Resolution 0419231S 2Esclano. No. .19?_ CREEEING A FUND TO RN KNOTTY A3 "IMAM cEmsa GEMEGE CONSTRUCTION RUNE)", MED TenNEFEhmiNau 0,200.00 FROM TEE IRSALTH DETERTIENT REIENGN ALEGI:WE #42 -s. TEL GENRINAI REND TERRRET4 LE IT NREOLEND BY' TOR COUNCIL GT NNE GIaT Oh LIMENELI that a nom fund to bu Ensum anENealth Center Garage Construction. Fund" hefeby created ana. Established> RESORT/RD, NUMSNIRM that the sum of 33,200.00 be, and tne sane is nefeby transferred from thr Nafrith Department Expense nrcoant eed..2 -a of the General FUnd, U f the Oity of' Alameda to said. Health Center Gorake Construction Fund- The Auditor and thh Treasurer are hereby authorized and dimpoted to crests shid special fund anR to make the necessary' trensfers on their respective books. * s * I, the undersigned., hereto. certify tnht the forsEcAnn Resolution mmo daly ahh. renniarly introduced nnd adopted by the Council of the City of Ala.:fens in regcler meeting assembled on. the. Nth day of Junes 1950, by the folio:Ping yptes to wit: AfLu. Branscheid, (5). Ochnuilmen AnRefron, Ton us, Osborn, Sweeney and President NEES. None. REEINNIN None. IN ',-alrNIas INIFITIGTM I have hereunto set ny hand. Clad afT2mter. the offi- cial seal of sold. City this Eth Roy of Juno, 1T5ON 7 "0 ,71777 ,717;:r it7 A1775757L; I hereby certify' that the farchfsanIng. is a full, true hnd cofmert copy of "Resolution. No. 4192, ORNMFING A NUE YllnuD TO DE KNOTT' AS °NEATER. OEUENN GLIOSSE COUSERUCRION" FUTOMUt, AND TRARENNaRING E2,200.00 FROM TNT ETAIEN.DRPARINRET RIINNST 4NICONNT fi(42 -a. OF TER GraaaaL NERD EILEEThusintrodueed. and. adapted hy tbs. Council on ties GMR. dfy of June, 1950. .om sem• o -67-t73- 7-17t7-757777:70