Resolution 04080191
88,C,018.78,,Cle 80. 4080
1 PP8884288 A840 4880288784 3UDGET ,i888 7.HE 1 .84 T,
878,1,.. 194.9-50: A P ei4,41PRI1871,38,`, CE78,4 ITC 8484S 888.
SAID 718,48eL YEA.8, 4:818 88877YING CERTAIN
7xe88788"8778. -88848erc47 88p8
W888814.81S, there ha9 been submItted to, and f4.8...ed 8188, this C48.14.48:1,
this meeting, a budget reepreconting a financial plan for condeloting the affairs of
the City of Alameda for the fiscal year beginnlrg Ju2y 1949 and end88,4 June 30,
1850, whlch. bu8se.,t marked, "Piled. with. the Cite, 4er8 ir eeee eee'888 "4'
, .
City eounhil, September, 6, 1949";
NCG, TH,88.84088, 3E hh 8838i88eD 3Y 8e18, 48,1841.1. OF' THE: CITY 08 48,48488A th4t
sald budEet as subm8eted to thls 0°88818. at 8eet181E, and each. and eve8,7 part
thereof, be, and the same is he84eby, approved and adeeeted as the budget for 1,he
City of Alameda for the fiscni year 1948-50, and. that the exper8literes of 888
4us suns 42 money thoroin provieed to Le spent for each s8448fie ouroose, and the
several pureosos 1;erlere,len set forth. for 8888e8. such expend4tere,', are p8ovided to be
maae durin tele s888 fiscal. year be, end. tide 8a844, al.4, hereby, approved and authorize
7.-48 7,8 -888888M RESOTNED that there be, anel a8e. hereby., appro8e8ated for
tee fioal year 1844 -.8.,48 for the eureo8e of meet4n8 the cost of sal8r1.4 ane. wages
paid officers and employees, the 84,.3t of eeeintenan8e, operation and for equipment.
an8 other capital. outlay of the reseective departments dIvIslons, end
Ocards eS the City, and for all other purposns 8esele88,8ted 48 said budget for the
respeetive pu8848448 of the said department2, 41,418ions, offices and. board8 of the
eity, anel for such•speclal fe,88s and reerpose de8lsnated 11). said beelset; and
38 .18 80.888,18„8 8888884,841 ghat all of eee8 enurepriations haheir provided 848
are read° out 48 the Gener4,7 44888 fo8 the fiscal 7eae 844g-50, exoeot these mte4e to
or for pur8osee 844 w8:788 special 2488s are 88teblAsele1, and. as to se8h last nen -
tioned. peirpooez said appreerlatlans are 8.881.e cut of the,. spocial f8888 re.!$.8ecti1 ely
estabile4888 therefor,.
4888:1ER RE801888) 8888 se8e. expenditures as nay have been made by
the several 8epartments, divislons, offices nerd boar88 of tne 8ity after tele be a
gihreIng or 8184 84,7eal. year 1248-50, and. hn'er to the eauptier. of beds resolution,
and nave been. or may he duly approve8 by the City Auditor, are hereby ratlfleo,
ceenfirned and. approved, and 8:8814.. ho e4spect,vely ehn.rged a8,--81884. the a.8,88oprea-
tions herein and. in said. budget p8e1 iele4 for.
888 884e8signeed, heroby certify tha, the foregoing 88sol8tion was
duly and rogodarly introuced amd adote by the Council of tha City of .414-1 meda
reruller neetan8 asoembled on t88 888, day of September, 1940, by tne felleeving
vote, to wit:
Councilmen Anderson, Jones, C8888:88, 8804848 448 PresIdent
888884hetd, (8).
e,BSEM: None.
IN WITNESS 7.8848E0F4 I have hereunto set my h1 nd. and affixed. the offl
ei81 seal. of said. City this 7th. dny of September, 10448m,
City -88 cf 88. Cley of riameda
eoreby cert847 thot te.,P 18,88,48414-4 le a 18881, cer88ct :8)88 08
"D8,888,814- e 84, 4D2o, A8e8088T8 888 88,e '8188: A 88M8e8 7,88 481I. 8,38.78 148 184884:80;
8UddC8i7hidtd 07adedm LCATFSS 7cdd 48E 488788880T8888 '8888)8„, 88 .,888 81:8788-
SA 88 78881.88 1,58 88'188'8-4 4888, 8/.88 78(888888888.8 8-888888482 Le:88°48488
aee adocete8 183 the C488411 cee tne 6l8 Oav of Se4teneele, 1949.
Cite, 884erk or the City of Alameda