Resolution 04203PILNDSMNSON N Cm _ CONTIBLING AMEMLOSIIMO CS DISONtaild MCC( ASS24491,19M7f )(4)5R0EI 90 BAY FAME ISMAND SEMEN LBSESEBECIT DSTRICT ISSE01)0(g_ 19,0„„„),_,49 RESOLVED BY LEL COUNCIL CSC LSE cirl KLAMBSn that WHEREACN an. assessment End dimgram wad made and filsd with the City Clerk of said City, all pursuant to Resolution of Intention. Nn. C817, adopted hy the City Counmil of oaid. 0Aty dr. September. 7, 1949R Fnd. the provisions of Article 4, Chapter 5, Title 'NIA of the AlarAnts. Municipal Code, and said asses- sment was confirmed. by. said. Onunaid. on Catober 19, 1949, and recorded Sm. the offine of the Onperintendent of Stronts of said. City; ELLIEDS, cemtain Moto sr parcels of land, bearing Assessment No. 90, upon. which there are unanid. assessments agsinst which bonds have been Mashed under said Alumnae Mnniclusi Code, hos been divdded. 30 that they no longer cora form. to tan original harcela as shomn on. said assessment; SHEREASS, the City Eng:inner has caused. to be drepered and filed wdth thn City' Clerk a repcmt, consisting of am. chained assessmant era. dAaNfdo of the lot and. parcel so,dividnd, sHid parcel bein6 designated. an Assessment Noo 90; and WHEREAS, on. NNdoesdny, the 7th. day of June, 1950, at tre honf of 8700 o(olock P. BR, at the regular uneting "(dace. of oadd. City Council, Council 0anutnrs„ City IBNMR ntamods, a hearing was held by this Council and. Nbtipa of said. ;leaning man given. br' 'publication in hra Alanda Times Atftsr, newmpubber of (mecums) cSmou- lutinn, pdalished and printed •in said City, the fihst publication being nnt more than ter. dhr8 before said heenin.g. NOW, THEREFORE, as IT RESOLVED that the urrada. instalisant of said. original assessment 8hall be segregated and apportioned in accordnnme with. the benefits of tha several p8fts of the oarithal Mot and parcel.. and the tots1 amount of thn assessment of the several portions of the oripMnal. lot or anundi snmil be scum" tn the unpaYni assessment upon each original. lot or carpel of land. BE IT CbLASbon( 9d,),(MSTEL that tre City Clerk. of said City snail nape re- conhed the sounded assessment is. conformity (Pith m314) emstnuerts report) 4, tha unammaisana, ;hereby certify trrt -era foregnin.9 'Resolution vas dair End. regularly introduced and adopted. by. the Council of the City' of Alschda in. rearinr (nethrg assembled. on the 7ta. day at June, 1950, by. the folleming votn, to -Bith LA99: Como/115cm 2.,!.126,7,n, Jones, Obtfxrd, Athamay ohd VIBE:Mont Brobcoseed, (5). nonem ADSENT( hone. NE WIALMEME) CLICSDNIM I nous ktfreubto 8et ry Isuul End. odhfimed the oidhi- cieu nes; of maid 'City this 9th ass of June, 1950) 0 T-THF-75.1.7773177:117:177a7E- hereby certify that tan forego:1ra 13 a full, true and. connect copy oM gResolution. Bo. 4209, 00NENUMING AMBRDMENT MF DIUMBEIM ACM 9SSESSMBnY OF PBBLET 90, BNB ISILLE S7MEN ACCESaYYNT nTsTaicT, LNCTECT NB. 1,9 introduced. shR adoptod by the Council Oh the 7th day of June, 1950. oTE:7/0 rK'ET7E7-iTIHT7T-ZE;ZT--- 329