Resolution 0410321S
WITH EKED= SORROW, tbe Como:fit of the City of Alameda records the
death of one cf its most faithful and proficient oubinc offdmials, FMEM ORME 3
merber of wne of Albmgda's bloneer fagtlies, who was first tiff
office of Auditor and Assessor in 1909 by former Mayor TA K. Taylor and was there-
after reeolected by the peoblf to sorTe each. subcessive term for these many yecrso
NOld3 THERE/IDES, SE TT RESeddl109, that, in recoynition of the more than
forty years' service rendered by Mc. frail and. the greab interest he took in. 11 11 the welfbcw of the City and in preserving its historical. significance, the
Councld. of thg City of Alannedf. hfreby exyrfcces its sense of personal loss and Its
sincere gratitude for the privTlege of having had wubh a. loyal and fine associate
in. thb Ottbbs activItifs, Mr. °fell waw edify mindful.. (1 tne imbortarbe of thf
efficient conduct of hls offibe in the bent interests of the City and. was dill-.
gent db thb performance of rls duties.
BE IT FRIWOHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution. be spread in full upon the
minutes of this mweting, and.. that a copy thereof be trenwmitted to tne famodly of
Mr. Erbil, that it may extend. to its members a sincere expression of sympathy and
condolence:: and
BE II' FURTHER RESOLVED, that when thib: meetlmg of the Council of the
City of Alameda adjourns, it shall do so in respect to the hmmory of FRED J. CROLIA
* * * * * * * * *
undersigwyd, heymby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
duly and regularly Introduced and adobted by the. Council. of the City. of Alameda
regfiwr meeting asseAled. on the lidth day of Wfvember, 1949, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES: 11 19 Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President
Arabscheld, (5).
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand. and affixwd the offi-
cial seal of said City. this a6th day of November, 1949.
City. Clerk of the City of Alameda
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
"Resolution No. 4l0d5, IN .kum=vm 07 FRED J. CROTIE" Imtroduced. and adoptfd by
the Council on the loth day. of November, 1940.
offyiflerk el tne Luffy. of Adamena