Resolution 04239377 RESOLUTION T.O. 4239 AUTHORIZING TEE ACqUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBIIC STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, public interest and necessity require that the real property her inafter described be acquired by the City of Alameda for public street and highway purposes; and WHEREAS, Pearl Mecartney, Meda Mecartney Willard, formerly Meda Mecartney, Myrtle Mocartrey Willard, formerly Myrtle Vecartney, Mignon Mecartney Hell, formerly Mignon Mecartney, and Lita Mecartney Aubert, formerly Amos Leta. Mecartney, are the owner of the real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, hereinafter described, and are willing to sell the same to the City of Alameda for the sum of $750.00, for street and hi.,:way punpuses only; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 'T RRSCT.VED BY TH-2 CMINCII OF THE CITY 62 ALAMEDA, as fellows; Section 1. That the City of Alameda purchase from Pearl Mecartney, Meda Mecartney Willard, formerly Leda Mecartney, Myrtle Mecartney Willard, fornerly Myrtle Mecartney, nignon Mecartney Hall, formerly Mignon Mecartney, and Lita '0'- cartney AUbert, formerly Amos Leta Mecartney,f'or the sum of 750.00, that certain real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Califor- nia, more particularly described as follows: BECITMING at the Intersection of the southwestern line of Lot 6, containing 17,80 acres, in Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 3 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, with the south eastern line of the 10-acre tract of land thirdly described in the decree of distribution in the matter of the estate of Dollle Mecartney, deceased, Probate No. 72508, in the Superior Court of Alameda County, a certified copy of said decree was recorded August 12 1940, in Book 3951 of said 0ffIcial. Records, nage 227 (MM/43214) said point of beginning bears S Z3* 53' 56" W 93,63 feet, more or loss, from a point Or, the meander line of Salt harshen, distant along said meander line N 75* 47' 161' W 135.91 feet, mere or less, from survey stake 10, as said meander line and state No. 10 are located by and listed on Table II, Meanders of Salt Marshes under "Islands", according to the "Map No. 2 of Salt 71arsh and Tide Lands situate in the County of .Alameda, State of California, 1871", prepared by order of the Board of Tide 'and Cominissionere and filed In the office of said commis sioners in San Francisco, certified copies thereof having been filed with tho County Recorder of the City and County of an Francisco and in the office of the then Surveyor General of the State of California (now the office of Department ef Finance, 81vision ef State Lands); running thence north 75* 41' 30" west 397.35 feet; thence north 72* 04 35" west 298.22 feet to the northwestern. line of said 10-acre tract; thence along the last named lino north 34-( 13, 56" east L5.43 feet; more pr lesp, i.o . the southwestern line of Lot 2,' in SeCtlen A, Township 2 South, flange 3 West, Molint Diablo Base and Meridian; thence along the last named line S 73* 52' 04" E 141,94 feet to the meet western corner of said. Lot 6; thence along the southwestern line of said Lot 0 south 72* 41' 04" east 548.71 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land being a portion of a. larger parcel of land described as follows BEGINNING at a point on the meander line of salt narshes extending from Tide Land Survey Stake to 10 to Tide Land. Sur- vey Stake No. 11, as said line and Tide Land Survey Stakes are located by and listed on Table II, Meanders of Salt Marshes under "Islands", according to the "Map No. 2 of Salt Marsh and Tide Lands situate in the County of Alameda, State of California, 1871", prepared by order of the Board of Tide Land Commissioners and filed in the office of said commissioners in San Francisco, certified copies thereof having been filed with the County Re- corder of the City and County of San Francisco and in the office of the then Surveyor aeneral of the State of California (now the office of Department of Finance, Division of State Lands) said point of beginning being distant along said meander line north 76* 47, 16" west 135.91 feet from said Tide Lard Survey Stake No. 20, said Survey Stake No. 10 bears 2 77* 33' 46" E 011.79 feet from U. S. Coast and. Geodetic Survey Traverse Station de- signated as "Cart -,j'", and all bearings used in this descrip- tion are based on U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Californla Coordinate System, Zone 3, commonly known as the 'lambert System"); and running thence along said meander line north. 76* 47' 16" west 706.23 feet; thence south 34* 13' 50" west S9.45 feet; thence south 72* 04' 35 ea2t 298.22 feet; thence 3 7 south 74* 41' 30" east 397.35 feet to a line drawn south 33* 53' 56" west fro m. the point of beginning; and thence rbrth 33* 53' 53" east 03.63 feet to the point of beginning, or the following tern s. and conditiuns, to-wit: (a) That seed, merchantable title in fee simple in said real property be conveyed to the City of Aianeda, free and clear of all objections, liens, encum- brances, clouds and claims of title save and except the condition that II.7the City of Alameda at any time it the future abandons the use of said real property for street and hi-*way purposes that thb same shell revert to the grantors. Ch) That the title to said. real property be evidenced by a policy of title insurance issued by a title insurance company satisfactory tc the City Attor- ney, insuring title it the City of Alameda, as provided in the preceding subdivi- sion (a). (c) That -anon deposit with said title insurance company, for delivery to the City of Alameda, of a good and sufficient dead of grant In accordance with subdivider. (a) above set forth, conveying acid real property to the City of Ala- meda, and the issuance of a title instzrance ā€˛policy as aforesaid, satisfactory to the City Attorney, said title company shall pay to the above named grantors the sum of $750.00 for said deed. Section. 2. The sam of $776.0C is hereby appropriated from the Capital Outlays Fund of the City of Alameda to pay the purchase price of said real property and cost cf title insurance poilcy. * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing He solution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled en the 5th day of September, 1950, by the following vote, to-wit: ATZES: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. aN WITN7SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this Eth day. of September, 5050. (SEAL) I. CLARK * * * * * * * * rk of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the foreacing is a full, true and correct coyy of "Resolution No. 4239, AIITHORIZIM THE ACQUISITION OF CEP.TATN HEAL PEOPERTY F0P. PUBLIC WHEEI AND HICIPW{ PURPOSES," introduced and adopted. by the Council or the 5th day of September, 1900. WA' ulity 21erk of thd City of Alameda