Resolution 04100RESOLTEION NO: 4100 AUTH0RENING CITY HANAGET Tb MAKE SUPPLEMENKAL APPIECATIOR TO STATE: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ON =AIL? OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOE STATE AS:SISTA:WE IN . DEFRAYING COST OF CONSETUCTION OF TEE ATICANTIC AVENUE SADROTARE SEWER (PREEGT WHEETAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session.), as amended, has appropriated furns for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies, defined therein a8 counties, cities and counties, or cities, so that they may engage in a large public works construc- tion probnam in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and. WHEREAS., tbh City of Alameda has heretofore applipd to the State Director of Elnahce for an allotment of (6E24,094.94, and. said Director of Finance has allb- sated tb said City. of Alameda the sum of 61E4,094.941 and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda now. dwsires to make a supplemental applica- tion to the Director of•Finance and/or the State Allocation Board, as thn case may be, for a reduct.lon of $7,500.00 in the allotment of State aid. for the corstruption of said. project, and there has been. prepared and. presented to this Le2islative Body for consideration a supplemental application for such. purpose; and DEINEAS, said City has made provisions for paying that portion of the or of the project not requweted as an allotrpnt from. the State; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT EESOLEED, that said. Citv . submit the aforesaid sup- plemontal application to the Director of Finance and/or the State Allocation. Board, as the case may be, requesting that the allbtment of State aid for said. project be reduced from 4124,094.94 to E:116,E04.94; BE IT FURTHER WESOUVED that said City hereby certifies that the total es- timate of cost 10 14' paid for thp construction of the Atlantic Awenue Sanitary Sewer (Project Np. 20-7), for which sRid City is maRIng a supplemental application. undbr said Act, is 1)269,845:00, being the sane amount as estimated at the time of mking the original application; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said City. of Alameda horeby requests the State to pay the State's snare of the total actual cost of construction. of thb project for whimh said. City is raking application. fob aid; BE IT 621061:611 RESOLVED, thAt for the purpose of this supplbrental applica- ion, Carl Froerer, City Manager of the City of Alameda, be, and he hereby is, desig hated as the authorized agent of said City, ..and is hereby authorized and. directed to sign the hbrein mentioned suppipmnntal applibation of said City and to submit the same to the State 61rector of Finance, together with a certified statement of the total estimated cost to be paid for construction of the project herein. mentioned and such other information as may be required; and said•authonized agent Is further authorized and. directed, as representative of said City, to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Allocation Board or the Directo of Finance, including requests for payment of the State's share of the cost of the construction of thb aforementioned public works prejecta * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certiMy that 'clip foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and. adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting asserbibd on the 1st day of Novenbrr, 1.949, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Dranscheid, (5). Councilmen Anderson, ,jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President NOES: None. IN WITNESS WhElifUE, have hereunto set ry hand. and. affibbd the official seal. of said. City. this 2nd day of November, 199, CLARK City Clerk of the City ,f Alameda * * * * * * * * * * I. hereby' certify that the foregoinv ip a full, true and correct :copy of "Resolution No. 4.1oo, ,V"', '7 CITY MANAGER TO MAKE SURPIJIMENTAL APPLICATI0N TO STATE DIRECTOR OM FINANCE ON• BEHALF OF TEE CITY OK AllthEEDA NOW STATE ASSISTANCE IN DEFPAYIND COST OF' CONSTIREEKKEET OF THE INERN41' TI1 AVENrE SANITARY SEWER (PROJECT NO. 20-7)," introdubed and a.dopted by the ,'C.,10'1 12 on. the ist day 11, 194W. ..Tb • • :nab bitgvil)rk o7 no City bf 0 lamed