Resolution 04133251 RESOLUTION 210. 4133 WITH. DEEP S05205", the Councll cf the Cjty of 151) lred. records the death of orb of Its inafal employeco, GRACE P. RgD19.0512, whb bJad. worked aa a 7Jamber of thc Health. Deparvannt for, the past three yearaaT NOw, ha259,jasu59, BE la ita2C2pDal), that, iv necoraition. of Frs. Redamnd's 5fDlcient sevviae ard sodrit uf cooperation in petTormIng her duties, thh CounP11 of the City. of Alameda hereby expmssepi ita senyle of personal loss and. it.5 sincere appreciation for hor efforts ao a City ampleyee. DE IT 115)11THER REsora7D, that thls Rocolntion be sp:rea in full upon the najlautes of thia: neeting, and that a copy- thereof be transmitted. to ahe faTdly cf Yrs. nedr,c,cd, that it nay extend. to Itc nem:barn a heartfelt calnression. of synpathy craj condolence°. and kE TOMMIE:2 RESOLVED, that ,51cpn. this aleet1ng of the Couacil. of the Olty or Alameda adjourns, it ahall do so in. respect to thd wbalory of 25ACE P. REDMOND. I, the unerlgseal., hereby certify that the foregoing Reactution. was duly and resularlhy introduced. and adopted. by tbb CounclA. of the Cjty of 1,11.amnda. in. roular meejlaja aosenjol5d. ths 7th day of February, 1950, by the following vote, to wIt: AYES5 Anderaon, Jokies, CsborTI, Sweeney and FrepadDst Branscantd ) NOES: .5.9.1952j12): None. S WENTEDF, I. have herevyto aet rcy hard and affixed the offi- cial sea. P.2 cculd this 2th. day of February, 1252. C2py Clerk of tine City of Alameda I heveby - that the forecyclny jt a fua true anal correct copy of "Opsolution 2o. 4.133., IN 1DHOT1I521j TO O'DAY:1E F. RE=121.5 Introduced and. adopted by thc Dou,rnil on the 7th day ok habrvahy, 7195Ch SIty 9.jjcs ho Olty Ct 2)lameda