Resolution 06232OTTY OF ALAEDA RESOLUTION re. 6232 RESOLUT`•N OF TRE CaiNC,11. OF Ti7 CITY A.I.AZDA PROVIDTN.C. AND REC:iilLATICfC RELATING TO ELTLOC-iE.NT OF CERTAIN OFFICERS .AL,D EMPLOYEES OF TIE CT.TY OF ALAMEDA COVERED BY THE SALARY PO.STION ydi4SOLUTION. ET TT RESOLVED T,Y, THE COUNCIL OF Tiq.E OF ALAE7DA AS FOLL0i,S.: n. Ei:cept as otherwise provided in. the Sal.iry ?.esoluticia, persons in. positions bearing Flat rates 1 empensation shall be paAd fhe flat rate as Indicated. b, Full-time Employm,,ine. The salary rates 3S specified. in the Salary and Position Reeo- lutitm shall. be cionsidered 3.ross tiompensator, for full-time cmpicTivont. c. 'illett At is nc:,diess...iry to ccimpensnte a monthly salaried employee fr,r. service on a daily basis, or to compute partTal earnIngs, the daily rate of pay shall be determined by dividing the monthly rate by. the rotal. number of days in the month invdIvo.d. d. art-time asployment. Tbose employee5 appointed in accurdance with Section 7, Rule V, of t1c3 vice Rules, shall be paid for actual hours ii-orkeLl. at an hourly rate e5tablshLii.,1 for the classification CT based on the appropriate step in the salary range tot. cAassifications whose rates axe cmTuted on a donthly basis. In the latter case, the hourly rate shall. be computed. on the of a 2,030-hour or a 1,976-hour yeor, ,LOAchever is appiAcable. e. In. the inatter of the cerTeinsatian. of Emergency 3' ''1 (rart-"Ume) employed id. the City's First Aid Station, in t4e event any eT the four positions ir. such classifcations shall becor.le vacant, the remaining Daergelicy Surgeons who shall serve more than one week in eacti four-week period shall receive zcHitin.:11 c3mpetisii.tion for such services at. the rnte cf. $. per cf seven. days. If it becomes aecessary to call. in doctors not. regularly ewoloyed by the CiLy as pairt-nqie dmergency aurgeons to serve for the time left open_ by any such vacancy or vacancies, such doctors shall he compemsa.ed for their services at. the rate of $200.0,0 per weeTL of seven. days. f. Salary Advancement. Salary advancement. for. classes in the step plan. be made. sithject to the foliodng provisions (1) Appointment to n position. nomelly be at the first step in Lhe saladry range. An emplcyee may be appcinted Lc other thdad the ncoiml entering salary step upon the recognendation of the Appointiin when it ls di..ecided. that such. action is in. the best interests of the City. (2) id.lvanceleilt to the cieon.c.1 step wilt normally be made upon the satisfactory completion g probationary period. This is six months in the case. of ail. classifications excutin.g Pelice Officers and Firemen. Such increases will become effective on the first day of the pay period follovdng six months of servi.ce- (3) Thereafter, an ev,PleNee who maintains a stsfetcry level (if work shall normily be advanceA at annual intervals to succeeding steps of the. assigned saldry ranii,.e. Such increases will become effective on the anniversary date df the. increase to the second step. (4) New employee entering the. Police and Fire Service shnll be employed at thd minimum stet, of the salpxy range for their positions. Annual increases to each succeeding step become eflactive on the first day cti the 1.4.iy period follet.rtg completicri of each year of service. (5) Any persn iho is appointed to a position at a step above the first step of the ''''SS'gnP'l salary ranSe min'ielly be adviiced tc dext step after one year of service. Such incre.se will become effective on the first day of the pay period followin oric ydar of scrvice,, (5) in any cdde roasde of un,Fi,11 circumstances, 4h,..irence to the doregoing rolating Lo salary advancement ur .10jnst7,cit would ndt be, in tho bcdt jnterests cf thd City df Ala:teda, dhc City P,anaer mal,ti such orddr deviatins therefr as is ir. his judo-Lel,: prdper dnd in th best ipterests dd Lhe di Alameda. (7) In any ense where, by reason of an employee temporarily perforning the riutAes position hawing a higiler rnd classificaLion, inequity woulil e,xlst insofar as such. employee., the City Manager may make such arder incr.eas- ing the s.:ilary ei sucb employee. to nn amount not to exceed ten per cent (.107„) or the equivalent. of tvio steps above. the hdighet step of sucin employees • permanent rarge The following e= hereby de5.ignated as thn .galary ransos ninci.steTs referred to in the Salary and Position P.esolutiGn; Range Stet Stet, 'Step Step '170 PLO 2Cr: S ter St 21.., Step Step 73. 