Resolution 14892CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 14892 APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO MODIFY GENERAL PLAN TABLE 2 -7 TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO INCREASE EMPLOYMENT AT ALAMEDA POINT CONSISTENT WITH THE 1996 COMMUNITY REUSE PLAN AND TO MODIFY THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT STREET NETWORK TO SUPPORT A TRANSIT ORIENTED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT AT ALAMEDA POINT WHEREAS, in 1993 Naval Air Station Alameda (NAS Alameda) was decommissioned by the United States Navy and was closed in 1997, resulting in the loss of approximately 18,000 jobs in Alameda; and WHEREAS, in 1996 the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, which included the City of Alameda, approved the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan (Reuse Plan), as amended in 1997, to establish a plan for the reuse and redevelopment of the entire former NAS Alameda, including the property west of Main Street commonly referred to as Alameda Point, in a manner that would allow for the replacement of the lost jobs, including 5.5 million square feet of non - residential development and a limited number of housing units (1,425 units); and WHEREAS, in 2003 the City adopted a General Plan Amendment for Alameda Point, which added Chapter 9 (Alameda Point) to the General Plan, in order to implement the community's vision for the reuse of Alameda Point consistent with the goals of the Reuse Plan and other City of Alameda policy documents; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9 of the General Plan establishes a buildout capacity of 2.3 million square feet of non - residential development and 1,923 residential units at Alameda Point; and WHEREAS, the City is currently leasing approximately 2 million square feet of buildings at Alameda Point before any new development has occurred and those buildings have resulted in approximately 1,000 new jobs at Alameda Point since its closure; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the General Plan as part of the Alameda Point Project to plan for additional adaptive reuse and new construction of non- residential development and to reduce the number of housing units in order to be consistent with not only the goals, but also the development envelope, contained in the approved Reuse Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a Master Infrastructure Plan for Alameda Point ( "MIP "), which is also part of the Alameda Point Project, that proposes changes to four figures in the City's Transportation Element consistent with the transit - oriented and pedestrian and bicycle - friendly policies contained in the General Plan and Reuse Plan; and WHEREAS, this General Plan Amendment will have a favorable effect on the general welfare of the community and is in the public interest as it would help facilitate the development of a former military site with a mix of uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment provides for continuing internal consistency between each of the General Plan's elements; and WHEREAS, on January 13, 2014, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing on this project and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents in connection with the project and unanimously approved a resolution recommending that the City Council approve this action; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Point Project (including this General Plan Amendment) is fully described and analyzed in the September 2013 Draft Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2013012043), as amended by text revisions in Chapter 6 of the December 2013 Response To Comments on the Draft EIR (collectively, the Final EIR); and WHEREAS, the Final EIR was presented to the City Council on February 4, 2014 and the Council certified that the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq., and reflects the independent judgment of the City, and adopted findings and a Statements of Overriding Considerations for the Project, and adopted and incorporated into the Project all of the mitigation measures for the Project that are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City that are identified in the Findings. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the General Plan Amendment to amend General Plan Land Use Element and Alameda Point Element Table 2-7 as shown in Exhibit A and to amend the General Plan Transportation Element figures as shown in Exhibit B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the proposed Alameda Point Project necessitates amendments to the General Plan in the following areas: . Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element Table 2-7 and Alameda Point Element Table 2-7 are necessary in order to make the number of housing units and amount of non-residential square footage consistent with the development envelope contained in the approved Reuse Plan for Alameda Point. 