Resolution 04247RESCEETION ND. 4247 ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT FRDIA AIAMTDA MLESAL EDMES CORPORATION IN CEETWAIN DEAL DOHERTY,. FOP SEWER PURPOSES, AND CONSENTING TO THE HECORDATION huraboss As Ex-so ----Eh-soh WIEMITSEAH3,. a certain inhenture dated the 24th day of August, 1950, made ba anh 14'3' Alameda Ettual P.OnleS Corporation, a corrasation, as party of thb firA part, and. City of AlaEnda,• a municipal corpnration, an party of the seconb partg wan, on or about said date, executbd. and delivered. by said. party of the first part to the City of Alamedet; and. WHEREAS, by said indenture, the grantor therbin named granted to the City of alambda a. perranbnt easembnt shot right of way. to, at ahy time, or ''1 time to time, constrnct, maintain: 3' 3, Per:lobe, remove and. renew undergiscbrd sanitary ewey*s and/or draErn in, tHrouch, undohand along that certain piece, strip or parcel. of land. situated. in thb City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and more partloularly described in said Granb of Easement; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda did, on. the 19tn. day cf Sectember, 1950, accept saah. conveyance and acquired possession of the said 3''1)1'. 1' in the said real pxoberty; NDW, alidESITEPHJg. DE IT- PDPREETI BY' TFE COuPCID OD PPE Otrsh OE ALAMEDA that the aforementioned indenture be, and the same is hereby, accepted on. behalf of the City of Alaneda, and said. Chty Courbil, acting for and In behalf of said Sty, bbreby consents to the recordation. of said indbrture and. orders this recolutiox. to be attac33 ed. thereto, as required by Sbstin, 2E23' : of the Goverment: Codb thm State of Califorrla. * * * * * * * * I, the undersi8ned, hereby certify tbat Ebe foregoinE Desolutibn was dbEy and. regularly introduced. anti 11 114) by the Council of the Ditty of Alarbda in. regular may:tins asseybled. on thb 19th dRy of Septerfonr, 19503 by thb following vete, to-wit: AIES: Counbilmen Andbrson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and. President Brarscheld, (5): NOES: here. ABSENT: Nbne. IN WUTFESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hard and affimbd the offi- clad. seal of said City this 20th day of Septeyher, 1950: (SEAL) CiChTS Clark of City of alameca bc-on- scht:fs, that tte foncac1 is p :rue anH correct COITT of 'icsolutien So. ACCEPEINC GIMPS OINEU‘SEREAT 3 LAT.7,17A 2.11-7A7 huhn: red cVYLA:7 4 3, CC"' 'iv:, EP fisEADOWC, °SEEDED:ED rc 'FR SEDGE:CAT:hi -SUPOCF," introduced And, ads:tad by the Counc'. 1 on tbe 12th day of Stitember, df50, City(Cle o of the (Era or A2ameda :ow