2003-09-16 APFA and CIC minutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY- - SEPTEMBER 16, 2003- 7:25 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 7 :56 p.m. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers /Board Members /Commissioners Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr, Matarrese and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA ITEM (03- 413CC /03- 002APFA /03- 046CIC) Joint Public Hearing: (03 -002A) Resolution No. 03 -12, Authorizing the Purchase and Sale of 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda and Approving Other Actions in Connection Therewith." Adopted. (03 -046A) Resolution No. 03 -115, "Authorizing the Issuance and Sale To and Sale By the Alameda Public Financing Authority of Bonds Relating to the Merged Improvement Areas, Approving an Indenture of Trust for the Bonds and Approving Other Actions in Connection Therewith." Adopted. (03 -413A) Resolution No. 13630, "Approving the Issuance of 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (Merged Improvement Areas) and the Purchase and Sale Thereof by the Alameda Public Financing Authority." Adopted. Mayor /Chair Johnson opened the Public Hearing. Proponents: Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association; and Sherri Stieg, West Alameda Business Association. There being no further speakers, Mayor /Chair Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Daysog stated that he is concerned about the undertaking of a $50 Million bond issuance without going through a public bidding process for the underwriter; Charter Section 3 -15 requires bidding for public work improvements, which is what the bonds will be used for. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003 The City Attorney /Legal Counsel stated Charter Section 3 -15 literally applies to public improvements and works; underwriting is considered personal professional services, not a public work; public work is defined by State law and specifically excludes personal professional services; when the construction projects commence, a public bidding process would be required; services are outside the bid process and require a Request for Proposal, with discretion to evaluate services. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Daysog inquired whether the matter was of concern to others; noted the Library Bond went through a bid process. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Kerr stated that she has concern about financing the three Housing Authority projects, none of which are inside the redevelopment area; the Housing Authority has real estate it could use to refinance; the City's tax increment money is getting heavily burdened; the State is taking money from tax increment; tax increment should not be used as collateral for the bonds; the proposal includes the Housing Authority entering into a loan agreement with the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) to pay for the bond; the State has made a vague promise to repay tax increment money in 2006; inquired why the City would enter into long -term bond financing for a three -year financing gap; inquired why money should be borrowed locally to finance State spending. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the staff report indicates that there will be "funding for additional purposes;" inquired whether action could be taken tonight and decisions on projects, such as the Housing Authority, could be made at a later point. The City Attorney /Legal: Counsel responded in the affirmative; stated the action tonight is non - substantive; projects are not being selected tonight, rather bonding capacity is being considered; $50 million is being authorized; projects will be selected through many hearings and a public process; selection of projects is prohibited. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Kerr stated the Resolutions includes "Whereas in order to refinance City advances and WECIP obligations and to finance the Housing Authority Loan to offset the ERAF transfers;" the items she objects to are specifically defined and mentioned in the resolution. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether direction could be given to revise the resolution. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003 The City Attorney /Legal Counsel responded in the affirmative; stated the language could be changed to make it clear that it is enabling legislation, rather than a specific action item. Bond Counsel Chip Eady of Nixon Peabody LLP, stated the resolution as draft does not restrict the use of bond proceeds or compel bond proceeds to be used only for the mentioned purposes; at the time the bonds are issued, there needs to be a set of reasonable expectations as to how the bond proceeds might be issued; the examples are intended to be illustrative, rather than exhaustive; as the financing goes forward, the items are subject to change; the bonds will not be sold until sometime in October and will not be delivered to investors until late in October; there is still plenty of time to make adjustments and adjustments can be made after the bonds are issued as long as none of the bond covenants are violated in the process regarding the tax exemption. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the resolution language could be changed; if there is concern about some of the uses of the bond funds, the items could be taken out as illustrative examples. Mr. Eady responded in the affirmative. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Kerr stated that her objections are not to slow down the redevelopment in the business districts, rather to preserve the tax increment to allow the business districts' projects to go forward. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated that he concurs with Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Kerr's concerns; the City needs to move forward with the illustrative language removed from the resolutions; the bonds need to be sold to allow the City to start moving on the theater and other projects. Mayor /Chair Johnson noted Bridgeside shopping center is included, too. Vice Mayor /Board Member / Ccmmissioner Daysog inquired whether there is concern about bidding out the bond service. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the matter should be reviewed in the future; the City needs to move forward on the matter; inquired whether there is urgency to take action on the bonds, in terms of the projects. The Finance Director stated the City has been working on the project for two years; the project is complex; competitive sale of bonds is used for single purpose bonds, such as the library bond; Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003 the bond is complex and is more amenable to a negotiated sale agreement; the underwriters have worked with the City since Marina Village was formed; the company's idea allowed the City to get to the point of issuing the bonds. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired how the City would pay the underwriter, to which the Finance Director responded with bond proceeds. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Daysog inquired how much the underwriter would be paid, to which the Finance Director responded 1.250 of the bond issue. The Finance Director stated the City ensures that it is getting a competitive price by providing comparable pricing of other issues that are being priced at the same time the City is going to the market. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Daysog stated since the company provided good service to the City in the past, if the City went through the competitive process, it would prove the company should be selected. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the issue should be addressed; requested the Council be provided briefing on the matter, including options; stated Council should provide guidelines before [selection of bond underwriter], not after the fact. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Gilmore inquired whether the timing is critical and whether the decision could be postponed. The Finance Director stated an action is needed to refund Catellus bonds coming before Council in October; there are timelines that need to be met. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the matter could be considered before the Catellus bond issue to give direction on whether it should go through a competitive bid process; inquired how long the competitive bidding process takes; Council needs a briefing on the process at the next Council meeting before dealing with the Catellus project bonds. The Finance Director stated that she would provide information on negotiated sale versus a competitive sale process. The Acting City Manager /Executive Director stated staff would place the matter on the October 7 agenda. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003 Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese inquired what the impact of delaying would be on the theater, Bridgeside and parking structure projects The Development Services Director stated the staff is in active negotiations on all the projects; delay of one meeting would not have a severe negative impact; delay of a month or two would create problems; noted interest rates are low and might go up. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired how going through a competitive bidding process would impact the timeframe. The Finance Director stated there would be significant delay; bonds would probably not be able to be issued until the first of the year if a bidding process were used. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated approval needs to move forward tonight; the City has waited long enough for the theater and parking structure; other projects, such as Bridgeside, are at critical points; the question of how the City gets the best price needs to be addressed for future bond sales. Mayor /Chair Johnson concurred with Councilmember /Board Member/ Commissioner Matarrese; requested the briefing be scheduled as soon as possible; stated projects should not be impeded. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation to issue the bonds with the illustrative language removed from the resolutions. The City Attorney /Legal Counsel inquired whether illustrative language is being removed to restrict the scope of the bonds or to merely allow flexibility in the future to make the decision. Mayor /Chair Johnson and Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese responded to allow flexibility. The City Attorney /Legal Counsel stated staff understands that the Council /Commission /Authority is allowing for maximum flexibility in order to accommodate future demands and needs. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmember/ Board Member /Commissioners Gilmore, Kerr, Matarrese and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 4. Noes: Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Daysog - 1. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weis iger, C'ty Clerk Secretary, Alame a Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Community Improvement Commission September 16, 2003