Resolution 042463Ei S 9ASOADTIOB BO. 4246 A.BIDOBIZ:ING TONE EXECUTION OF AN AGaIDE,V= DIJB THE CI= OF au,c.u°,7,D, ACTING BY. AND TB:DOUGH ITS BOARD OF POET couyIssaomas, AND ACCEPTING A CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY, AUBM:akS, tge City. of Oakland, a mtbAcipal oorporation acting by and. Mftrough its Board of Phrt Ooranitesionogh, and. the fley or Alameda, a municipal cor- poration, have negotiated with reference to certain. real oroberty acquired 17 said 'City of CaAAand dr the Citg of Alamer]a and abutting thm Oakland Municipal Al,jrgort; and CIEERICAS, the City of Alameda is desiewus of obtaltolng thh use of said longs for nagb ard oTbor rubohfc purposes; and WDERFAB, the CIty of Oakland bas submItted to thh City of Alamedx an. agree- ment and conveyance dated the 13th day of Juno, 1.950, by' and betweenoth City of Oak- land, 9. municipal 1111 11' of the State of Caltfonnla, acting by and. through its Beard of Port Congisoloners, an.d. thb City of Alameda, a rubdcipal 0o1 :1:oration!: and WHEYBEAC, it Ds to thr advantage, benefit and best interests of the CIty of Alameda and. the citizens thereof that sald am,reement shcbld. be executed by the City. ot Alameda and the aonveyanos of the land. dascribed therein be accepted; NOW, TBCONEJPODE, RE IT RESOXOTED BY TINE COUTBAB OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. that the aforesaid agreement herelrxbove referred. to and the tergh and. condltlonh tgAreof be, arb the same is hereby, accepted and approved by the City. of Alameda5 and. the Mayor cof tho Cdty of Algmhda is hereby authorized :god dB-is:Dr.:tad to sgeopte said. agree- ment on behalf of :Moo City of Alameda and the City Clerk is ,,1 tc atteet thz samo. BE TT Fil:A.B172 RESOLVET,, that Mde conveyance of Mae real property dhocribbd In oaid agreement and conveyance be, and. the samh is hereby aucepted on behalf of the Clty of Alameda, and. sold C.j.ty 17'l actbog for and in. beexlf of said. City, hereby ccgserts to the recordation. of said d17 ed. and ordero this resolution. te be at- tached thereto, as requIred by Bection 27291 . of the BovornbansM Code of the State of Callfornin- I, the undersignd, hbroby certify' tboot the foregging Bosolxtion was duly end regularly intBoduxed abg adopted. b.y Mne CounegY. of the City gf Aaameda. in regular mooting assembled on. the 19tb, day of September, 1950, by the following votee to-wit: AYES; Cchnhilmen. Anderson, Jbnho, Chborn, Sweery mad Pre9ident Brag-gr:hold, (5). NOES: None ABSEET: None, IN WITNESS W.:ERECT, I have hAreunto set my. hand and afflmied the official Stia-d.. of sadh. City thAs 20th. day of Septehehr, 1950A j oTzlem (SEAL) City CAIrk of the Citg of AlameNIT- hereby certify. that the foregminh is a ftaa, true and. correct copy of "Resolution Nc, 4246, 17 1'711 THE EXECTICIOT OF AN' AGPICMJJET7 WTTH THE CITY GF OAEOWMD, ACTAXS BY AND THRBUGH ITS BOARD 02 fOriT COMMISSIONENS AND ACCETTING A CONVETYANOE CI, HEAL ABOPERTJB," lontroduced. anh adhgted. by thh Cobbhil on 'elm; 1.9tb. dxy of September, 105.0. co- o „of 17 /01' Cieg Bloble of thg City 7:-Tikamecia t /