Resolution 041292 RESOLUTION DO. 4129 ADOPTING. SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL FROVISICRS AND PLANS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF REUSE LATERALS FOE THE FISCAL NEAR NTDINE JUDE 30, 1950, CALLIDS FOR BIDS AND DIRECT= CITY CLEEK TO ANTERTISE.SARTE. WEEMEAS, the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for the installation of house laterals from the street laterals to the procerty• line, and other work appurtenant thereto, for the fiscal year ending june 30, 1 Speolfibations, Special Provisions and Plans are numbered PAT 1-50-1 and breab filed with. the City. Clerk of the City of Alameda on January 17, 1250; NEU, THEREFCEE, DE IT RESOLVED BY TEE courcn ON THE CITY CT ALAMEDA that the aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans,numbered and flied as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby, approved anb adeptede RESOLE:1ND, FERVUER, that the performance and completion. of the work speci- fied Nn said. Sbecifibations and Provisions be, and bbe same is hereby, authorized. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council cf the City of Alameda will. receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock F. M., on Tuesday,•February 7, 1950, for the furnishimc to the City of all labor, naterials, maehinery,bbels and equipment necessary for the inatallattion of house latbrals and other work appurtenant thereto, for the fiscal year saning June 30, 1950, In accordance with sad Spec' and Previsionb. Rids must be °resented to 1 City Clerk, in. the City Hall in• Almeda, California, under sealed cover an1 plaiely narked on the ortpibe, "Pro- • cosal for the Installation of House Laterals," or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, v:11 be awarded subject to the provibions of the• Charter of said City, to the responsible bidder whc schwits the lowest and. best bid. The right is reserved to rbject any or all bids. Said SpbcificatIons inn Provisions may be had by. any orospective bidder n. application to the City Engineer, t his office in. the City Hall, Alameda, California. The City. Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, it the Alameda TiEbs- Gtar, a notice calains for sealed bids ih aboordanee with. the provisiorb of this resolution and. of said Spebifications and Provibion. * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularEE introdeced and. adehted. by trJ Council. of the City of Alameda in. regular :meeting assets:bled on the 17th ;Tay of JanuaRT, 1950, by the following vote, to wit: ATES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Obbbrn, Sweeney and. President Branscheid, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNE2S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h1 nd. anti affixed. trb offi- ial seal. of said City. thls leth. day. of Janbary, 1E50. City. Clerk.. of the City of Alaneda * * * * * * * * 1. hereby certify •that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Not 412E,, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND•PLANS FEE THE INSTALLATION OF HOUSE RATENAIS ENT THE FISCAL YEAR EDDIES...JUNE 30, 1950, aNT;I:ING FOR BEDS. AND DIELETING CITY CLERK. TO ADVERTISE SAME," introduced an .d adbtted by thb Council on. 1 he 17th day of January, 1950. . set