Resolution 06086oCg RESOLUTION N6. 6986 AUTHORIZING THE RESCICRSTON AND THIRYR.RATION OF A ',RACE CR'ETAIR TIDELA=20 THEENCII‘TAT.., YACHT cLua. WHEREAS, the Encinsl Yanht Club is the Lessee of certain real hrooArty situated at the south end of Grand Stl'eat, ir ths City of Alameda, County 0 Alameda, State of -0 01 wadba is owned by the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, Les s or t lam City of Alameda , Ana Lessee, the Encinai Yacht C lab, find it mutually desirable to rescind. and terminate said. lesbe; and cCIERBAS, the Counbil. of the City of Alameda is cognizant of tha terms of the proposed Agreement of Rescission and Tenninaaiorm NON' THEarE1PCRE, PE 17 RECRCLAIED E69 THE COTCANCAL OF THE CITY OF' ALAIREDA that the Mayor of the City of Alameda is lomracay actahm'iced to execute, for and on behalf of tbe City of Alameda, an Afarsemert for the hosaission and. termination of the lesse by and. between the City of Alameda and the 3hcbRnol. Yacht C3icb, ha7hch mma executed on thb ?ChM domy of 'March, 1957 and ailed bmth. the City Clerk of tha City of Alameda, end -tab Colty Clerk is hereby authorized to attest to the same. I, the undersigned, hbreby certify that the forcgoing Resolution was duly and regularly 0110 '01 and adopted by the Council of the City 1' AllAm6d8 in remua Rhotlng assembled or: the ath day of June, 196o, by the following vote, to wi6: AYES: Counollmsn Rischonn, Freeman, Schacht mod PresIdent (.a.).. NOES None AB SE:10 : CoanciM n Pe te asen, (On WITIESS WHECECRM, have ber et:In t° 0 t lay hand and 811:Ahmed the official coal of SP.i.d City this 9th day of Jame, 1960. SEAL) aCitarb V, 0 Coto of ATI amoda acereby certify that the f dreaming loaf a11, trus and. corhoct- copy' of "Rs solut ion No. 6O 86, A b A T 0 R . 1 2 A R 4 G ' M E E - N AND TEIRAMMala T N A LEASE OF CER- TAIN TIDERCATRS TO THE ETC:RYA-IC YACIiT CLUB," int rodused ar6. adopted by th6 Council on tha 8[7,8 day of Juno, i.966.