Resolution 042453S4 RESOLUTION NT. 4245 REAT:NM ANT ESTABL_SHING NNE POSITION GT NITNIGN STRIVTIRLPHEF-CIINNT" IN THE DISASTER DEFENSE DETAPINENT Or TTE CITY OT' PREDDRRIBING THE DUTINN ANT NIXING THE /1 10 THEREOF. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ATANEDA, as follows: Section 1. Thb position of 'Senior Stehograoher-Clerk" im hereby created. and. established in the Disaster Defense Pnbarthent of thd City of Alameda. Section. 2, The duties of the position. of Sbnior Ftebmgrapher-Cierk, and of the person holding sxbh position, shbll be as follows: To take and transcribe difficult or technical. dictation.; to perform typing and clerical duties involyinx Independent discretion and rennorribillty; to serve as secretary to the head of a major division. or department; and to ao related. work as reepired or directed. Section 3. The salary for the position of Sentor Stermgrapher-Cierk be, and is hereby, fixed. as follows: For the first year 5:204.00 per mbuthm. For the second year 210.00 per month; For the third and subsequhnt years, 3.4.50 per month- * * * * * * * * the undbralsobd, hereby certify thnt thb foregoing Resolution was duly and rogrlarly Introduced and adopted. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular rnbting assembled on the 1.9th day' of September, 1950, by the feblowinh rote, to-uit PrHES: Councilmen Andbrson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). NCES: None. ATUSINU: None. • IN—WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herermto set my hand and affixed. the offi- cia1 . seal of said. City this 20th day of September, 195C, _2. P._ CIARN_ _mum City. C:erk of the City 3. of Ala a * * * * * * * * I hereby certify. that the foregbing Is a full, true and correct copy of 1110 (111-1 No. 4245, CREATING AND ESTADIJSNTNC THE POSITION OF ',SENIOR STINNWMbrRITER CLERED IN TEE DISASTER DEFENSE DTPIMTYHTFT CD THE fITY OR. ATAMITA, =30:u7n-Jr. T0 7 DUTIES AND FIXINU THE-SALARY THERIOT'," introduced and. adbpted by the CouLmil on thb 19th. day.. of Septbmber, 1950. yumn urThetc . , CitytC1Shk of thmUttt f of meths