Resolution 04248397 P2SOLITTION NO: 424:3 APPRMitiNa FIRST SWITIEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGNONFiNENT F.02 Ea-FintelTUNE OF GAS TAX ATINATION FOR YAMMR CITY. STREETS AND AL7HNITIZING_EaECUTICV TIETEJ.Th WHEREAS, tht State of California, through. its Department of IhWelic Works, DI:vision of Tighmays, has presented. a First Supplemettal. YomerahAvv!. of Agreement, in accordance with. a project atatanart submitted. for expenditure by ttt City of the gas tax allocated under the broviaions of Sectionw 1.94 and 91o7 of thw Streets ant jih:Mbways Code, for the fiscal gear ending June 30 1951, for streets of najor importance other than State hjghmays, 'tithe City of Alameda; and 'OTTERITIS, tbw City Council is famlimr with. thw tortents of said. agreement; NOW., TBEREFORE, BE 17' RESOLVED Bit THE COUNCIL OF THE CPTY COF MANE:DA. t said project statement be, and it Is bwreby, adopted as T- of proposed ext oenbitures of the gao tax allocated. for streets of rimjhr :importance other than State highways, and sowld. First '111-14 111 Menwrandur of Agreement "ow, and the S84-le is hereby, aporoved, and. the Mayor and the City Clerk. are directed. to eign. the name on behalf of said City, said agreenert to be binding upon the City upon. its emeovtion by the 1411 74-0 officials of the State. I, the undersIghtd, hereby certify. 1- 4- fortgoing Resolution. was duly and rogularly Introduced and adwgted bg the Council of tht ChLty. of Alameda regular meeting assembled on the 1;'.thth day of September, 1950, by the fojaewing vote, to wit! AYES: Councilmen Mndoracn, Jorwe, Osborn, iiwoenmy and President ranscheid, (5). NTTS: None. ABSEnh Nor. IN MITEESS WHEN:HEW, T. have hereunto setehy hand. and. affiged the offi- cial. seal of said City. this 2Gth day of September, 105C. CLABN: ( SEA ) City :Clerk of the City of Alameda I hereby 14-14-1 91 that t3-- foregoing is a full, truo and correct copy. of "TM:solution No. 4246, :MPTAOVIEG FaRi717. SUNTIENENTAL NEMCRANDUli OF AG=1777.: NCR. EXPEMITURE OF OAS htX ALLOCATION NOR MAN:013. CliN ST:FEET:3 AND 4- UTHiNgiNiTiN1 EN=- TION THEEEOF Introduced and adopted by thw Council oh the lath day of September, woh: N oh •,••• • , ) Citiv Clerk of the Ctty of Ailwavec Nm/