6 33 2 3793,5 258 231 295 310 261 271, 2813 3.02 31.7 268 281 255 310 325 274 238 302 31.7 333 261 29.5 310 325 341 2315 332 317 333 349 295 310 32:5 141 356 302 317 333 349 357 3770 325 341 353 376 317 333 349 367 385 325 341 3511) 376 395 333 :349 367 305 405 341 3513 376 395 415 349 307 335 405, 475 3533 376 395 415 337 1385 405 42.5 447 376 393 /315 4.36 459 337, 405 425 447 4617 395 ,') 15 3735 458 405 425 .441 4759 455 436 458 • 481 425 447 469 493 •• 436 4.58 505 45! 43,3 505 517 530 , 437 469 493 131.7 543 453, 451 505 530 556 469 49,3 517 543 570 4.51 505 53173 556 584 51.7 .543 570 590 .305 530 3:56 584 613 517 543 598 6213 530 556 5174 613 044 543 570 5337 6213 660 5.56 534 613 634 676 57e 523 6350 593 .584 .513 344 676 710 .595 628 633 593 727 323. 643 3376 71.0 74.5 6231 660 693 727 753 614 576 710 745 792 37,3 727 763 301 576 710 7 45 7132 1121 393 7237 733 501 841 71.0 745 '782 321 83)2 727 763 801 941 863 745 732 821 332 903 763 301 841 9173 7772 821 336 :5 905 950 )301 841 373 927 974 521 862 905 950 3396 341 893 9'27 9'73 1023 862 5825 050 998 1045 1363 927 974 8523 1074. 9335 950 998 1040 1100 927 974 11823 1..074 11..27 950 995 1.048 1100 1.155 5734 1023 1074 1.1.2'7 1183 999 1048 1100 1.155 1213 1023 1074 1127 11154 12433 1043 1100 1155 1213 1273 11174 1127 1184 1243 131)5 . 1100 1155 1213 1274 1338 ' 1127 11817 1243 1306 13'71. 215,3 1213 1274 13:38 . 13,315 1.194 1243 13383 1371 1440 1213 1274 1333 14335 14.75 1243 1303 13'71. 14.40 1312 1274 13311 1405 1475 1.54.9 1336 1371 1440 1512 -1537 ster Step Scce Stoe Ste,: cuu 1338 1475 16.X 1549 1371 3512 rieb7 154.9 1623 170C, 16b5 1749 1512 25S; 147.5 'C549 162b 7707 1792 N,cthing in this schedule of sniary ranges and salary steps is intended to restrict the City Council fenun secting rabe.s pcy which are not includeel among those specifically set iorth above, Alere such device:ions are in tene hest. interest of the. City. Sect Di on 2 a. ,(10LbibIle All City employees covered hy this Resolution, excluding regular mean- bers of the Flre and Police. Departments, part-time employees, and div.ision or departnxibA. beadc. who are required to work on any established. holiday, shall: (1) be paid for the naxl..-er of hours wurbed at the. rate of one. end one—half tirpes the straight. time rate 'cased on. their monthly salaries; or (2) he allowed such. time off from employment with pay as is equeJ tc the robe:box of !lours worb...ed en the holiday. Holiday pay. shall. be in. cOdition to the reg.:gar salary an Employee received. bor all ho'lb,days wbeich fall on a regularly nchedule6 woble day for the empleyee. In th, event an emcloyee is reectri.red to work on. a huliday, .and bolidny is beyond his regd.:inn lenrk we.ek, there shall. be no pyramildin of holi- dny pay in addition te, (rvertime. b. •Tiqb.Obiax__Payjorbyb.clicebcladj,ire.ePartments. 3,11 erplececes the Pollee and Fire. Department, exceubins the 'Police Chief, Fire Chief, clerks, stenographers, or ceber ueoloye ees. snali be paid additional cceebensation for holithlys at the stralxht. time dnily rate of 1/3C• of their regular. ,conthly This proviEXion. appj.ies to the followin2 holidays: New Year's Day Lincoln's birtbday ieAshinton's Brthay remurial Day Inelependence [icy Lab,or Day Admissicn Day Cc:1un.:1),as Day Veterans' Day Die,y Christmas Day in the eNent any of' the afeerementioned holidnys sheeiel fail xlthin. the vacation. period of ebb..., emuloy- ees, the. Department head shall determine whethex the employers aff.e.cteel &loll he poeke. additional come pensation for scch hoUday cr holjdeeein, at the rate in this paragraph provided, or be