Resolution 04143? 6 2 RESOIHTIGN NO. 4143 IIEMOREATIZENG TEE N.= =?ANYHEINT ap THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN TEE MATTER OP RELEASING OFHHAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ArAnHa FROM THE TERMS ff' THE AHICHAT.: SECURITY CLAIM. WHEEFAS, certain reah property in. the Clty of Albmeda, State of Califorrio to wit: 12.14 acres formerly owned and prorated by General. Exginheriag b Dxydock Corporation as a ntlip repair yaisd, whs, by the termr oT certain ship repair con- tracts bet.'42den said. corporation and tbh Undted States Navy, enhaHoered by the Nag tioral Security Onouhen,. and WHEREAS., title to said property has passed. from General Engiroering Is Dry- dock Corphration to Loyola Unixority Foundation, which desirott of s17in1-7. 0cf said property in Ntdostrial sites, brt findb the prophrty atmdraXanYble bocausE: of Its enbumrance by the Nhtional SecurLty Clouse; ann HEREAS, in phrtitulats, the Pennzoil. Company refiners and marketers of phtroleun pnodrbts, is interestod acquiring a sito of 2,2 acres or. said prophrty and. contenriates the ex.pendituth of several hundred thousands of nollars in the canal:ruction of a plant thereon and. the emtloymont of SC7i.0 twenty-five or TVV.V local residents thoreln, but is. not willing to xtHhhaso said. site subject to the terms of said. National Security Clauoe; and HEREAS, thb coransruhtion of the ForazoiJ. plant and the construattwn of additlon51 d. plants on the regaining acreagh in said tract will. Greatly increase the tax revenues of tte City of A:lampHa, wheich source of revenwe haw bewn greatly. dh- pleted. by reawon of the large tax ('74' 557:4 hoinitnns of the Federal Owhophmat in the City of Alameda; NOW, THENEFVET HE TT GESCHYED EY THE COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OP ALnErn that the Navy (4 :4 of the Undted. States of Algerian. bp, arP it is hhreby, memwrialized on this subject, and is respootfully rephested and orgod. to relwase the aferonhationwd. prossorty in the City of 474- 4-3 fro(5 . the terms of thh Nationaa. Security Clause. V•- I, thh undhrsignod, hereby certIfy ttot Phe foregoing resolntion was (loan and regularly introduced. and adopted by thh Council of tho City of Adamhda in regular moeting assextHod on. the 214t day of March, 12.50, by the following votw, tw wit: AYES: Counoilma Andersou, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney' and President Branscheld, (5). NOES: Norh. ABSEIE 1 None. WITHESS WHEREOTH have hereunto set at hhnh and. sfixog the o"5 cial. seal. of the Ctty of ('1475 €:4 this 21wt day of TOLrob, Jh 41 7' Hit Clorg of the Olt y of ageda. * V- I hereby certify that the foregoing it a full, true and correct copy of "Phsolwtion No. 4143, NEHMEOLUIZIEN THE NAVY HEOARTICHTT OF THE UNITED HCATEO OT AIERJCA IN THE MATTER CF TEELHASING CERTAIN REAL 7' "15 T7 7',47 CITGLOITALAHPDA FROM THE TEEMS OF THE NATIONAI: SECURITY CLAUSE," Introdooed 51 1' adopthd by the Council on the 21st dhy of Warch 1 950. /h..