Resolution 04078RESOLUTION RD. 4078 ADOPTING SRECIFIZGATIDI,J6p, SPECIAI, PROVISION'S AND PLANS FOR REMODELING CR' THE LIBRARY BASEB1TT. . CAJJEEM. FOR BITES RND DEBEDTIN6 THE CITY CLERR TO ADVERTISE . SA.ME 189 WHEREAZ, puhlic interest and necessity require the remodeling of the base - phnt of the Children's Idbrary and. a portion. of the Eain Libraw7 liasemnt and WiliTIDEAS, the City Frdindar Rad nnerared Specifications, Special.. Provisions and Plano for said wail..., which-Specifications, numbered rw 9 -49 ai6, were filed. in the office of tine City clerk or Septerlier 6, 1649,, NCO, THEREFORE, BE a..T RESOLVED BY IRE COUBDIf OF THE CITY OF PLUBIEBA that thh aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and. 1711ed as aforesaid, be, and the same are (1 19 approved. and adopted BESOLVED, IIRP=i, that the pew-fon:Nance and compiotion. of the work speci- fied in. said Specifications and Provisionn be, and. the same is hereby, authorized. BESOINED, rTliTHEB, that the Council cf• the. City. of Alameda. will receive sealed bids up to the hour of B:05 o'clock P. N. on. Tuesday, September 20, 1649, for the furni-shinppto the Citiz of Alameda of all laioor, materials, methods and. pre - copses, impleriainths, tools, machinery and equipment., except as otherwise specified, ne1 iessarw. for the work hereinahola referred to, In accordance with. said SpecIfica- tionw and Provisionw. Bids pziwt be presented to tho City Clerk, in the Olty Alameda, California, under sealed. cover and plainly marked. on. the outside "Proposal.. for Remodeling of Tiftrary Bsement," or similar desigrption. Contract, if awdrded, will be awliadwd„ shbject to the provisions of the ChahRwpr of thn City. of Alameda, to the responsrbio bidder Ph° Zabists tho ipwnst and best bid. The rIght is reserved to reject any. or all bids. SRld specifications oted provisions may be had by any orospoctive bidder on. application. to the City. Enginer, et his office in. the City Hall, Ad.ameda, Callfurnia The City Clerk is hereby directed. to advertise, In. tee Aaamedw Trais -Star, a notice callir,z for sealed bids, id accordance with the provisloos of this resolu- tion.. and. of said Specifications and Previsions. * d * * * h * d d d I, the undersipned, Eereby corbify that the foregonw Resolution was duiT and recularly Introduce1 . and adopted by tbn Council of tho City. of Alarpda hn. reppliar mooting assembled on the 6th day of SeptchiPier, 2D-40, by the fellowing vote, to wit!. WEBER!, Councilmen Anderson, Jones, OsborrR Sigeency and Presidwnt Branwoheid, (6). NdES: Bone. ABSRI!T: None. IN WITN-NSS leTTERECT.), I have hereunto set: my h.z.r..,:d anJ. affixed the offi cial seal. of paid City. ii-Eu 7th. day of Sopteober, 1f40. P, CIARK (SEALE CiP7Tof tn.:T.:it; of Alano7s. * * * * * * * * I horobR cestify ZRoir th, Chroz,oing ts a Roll, troe anl carreci c(T, ddeed]ol!.on e)de3, ed0f:eld d'ffthelfleih,dl, SI -.2uah] 77t7l1l7N7d odd) fiN7d3 Olth afiED=1 BE 'Phil RIRPhici RZCIEfii7, CPIIIEC BBB BIET fEI PEIRCIEIR -E ' CliR CiE6R 1 ddIdlh":dl lidthohlthed ahu adopted ON i7do Oddddll hd zhe of Iepto7bof, 1666. cf eh. Cla,i,k of the City of Alameda