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bl.ds f op sold bonds; a-"Pe ono are trh only DIOS neceiveo by sr lb bounc21, ao t.
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slid 11 be and s he reby accepted and the Tres_ s one r of mho t of A 'Arse in is hereby
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dne santed to astd. a op no L n b y is 2.131 s Cc3i.s t bias' of do„3.1.y
I, the andeopsissn.ed, hereby certify that the foregoing Reso,,Nution was
duly and dntrodssoed and adoptsod by. the. Comn,n1.1 of the Citd." of Alaw.Rda in
adjot rned. roguda.r aNsersbled on tile 6ist day of 1953, by thw following
-vote, to Isdsif...,
Cownsilmon Dasod,, Novo, MdCall, .1'..1S,N,...sesi and. President NO.sanelly,
WIn7TN',S WPETNdiSSN'„ I Isis, Is, hereunto set ms, barna and afft7dsd. the offl els."
seol of sada Clty lst C.S.S.y- of Ang.o.ot,
71f „
T. hereby' certify that forsoIng is a .r.o..11, true and sorresd,, cods/. of
IResoluti..on No. 52121„ SELLIN'G OT77 OT' 19Oo'd
IntrodNdoed and ndopted. by Cos Goons-11 on the 317t eay of fuSly,