Resolution 07059A,DC1fnNG SPET.A1 PROVISIONS AND PLW.NS KR T...PROVEMENTS ON ',IIERi‘,A\I STP.21,7 FROM ,,j.EM:RAI, A',72NUE City. E.71,7Th.cer hes prepE.ra SeeCificatiOnse Spc,clai ProvIsions ar,1 PlanL for 6.-rar,Tlagc i,rprovcmeats on Sherman .,:,,treet. from Lelltral Avenue to Sar,La Aven,e, P,..4 -66-32, nnd filed the offiC,7, of the Oity (A.erk on November 15, 1966; (.‘MW THEREFORE, IS1P: IT RESOTNE1) COUNCTI OF THE C-1-Tre OF ALAM7DA that. the nf,--,reoid `,,pecicatIons, Special. Provisions and P1,,,ins, numbered and as aforesaid, be, and ble same are hereby approved and edpted, If F2XTNEI.:, PCSO'LVD ,,,,mplEI,J11 of chc r,..,,,ec,Ficd in sa'd Sp.-,,,ifjcati.ps and ProyislonF. ttle hrebY FL7TPY,":. Lila'c. the C.'.),noY of Cit.y A13,-EJLI wdl'! bids d.,e hoer 11 0,To on FRIJ,Y, hmejhhees 25, 1,2,n6., tor t„, hity ildl a,1 for cei,7.rrcd th, noromreace with sni6 FInd must ;de 7-res1.,:lte co Lhe LJty C:erk, 'n A'o,:!eda„ une.er .7.ov2r t), on teJerman etre:et irom Centrot nvenue Lo dente -Inn) evendie hr Siedier deSlendilLmm ,'..,.71t7c8ct, if avaTded, u,.,,arcied. subject tc the previsions of ChE.rter tee mity of: Alameda, to the reeheacidis mleher wee Sebudts the MMYSOM aJe.1 DeF„,t bid_ Tde rigilt. is reserved t,D rejeCt ony or ell bids, Said '.,:peci.ficatIons Provsions may be h.nd by nny prospectIve bide.ex (v. Jpplicat...c.11 the City Engineer, at '.;Ity The Lety UJerk is hereby Lo a,,lvert",se„ tile. Alan,eda TiFnes-.!,1:„.2,t, a noLice ddr in E.,c.c(,yeance tne preeliiiinhe Of. Luis reshiothen o,nc saj.d nrie Mrev, i, the undereosjeect, Nersby certify .chat the forego.,,ng Res7dut.icn was duly nnd rly ',...ntrDeuccd 3nd aeopLed by tide Chuneil. the City cf Atamcda I-eguler asscxbled on the i5L6. &ay of. 'HoveTber, 1966, by the follovAna: vote, to 6arcioy„ La ereit, Ros and Prc,i'jdn,..-. CrdfrPy, IN '.4TIMS,:,; i have Os:menet° SeL my hanc, ant aiAnen Lhe spol dd said Ci,ty Py1,- day Novc7iler„„1966„ ) City Cloth cM the f Alomede Sereby leer hi ft, f:nrege.."-,.g ,q , true and c,)rrect cdpy ''CJ..ty of A L,,,n7.ed..,.1 on No, 7=''.,59, ENNOVTSIONS AND PIAND D'AtN LAAAINNANL LiiiNPAINVE- NqtDiN tiEAriAN Avf,,,Ntn, AVENUE NANNATNC; 70D, BTEDi AND riii,IREN,TAND 'tTIA: EDI': ADTERTISE DIDADDA' AtduttiAii and LIdopte,..) by the C.;ounc II ne. I.5th iN66. d of AlaTde