Resolution 04193319 ROSOLUTION NO. _11;1:23_ CREATIRD FUND TO BE FIFCMU DC "CITY HALL fhouRDOEING FLIDD", AT*D ihaAchfhicATUG Dc,(350.00 lieIT THE CITY HAIL =DENSE ACCOUNT fre 30 cb, kokehiiS TO flUIFDINCA_OFTIEFUTENFRAD,FUNCTFUERETO BE IT RECORDED BY ETC GOEFUIL FT' Ta.J,! CITY 02 chlallEDI: that a new fund to ba hrowm as "City FUll Re -Rrofing, Fund". To hereby created and established, RESDINFIl, FDDTHER, thrt the JUM of' 0:0,850.00 be, and the came ie hereby, transferred fTow the. City Hall Di:pence Account Ea. 3D -b, Recalis to Building, of the City of faufiede to said. City Hall. Re-Roofing Fund, Thu Ahhitor (and. the TT**SUTT are:thereby authorized efT. diTocted to create said. spacial fund to hake the netechary Thu:ff.:fere oh. their respectixe books. I, the undersigned, buyaby certify that thy: fraTagolug Resolution was dhly and. reghlorly introdebad. anh. adoptch by the Oohno:0. of the City of Ai:Rhein if regular meeting ascarhlai. ch. the "fhl, day of Curt, iffef, by the. following vote, to wTt: . AYFFC Councilmen Ondereon, Jearta, Osborn, Sweeney and Prasieent Draanscheid, (5). oURUFT: None, iN 5hTMEOC .':„-THamo, I hate hereunto cat h hand. arch affixbd.. tht offi- cial. seal of aaJd City iffis 8th day of Fuue, '1950. 3). I haheby cactify zhe ieitheing LE a fall, 1.*:E** ELd 001*:COt ahoy cf "Resowctior ha, GREATIRC , DT- FITT0 f0 rE eS tOUlTI :LILL gh -CCOUTUC ADD) 3)33TDO "Ifffai. Drif C,-22`17 ETIffiDE COCIGIFT 30-, FDDeIRS TO OFTDOIRD, fr fUe DECUhAh aF:ID DflhTf0," iDtrOaOCHO *6C2t*C bY tbe Ch rth daz of iune,IUDO. 4 C of the oil-777-7;