allowed. vacatien time to ecmpansate for the 1.3se such hcleday or belidaxs. c. Oveirtime work is defined az all tiree eltiob a City eliTioyee, excepting eartetime employ- ees, division er depnrtmene bf,ds, is required. to pe.rform in. excess of the. number of heurs per week relarly schedule:4 fuer his pcxeition..7, except thac in. eny xeee aning e holidny or holidnys occur, bhe heliday or helienys weill be incliedd in computing the basic work week. Ab dIneretion of the Department elend, vertixle will be compensated by either: (I) such. time off flubm em.ployment with pay as is equal. to the amount. of time, 14orked in excess of the wo'rk hours per weeb for snch classificatblen; or nay for SUCI1 work on an hourly basis at a rate of one and oneeheitf times tne rate paid for services performed during nomal work hoiars. d. All empinyees ..bno are required by vixtue. a subpoena, duly. and lamfully issued by a court of law or other forum lawfufly ?essessIng the power of subpoena, to appear at such court or forum. shall. he. allowed time off without loss of pay for such an. appe,erante occurting ebbning such erebloyee.F.,' normal. workins Ivieers.; such. time she.11 be limited to the amoulet oE time said employee is actullly rub:I:Axed by. the court or ferua, to be in abLenblauce, plus travel. time to and from eald ccbrt or Forum. e. :Fxx.e.,17.9tbcoele, A promotion, for salary purposes, may be defined as appoifttment to a posi- tion in. a class with a higher mcbeAmd,b .xualary than the. one previously held, An. employee. being promoted from one class to another will. be Oaced in the beginning step for tho neee, salary range Ichicb is at least one full seep (5%) higher than the one he is currently occupying, whichever is higher. if, dur- iun the ensuing year from the date of promoeion. he would have cluvud. to a step udtb. a salary equal to GT bbe„..her than he has received upun promotion, he q`.-ullt be advanced to the next step in. his new salayy ranfee on the snme date he would have advanced had he remained in the.. lower classl.b.ication, and this dace shall be his anniversary ebabe fur ebiture step increases while in the classification to xtd.ch he. has been. prnmoterl. In all other cases, advanceme.nt to the next step shall be nt the completion of nue yea:I,' in the new onlees appointment is nt the first. step nf hic sedaxy range, in whicb. case admencoment shall be at tile completion ceE six months in the new class. f. kli salaries and compubbsatienc, Fixed by the Salary :wee bosibion Resolu'tion, ebail be pnyable, in crreers. on. the. 5tb. and on the 200 ,12..y e.,9ch calendar month; providee, bnat ub=.1t ,any seek d.a..e falls on. a legal. bolid.ay, pcymext cball be made en the next preceding bey,,Aness Ocele • - BE IT FliRTHER. RESOLVED, that the effective date nf this resoluticin shcbl. be 1, 1961. (2) RESOLVHP, FUR:CHER, tHar. the. nrovisicns of this resoluti,m shall. su,persede those portiens oF R2scAuLion. No. 6103, and of any other resolution in conflict herewith, and ail. such collflictin prY,visions. arp, tn the extHH,Ilt. of such conflict onLy, hereby reselnded and annHilod. I, tHe undersigned, hexeby certify that the Horpgoirg ResoJuticv was dulY and regularly intro6uced and adopted by tha Council of the City of Alameda in regular me.e.t.:ing assembled on. the 20th day of jlrile, 1963, by the Following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen OYngan, 1".cdfrey, McColi, Schacht and President Colliscbonn, (5), NOES; None. A3SENT: TN ,,IIINTHSS `,..,HEREOF, I have hereunto get my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of June, 1961. __SHIRLEY H. TENMER. ClerH of, the .CH,ty of Alamcdcl I Hereby cert.Ify that. tH.E, foregoing is a ffli, true and correct copy of 'City pf,Alameda Resolution N.n. 6232, PRCYTIDT.N.G .,Cr, AND RECTLATIONS, PFLATINHY TO EMTIXTNENT OF CERIWIN OFF1,CERS AND EPTLOYEES C.F TTIE CITA' OT ALAMEDA COVERED BY. TdE SALARY AND POSITION RESOLUTION', introducea. and adopted by the Council oH. Ole 20th dey of JHae, 1961. Ojty y)f. the City of AloYieda