Resolution 04201327 nESONNTION NO. ,2;281 57(ihnOdinnhiNd 8475.60 yarT,T TIM LIB18C15:8 RENO:a:ENING 'FUND TO TEN ImbiTil. MeTInded FUND NESOIVOD C8 anue) COUNCIL Oif TEE CITY Oh' nkeenhh. that the suim of )4(18875.(50 be, and the sak.e ie hereby', tinnsferred fnow the libeery Ramoddlih aduna to tho Capital Outlaya The Muditor end the Treaaurer are hereby catebrized and directed to make. said trencher on their recpectite bound. I, the undersigned, Idereby certify tebt the fere:doing ilbsclution wed dude' and. ra(aulahly Inthodupon and. adopted by the Council. of the clty of Al(mlada in reiediar meetind acne:table°. on the 7te. day ol' (Tune, 1950, by the folloeino ybtad to-wit: adES: Counbilueu Endorbon, Jones, Cobern, Sweeney and. President Eranacheid, (5). NOES: None. diaeali: None. IN TaTuT i8IMid.)&h I have herder:I:a set my' hand. and ahfimbe the dled oeal of auid City thin 8th. day of Idea, 1950. nly aro' C C:ff' 77-77177-377 T. hereby' certify' teat. thc foregainE is a fult, truo end. cod:Toot copy of 8Eaeolaelon No. 4281) 8idahnedIailING A75,=60 Iddha TUN "IllaidIEY hinliTICLIN8 FUND TO TIE. OneTIML TUNCed introduced and ado:fetal by tee Counbii on tho Ode. day of dune, 1980( knd - /