Resolution 0408619 CdESSEAS, the State of California, throw7h its aspartvent of Putnitio Seaith has sohmitted a Contract for Federal Allocatlops to hooal Sdobaj.o H:ealth Sigenles WHEBES.iS, the City Coancia. Is faxililar with the ochtsflt3 of said contract; 03,3 a, ft, la Ls the public Interest that the 19 .3,3 Ailtiltna0 should entea into caid, 0(3,119301 in. order ttaat rodoral 1:03': 30 allocated. slay be tssd 07 tha ASiameda Sdalth Dopartment; that sa (Jona, pact Stir Pooloral Alicootions t Tola. :PECO 1 r...! Health. enta?;.no 1' rit; .nd that the isayor, of the C ..A.S.anioba be, .71ral he Is Slareby„ aittitchtized 191333 1:e 19 exectote said 3 olltract to.SasSilt 1,.he C-St y .A.1..amed.a, thh herbby certify that tho forecing "C'ssoistion was duty and roEt,..,Ilisthy Ittdat3uned od.cyted. hy hba Cohholt (Aty Of Stseds refo,olar restin: C, tbs. 4.th dory n OctOber 104S, by tla.?. foldiatd.ns vote, to w:it SafES: Sounciltleh Anderson, Jonto, Osborn, Sweeooy saes T debt hhsrsohoica, ICs) I7S T have Istaressito stet my hand and. tist.3 '9 03. seal, of said h111 :1 t0c019., ) (altar °Jerk oO '19': 0' hereby sertity that tha foroFolys 10 a fula, tails anl c1 rrs3t copy of nheooluticon. 4086, AUTHOIiI!SICS. Sift abaS].W.Sdlua 0.S"' A CCard.q..ACT SSASSS CS' JCIA. I, 1941 , 1950," int1 oduon6 and sdo-sted by tits Cosooll na thaa 4th (',ay of Sotobor, 1949.