2. Amendments to the General Plan Transportation Element figures are necessary in order to support a transit-oriented and bicycle and pedestrian- friendly development at Alameda Point and to ensure consistency between the General Plan Transportation Element and the MIP. Exhibit A: Amendment to Table 2 -7 Existing Land Use Element Table 2 -7 and existing Alameda Point Element Table 2 -7 shall be replaced with Revised Table 2 -7. EXISTING TABLE 2 7: ALAMEDA POINT BUILDOUT, 2000 2020 LAND USE CATECORIES UNITS CARE 1-} Inner MARINA 0-P-371 WEST NW TERRITORIES POINT � AL neighbor- -,4-/--24 Core CHBOR hoods HAS t /BUSINESSPARK%OrrICE 404000 0 0 9 1,140,000 _T.INDUSTRY SO.FT.740,000 INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSING SQ.rT.277,500 537,500 7-6-,600 76,500 0 0 430,500 Park /Institutional MARINA RELATED INDUSTRY SQ.FT. 0 0 4'1,250 0 0 44 259 593,500 0 0 CIVIC /INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS SO.FT. 400,000 04 0 30;8801- 0 130,0001 812,000 Parks and Open Space acres COMMERCIAL 24 - 0 0 52,000 0 4$44000 0 SQ.rT.52,000 VISITOR SERVING SQ.rT. 9 0 4908 g 0 130,000 RECREATION /COMMERCIAL 718 0 GOLF CLUBHOUSE /CONFERENCE °CI.rT. 0 0 0 26 408 26,000 FACILITIES SPORTS COMPLEX ACRE 40 0 0 0 17 ACRE 0 0 0 0 244 214 GOLF COURSE MARINA SLIP SLIPS 0 0 030 0 0 530 LIVE /BOARDS 0 0 53 0 0 SLIPS Low DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0 0 0 58 0 630 UNITS MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL UNITS 8632 0 525 490 0 4;87$ HOTEL /CONFERENCE CENTER RGOM 0 0 300 0 300 600 housing to be provided in the former Bachelor Officers Quarters. NOTE: This table represents the maximum build out for Alameda Point. While development intensities have been assigned to ach Planning Ar a, the T REVISED TABLE 2 -7: ALAMEDA POINT BUILDOUT, 2014 -2039 Land Use Categories Units Civic Inner Marina West NW Territories Alameda neighbor- Point Core Harbor hoods Total Office /Business sq.ft.. 537,500 800,000 290,000 0 0 1,627,500 Park /Institutional Manufacturinq/Warehouse sq.ft. 1,907.000 560,000 593,500 0 0 3,060,500 Retail /Commercial Service sq.ft. 628.500 100,000 83,500 0 0 812,000 Parks and Open Space acres 52 24 - - 174 250 Marina Slips slips 0 0 530 0 0 530 Residential units 680 0 27 718 0 1,425 Note: This table represents the maximum build -out for Alameda Point. While development intensities have been assigned to each Planning Area, the development increments can be moved from one Planning Area to another to optimize development opportunities. Additional square footage may be added to a Land Use Category provided that a reduction in the authorized amount of another Land Use Category is made so that no new or substantially more severe environmental impacts (including traffic impacts) would result from the change. A -1 Exhibit B: Amendment to Transportation Element Figures The Street Classification figure below from page 19 of the Transportation Element shall be modified west of Main Street to reflect Figure 22 below. f Street Classifications St'Qt.,r Type I 'LA's. ,r 1E114 T L 'L 1-EET •iiii..\\11.1)11.01\ I lir: ifil:::ii0,11",1 I r rii El. U.; , fl[. or,Li(LikV„i'LSN'Ti •FAPLANF FIGH10-. PROPOSED STREET CLASSIFICATIONS B-1 The Transit Priority Streets on page 34 of the Transportation Element shall be modified west of Main Street to reflect Figure 27. riatt.,.mrtlf.lkttedBrapItk. Transit Priority Streets Tranait Clite tttf, A-Attt/./ftttf EYqit/5 Rtftlrt,74:,t`f, Trr. 8-er- Semldn,„ R;Nts`:STR'R'N's't IIGEND Eic_irsuE PCHT-OF-WAY / artr,t — ttft .RIVARY TRANSIT STREET NECCIRIARY TiAriST STREET THE- STREETS FRANC;;AY.,tip/i ALAMEDA POINT MASTER_ INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN frt. ttt Atf,t6ft.t. CAUP., Ct:Izz.% WaTbea, faxefori, FIGURE 27 PROPOSED TRANSIT SYSTE UttIrk-7•71a.itT5xs_fl_mxtyftrtt'",,A151",,,,ITE,S," The Street Classification Bicycle Facilities figure below from page 35 of the Transportation Element shall be modified west of Main Street to reflect Figure 25. EtroEt ClassiLicatitras BICYCLE Sk,SStS EA ''T °Fsfi'tjEuT arc 81}< UAK: AND IM PEE 4 L HE F SWEET' JILL c i Iu"7-`'i::91BJB;AjE,c,ET FTi`c,ursu:Ty A ERA SN PROPN-1, IKE FA iff/ (,,~LA SS ',A) - EIKE PXILITY (aAss BIKE F) IT) (KLASS 2K) AYE FACILITY ;,CLASS 73) EIKE f'd.ASS 2CL EIKE FACIULL (CAA ; 5R) OTHE STREETS :EP-EAU KEDESRAtigKIKE LIKE SHARE:I PEDESMIAN,SIKE TPAL LAKES KITH PAPLBE Cat LE TRACK', - L,NES ?LH ,LFEER - LANES 'SITU SHE V4LY 5HARE7, RK,KIKLIK AHSrS ALAMEDA POINT MASTER INFRASTRIXTURE PLAN FIGURE 25 PROPOSED BIKE FACILITIES ,...1C.r..11717,',5,,E75..ST rA,,Atrrn,z, I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 4th day of February, 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam and Mayor Gilmore — 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 5th day of February, 2014. Lara Weisiger, City City of Alameda 4