Resolution 04149269 HOSSCEITION TEE, 41,19 ,J. 370EHESS, public interest arid 'access:3.'6y nieetii re tnin recoriitheciiion of San Jhse Loess:se fehm Sheisteut St:reel, to Sije-ii St re E.Jja, raj 'week appiirteneet thereto; and lifiriESEAS, tee City. hes SheciSicati ors, Special Provision:7i and flans for aeld Aerie, which Specificationo, numbered TES 2-50-14, were fifiee in the offloo of tbe City Clerk or Sarah. 22, lil50: SS :EP iiiii00EVED BE TOES COUNCIL OH THE 3133 OF ALEIHSTal, that the aforesaid Speolfloatiohis, Seecital Provisions and Olans, iouribereil anal flied as eleiriessiel, lie, and Toe seihe are hereby, approveli fine adopted. 1-337303, Sleet the poriliirsiesose arsi. of the woeie enoci- floyi in so, lii SeeiniflonTiono ihisehieics-Hi 30, anSi Oho lieroby, HISSIVESS, OsileTESS, Cowhohlii oS the CI ty Al3whodw n?3elvo !Lour ozilS Taeolley, 12, 1050, fse firriiesSilihli to 03s or Alaseeils :ahoy, natehlais, iwiejsees aeon-science HeiociiiiHice Sloes and Previsions. shei be orenented tise fleisio„ 3e. Sith, 03,27, 3- oriowle.„ 'for-yeTe., Y -She i.nes eeee-aaa a'aj harhaj on t-h e.toijo l'Tirosoeai osr S000nsoeueties of Zan jaay Avense," eh sihilAr Oo3ienaiiion„ Contract, aweniiecl, Ho awahileci sir:eject jee, tee jarejerjaaj 0 e Jef the Chahton of the City of Alameda, to the reseiseible bidder wiih submits the _lowest areil best 131.3, The right io reeeloreil to reAject any or all bide. 09,33 Openalfiniatiorin end y be had biy Firer prospective iesideicei on. application to tilie offiee nil the City the Alameda, Calieeneja. The Cline Ciene Thine:by Si:rested to advertise, the Alerie3e, noolhe 303 seaied hide , shiA, , 333' Moo, ans ss said Specifications and whheielees„ I, the undereleincid, lahereby c-ortify that the, foregoi, es oluithion was disiy and. ise3:hjAnly introeushil. and ahoethd by the CohneiS. of thh slty of Alameda efilichreeiiiil regular, assail:bled on 2iiith day of liceech, 3950, by the follow veto „ t 5 - 5 Osborn., eeney shed 'residerit Seecheild, NOES: Shee. A:30313f: Corneilioan. Jhnes, (1). TS WIENS0S WHERSOF, j bRea nereunto-set riT hand and affixed. the offi- cial seal of said. Olty thls 30th day of March, in5o. `jj)e ajey 3T-KilamT,Tiria T hereby certify that lEi.e fore iii is a. full, tree and. correct, capy oil "Re s c :Tut i on. ro „ 4 le, 0 , liEliOISO THE S PEE iliFilli A SETAE., laSEATI STY 030, ASE0 PEA iTS PCT. THE ITECONSTSEilifiSSI 03 SAN JOSE AATESJUS , wi. NUT Si7HEE7 SC. HIGH ii033003, CALI- T.Ti 7CT. BEDS ASD ai HECTien CiTifY CLEAT: TO „LOVERTESE S3iiiiS, " int esselhed en3 adhpted 37 -She Co3hoil on the 23tin Slay of Ta11,1.1i, 1,95 c, .