Resolution 04148RESOLUTION NO. 4248 AUTHORIZING.. THE L -ARTIER OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN' THE STATE 07 CALIFORNIA, T77 ECARD CP VISOR CE THE CCEITE OF AfAEMNA AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE CI' ALAMEDA, FOR ERE PURCHASE Of THE STATE'S TITLE TO CERTAIN' TAa DEEDED PRONE= =UTE= ay- THE STATE FOR ITS PROPOSED HICEPRAY lAMER(CAREEET ON THE. kcparmcg pr", MTT7 cia'y 7.7!'.7q7 7".,T_A"Th PPT7r7 WHEREAS, the StatG af Califoacula, Depactnent of Pubilc Works, Ply:Isiah of Highways, has submitthd. a form of agreement between the State of California, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda and thd City Council.. of thm City of Alameda for the purchase of tte State's Title to certain tax deeded pro- perty an provided by Division T., Part 6, Chapter C, of the Revenue arn Taxation Code cf the State of California, which real propemty is situated. wn.the City of Alameda; and miT=s, the public interest and necessity require the acquisition of said real property • thd State of California, fon and. on behalf of the Depart- ment of Public Works, for a hishway Imdrovement in connectihn with 177117 DIAAla- 220-Aid; and. WHEREAS, the coaling price is sufficient to liquidate the delinquent 1, axer:3 and penalties of 4E4.)33 due the City of Alameda, which. chllina price is T11.0.00; cor4 WHEREAS, thd form. of said cggeoemert hds been. nresented to this Council.. dd. this ourt:1. Is familiar wlth samb; NEV, TITIMEEREM EE TT RESOLEED BY TEl CCEICII fa., TEE CITY GP AELMEDA that tde aforesaid probbsethagreemhnt for the gurthase of the State's Title to certain tax deeded drocanet7 and the te-th thercef Id art,. 4-.),e, dedeby accepted and approved by the Clty of Alameda, and the Mayor of En: City of Ala- meda Is hbrelmy adthdrized and directed to execute said agreemert on. behalf of the CTtt of Alameda. and. the City Clerk is authorized to attest the sand. I, the undersigned, hdreby certoLfy that the forego:I:mg Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and addbted by. the Cooncil of tbd City of Alamdda in. remlar meeting assembled on. the 21st day of Earth,. 105.0, by the following vote to wit: Ahanadteld, (5). Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Zweeney and President ABEMEE: None, wITI= ,,EcT, I have hegydtAto•set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City thim 22nd day of March, 1950. J. P. CLARK (SEAL.) City Clerk of the Eity of Alameda I hernty certify' that the foregoing is c. full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 414e, ANTIIERIEING THE EXECUTION' CR AN AGREEMENI) BETAEZEIM TEE E'tATE EN CALTEENNEA, TIE BOARD CI' SUPERIRESaiiS OF' THE CoUnTy OF AIV,MERA THR:CITOY 17 1C71, TEE: CrTY a7 ATIOR,JRIRA, rc,R THE PRECRA3E CF TEE STATE'S. TITLE. TO CERTAIN TAX DEEDED FORFFERTI- RECNUEUM) 3Y TEE STATL FOR ITE FoRCF0sED HIGRAr.TRUFROVEMET THE APPRMILCH TO ERE BAN: PERM ISRAND TARTDCE," introduced antl. cdocted..hy the Council on the 21st day of March, 1950. Ng")) ftt A.mg . g Ol7 17 4erk of the City. 17 f Alameda.