C!..t./.." of Alameda, beinc, fully a....ivIsad the, prenj.ses, deems it in the best tnterest,.., of C..1t7 of Alamed.p. that the ,9101,-,Emer- ti.onec.." be entered. into betwEen the R.....,7ents and. the Author.Ity,„1 arld WHERaAS, n. forr. of rego.iro.-3. by the Regents has bo.en and. submitted to this Council. at. Its reguaBr meeting held June 7, 195.:.5, and. has b,en ordered w.l.th. the Cit7 Clerk of said. City; NOI'T 71:-TY1=ir,,,,TRIT., BE 17' PFSOL,MD COU7CIT, 05' T515', CIT'2 05' P,,5,41,5,1DA form of': rore-,roe to pro - vis:or.s Th9', th.. cf f.lanoda Dn.,' Lc 1 I, th.P undersimed Fe5olutior, and adopted. by the Coun.,74.1 of the ,-,11.y of A...i...aneda in. :jar .,,,s9e1.11.-aed or. 1.h.c., 7th dav of June, 11 b7,- the f011510',,,,inT, ote, Councilmen. Haa7, Hove M/,Cpal, More.31 and Presr,t; NO7S: Norm. IgaTy.ans WHEREOF, 7," iasve h,ereunto set ,17 hard and the ofificiCi. seal of zald City this 8th .1..7 of june, 811.5'51555/ TE515,,T,ER ( s ) I hereby certify .4.15.D.I. the foreoing is a full.„ true and. correct copy of "P.esol,,ItAnn 77,, 5109, 1TITH1 PT77i7C- EXECUTION. OF' GUARANTY OF P5.217C,F,XANCE EY' HOUSING ,UTHORTTY THF CI755 ATANFIA OF THE TERMS AND CONDITION OF LEASE TO 3E R.7,117-17,17,3 TUP ¶ CALIPORNIA OF PORTION. OF LAND'S AE 1E3TTIARY GAL -472a,," introduced.. and. by the Coun.!.1.1 or. the 7th. da7 of ;rune, 1955. 77—R3.7I7'777;77.?-7c77—